Chapter 9
“I’m sorry,” Sophia says, smiling and shaking her head. “It’s such a busy week, I should’ve probably met with you next week.”
“No, its fine.” I say, returning her smile.
I notice that each of the women has a large tote bag beside her somewhere, and their coats and handbags are stuffed around them. They look like they’ve moved into the corner of this café. They all have to-go drinks, and I realize I should probably order something.
Soraya looks me over, I feel her eyes scanning me. She fixes a smile on her face, “I like your outfit,” she says to me. “Its cute.”
Is that smile sincere? Or is she making fun of me?
“Thanks…” I say, tentatively, gauging her expression.
What do I say?
“So…You’re models for Alexander Accardi... I mean – wow – that must be amazing…”
I’m stammering. Am I stammering?
The women look at each other.
Vanessa speaks up, “Well, I mean, it is absolutely amazing being a part of that iconic fashion house and walking the runway for them… I mean, its always been my goal to walk for Alexander Accardi. You know?” She implores me with her huge sparkling aqua eyes as the other women nod along with her, murmuring their agreement.
I nod.
“I’ve never been to a show, but I’ve always wanted to,” I say.
“Aww… she’s a puppy!” Drea announces to the table, leaning back in her chair and smiling.
The women erupt in soft laughter.
They think I’m a puppy.
These glamorous women that are actually younger than me…
I feel like I am slipping through a tunnel, going down.
“Drea walks for Alexander… Versace, STAUD, Victor Curio…” Sophia shakes her head, “are there any I’m forgetting?”
“Watters, Armando Anatto…” Drea supplies.
The big names are hitting me, and I feel my anxiety rise.
“Soraya also walks for Versace, Oliviani, Samiv, who else?” Sophia says.
“...Meiow, and Weiko...” Soraya says, nodding.
Oh my God. These are all the fashion heavy hitters.
“Right, right…” Sophia is saying. “…and Vanessa also walks for Zara, Cuyana, Lina Pinkerton…”
“...and Lane Quinn,” Vanessa finishes.
“They’re amazing,” She says to me, and then turns to them shaking her head, “I don’t know how you do it, running here and there walking in so many shows this week…” Sophia says, gushing.
“She’s too modest. She’s Alexander’s only exclusive model,” Drea explains to me.
“She’s an icon,” Soraya says.
“She opens the Alexander Accardi show, and closes it,” Vanessa says.
"But, I don’t get to walk for anyone else, like they do,” Sophia says, her eyes darting to each of the other women.
Sophia reaches across the table and looks into my eyes, touching my hand, “If you’re interested in going to the show, I could put you on the VIP guest list for the show and the afterparty,” she says.
“Are you serious?” I ask, incredulous. The show opens tomorrow, tickets for purchase have been sold out for almost 10 months. Any other tickets are for fashion editors and press only. I have been forming some relationships in the fashion world through my PR job, but haven’t been invited to attend one of these yet.
“It’s one of the perks of being Gio’s muse,” Drea says. The other women smile and nod.
“Gio is Alexander’s lead designer. He’s taken me as his muse.” Sophia explains.
“And Alexander’s taken you as his favorite,” Soraya says.
“Well, I don’t know about that…” Sophia diverts her eyes to the floor.
“See? She’s too modest,” Drea says.
“And, she’s our scholar!” Vanessa gushes. These women seem so supportive of each other. They all beam at Sophia.
“Oh, stop…” Sophia laughs.
“She’s in her second year at FIT…” Vanessa tells me.
“You’re going to school for fashion design?” I ask. The Fashion Institute of Technology is a world renowned school for fashion design.
“Yeah…” Sophie says, smiling.
“Yeah, you should see her designs, she’s really good,” Vanessa says, the other women nodding in agreement.
“Oh!” Drea exclaims, jumping and looking at her phone. “I got the text. We’ve gotta go,” she says looking at the other models and beginning to stand and gather her things.
“Awww…” Sophia whines. “But Natalie just got here…”
Soraya shrugs and Vanessa smiles as they stand and gather their jackets and bags, chairs noisily scraping against the tile floor.
“I’m going to stay just a few minutes longer,” Sophia says, remaining seated.
“Ok, do whatever you want, we’ll catch you later then,” Drea says.
“Ok, I’ll head out in just a few minutes. I just want to at least say hi to Natalie…” Sophia says, gesturing to me.
I smile.
“Ok, Bye Soph,” Drea says, and the women grab their to-go drinks and leave together in a chorus of “Bye Sophie,” and “See ya,”’s.
