Beads of sweat decorated her forehead, and her hair was scattered all over the pillow. She screamed when another contraction came. It felt as if the muscles in her lower back kept twisting harder and harder until it was almost unbearable. Her insides felt like they were twisted, pulled, and squeezed. She tried fighting the pain away, but immediately regretted it when it became worse. Surrendering to the pain made it more bearable.
At first the contractions were pretty tolerable and then they became more intense. The pain was maddening. She felt as if her soul would come out of her body and let her bear the pain alone. It was that painful.
“When can I push?” she asked, biting back the pain in her lower abdomen.
“You’re not yet dilated enough to push. Just a little more.” The nurse assured her.
Her mate was standing right beside her and whispering sweet nothings to her. He was scared. Scared that she wouldn’t make it and of the fact that a monster would come for his daughter. He couldn’t hide the fear he was feeling.
“You can do this, Jade.” He squeezed her hand comfortingly. He was also trying to comfort himself too. He could not imagine life without her.
“I’m scared, Lucas. What if I don’t make it out a-”
He placed his index finger over her lips, “Don’t say things like that. You’re a queen, my queen. You will be fine, trust me.”
She smiled when he kissed her hand. Two years ago, if someone had told her she would get mated to a werewolf king, she would have laughed in their face. But here she was, having his child.
“You are good. Start pushing.” Said the mid-wife, placing herself in between Jade’s legs.
With everything in her, she pushed. It didn’t matter if she would not make it. All she wanted was to hear the cry of her little girl. She wanted to see her cute face.
“Keep going.” The mid-wife encouraged. “I can see the head of the baby.”
Lucas stroked her hair when she let out another scream. Seeing her in this much pain was killing him.
“That’s it,” said the mid-wife, “she’s almost out. Just one last push.”
Jade grabbed a hold of her mate’s hand as she pushed again. Finally, the cry of a baby was heard. Just when Jade was about to relax, she felt another pain. The doctor had said she had only one child in her womb. Why was she still feeling so much pain?
“There’s another one.” The mid-wife announced.
Jade cried at the thought of going through such pain again. “I can’t do it.” She looked up at Lucas, who also had tears in his eyes. He was also hurting.
“You’ve already proved how strong you are by giving birth to our lovely girl. I know you can do it again.”
She was determined to not have another child if she were to live after this. Like before, she pushed again until another cry was heard. She had given birth to a boy. It was getting harder for Jade to breathe. She wanted to move, but her body wouldn’t move at all.
‘What is happening to me?’ she thought.
Everything was numb. Her body, mind, everything. She no longer felt pain, nor could she think straight. In a way, she felt relieved. Her mate who had no idea what she was going through had a broad smile on his face as his eyes flickered between her and the twins.
‘At least I will die seeing him smile.’
“Soon everything will be over and you can rest peacefully.” A voice whispered into her ear. If she wasn’t feeling dead, she would have screamed.
“Jade, aren’t they the cutest?” He asked, stroking her hair.
When she didn’t reply, he panicked. “Jade… Jade! Answer me, please.”
She shut her eyes and welcomed the darkness. ‘No more pain.’
Lucas didn’t know what to feel. On one hand, two lives were brought to the world and on the other, one was taken. Was he to feel happy or sad?
“Jade, I’m begging you.” He placed his hand on the bed as he held her hand. She was becoming cold. “Please open your eyes and talk to me. Tell me you were playing a prank on me.”
King or not, he let the tears run freely. He didn’t care if anyone saw him crying. He just wanted her back. She was his other half that no one could ever replace.
“Alpha,” the mid-wife called, “here.” She was holding the girl while another mid-wife was holding the boy.
With shaky hands, he took the little girl from her. She had black hair and blue eyes- just like her father. Her tiny hands curled around his pinky as she peered at him through her eyes. It must have felt strange being in an environment that wasn’t the womb. Her tiny legs kicked around, but she felt nothing.
“Welcome to the world, princess.” He smiled lovingly at her, “Your mommy,” he sniffed, “she wanted to name you Valerie, so that’s what I’ll call you. Valeria Claire Romero. I know your mommy is happy I went with the name she wanted, right?” he looked at her lifeless body and swallowed.
His mind drifted back to what the Lycan had said years ago, “I’ll protect you with my life.” He kissed her forehead.
He then handed the girl to the mid-wife and carried the boy. He had his mother’s brown hair and emerald green eyes. He was adorable. Lucas couldn’t stop the tears from falling as he looked at the bundle of joy in his arms. Jade had left him to take care of them alone.
“I’ll call you Zayne Dimitri Romero.” He smiled ruefully, “I’ll raise you both to the best of my abilities.” He said, kissing his forehead like he had done with his sister. “And no one will take you two away from me.”