“Nice to meet you!” Vanessa calls from the doorway, and Soraya waves one hand straight up into the air, and then flashes a peace sign as the trio exit.
I sit up straighter, opening my mouth to reply, but they already disappeared around the open door.
I shut my mouth and turn my gaze to Sophia.
She smiles at me.
“Do you want to see some of my designs?” She asks with a sparkle in her eye.
“Sure,” I say, shaking my head.
She reaches into her oversized tote bag and brings out her tablet. She opens the book-style case, types in her passcode and it opens to folders of drawings. She opens a folder and selects a drawing. It pops onto the screen.
It is a colored-in drawing of a model wearing an ethereal looking dress, fitted at the top with drop-sleeves that hang around the shoulders. It is indigo at the top, teal across the breasts, and fades into a soft yellow sheer skirt with a long slit up the thigh… the entire dress is adorned with matching crystals, and the panties are designed to be seen through the dress – a matching indigo and teal bikini bottom also adorned with crystals, glittering beneath the skirt…
It looks like a goddess should wear it…
“Wow… This is amazing…” I say. Sophia closes that drawing and taps another. A new a drawing pops up of a model wearing a dress in gradient purple, starting at a dark eggplant at the neck and lightening into a fuschia by the bottom of the skirt. The neck is gathered at the top and the waist cinched, reminiscent ancient of greek garments... the flowing skirt has slits up both sides.
She shows me drawing after drawing of the most beautiful and other-worldly clothing I have ever seen.
“Wow… These are amazing…”
“Thanks,” Sophia says. She closes the tablet case and slips it into her tote bag once again. “I want to be a designer… But, Alexander won’t even look at my designs, and I don’t know if anyone will take me seriously as a designer, after having been known as a model for so long…
I nod.
"I mean, really. No one takes you seriously when you're a model. You're a mannequin. You're just there to act out someone else's vision... And..." She looks around the cafe, and back to me, "I can tell you this, because you're not a part of that world... But.." she leans in closer to me and her eyes dart around the cafe again. She speaks softly, "I'm 28... But my resume says I'm 24, because otherwise I wouldn't work in this city ever again... but... nothing lasts forever...."
We sit in silence for a moment.
“Anyway, I should really go.”
I nod and we both begin to gather our things. As she grabs her to-go cup, I realize I never ordered, but I might as well leave if she’s leaving…
She links her arm into mine like she did at the hotel, and we walk through the café. She nuzzles her face into my jaw as we walk, kissing my neck lightly, and then slides her hand down to my hand and slips her fingers through mine. She squeezes my hand and I feel a rush through my body. I turn my face towards hers and smile, and as the café sweeps by us, I am dazed by her smile, her aura, her entire world… and Sophie and I walk side by side through the front doors, out onto the TriBeCa Manhattan sidewalk.
She stops in front of the door, “Oh! I’ll need your last name for the guest list. Zane’s too, if it’s different than yours. Zane’ll be with, right?” She slips her hand from mine and reaches into her tote bag, pulling out her phone.
“Um…” my mouth goes dry.
She looks at me with those gorgeous eyes.
“You should bring him,” she says, as if its a no-brainer.
“…Okay…” I find myself saying, “Morrissey... Zane and Natalie Morrissey…”
“Zane… and Natalie… M-o-r-” she is typing into her phone.
“r-i-s-s-e-y.” I finish.
Why am I agreeing to what she wants? I don’t want Zane around her ever again.
And what about all of those other models?
Oh my God…
“Tomorrow,” she looks into my eyes, “7:00. Cristello’s. You’ll be on the VIP guest list, make sure you bring ID.”
“Okay,” I say to her, and then she smiles at me, squeezes my hand again, and then turns and walks into the crowd.
“Oh!” I call out.
I almost forgot.
She turns her beautiful face back to me.
“Do you want to come over for a hot tub on the roof at my place tonight, after your dress rehearsal?” People are starting to maneuver around and between us.
“Ah…” she muses through the crowd, “I’d say no… I don’t know if I’ll be up to it… Where do you live?”
I point in the direction of my and Zane’s house, “TriBeCa. Literally, six blocks that way.”
“…Yeah, maybe…” She nods, squinting her eyes a bit, “I might take you up on that.” She shouts, “I’ll text you!” Sophia says, and then she waves and is swept into the crowd. I see her hustle toward the curb, raise a hand, and almost instantly a cab pulls up to her and she steps inside. She pulls the door closed, sliding on a large, black pair of sunglasses, and the cab whisks her away.