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Chapter 1: Mate waiting for her

Chapter 1

Pain racked the body of the young female slave who lay on a bed made of hay and rags, it was set on the cold stone floor of her damp prison cell. The slave girl was tossed there after the Black Magic Coven had finished using her as a battery to complete one of their many nefarious spells.

The Prison was a basement level carved in the rock and earth underneath a Mansion. It was always wet, and the temperature there ranged from sweltering hot to, if you were a human, you would lose limbs and freeze to death, cold.

The slave girl’s damp messy waist length deep garnet red hair, looked brown in the damp dark. Her skin, pale as moonlight, was littered with scars. Deep scars that spoke of years of abuse and torture. She was slightly emaciated from years of malnutrition, although less so now than she was just a couple weeks ago.

She had heavy breasts that appeared despite all the starvation she suffered. Her bottom was heavy enough to balance out the top. And despite being so malnourished, the Hybrid female had muscle. The muscle came from long hours of strenuous chores that required a lot of lifting and maneuvering.

The pain the young female named Rain was suffering, made her long for death, and not for the first time. Rain, like all the slaves and many of the servants of the Black Magic Coven, was a victim of long term abuse and torture.

Imprisoned since her birth, she is used as a slave to complete chores around the Black Magic Coven’s main stronghold. Her other use was as a battery for the Coven’s evil spells.

Rain would only be allowed a day to recover, then she would be expected back on duty, completing whatever chores the Coven members demanded of her. Rain was regarded as nothing but a tool for her mother to use, and her father, Dominic, was another slave to the Coven. Sold to the Coven by his own Werewolf Clan.

When you looked at father and daughter, you could tell they were of the same blood. Both had the same dual colored eyes, the inner ring a light Caribbean blue, the outer ring a deep ocean blue. They had the same red hair color and pale skin complexion.

Even though she wished for death on a daily basis, Rain felt there were at least a few bright spots in her life. She had the love of her father, the Wolf cared about her very much. Rain was also loved by the other slaves, and most of the Covens other servants. There was also an Ancient Witch that had taken a liking to Rain.

This Witch was the Librarian of the Black Magic Coven. Although born into the Coven, the Ancient Witch did not have the stomach for the evils of the coven, but was unable to leave the Coven without forfeiting her life. After an incident that happened to her in her youth the Librarian, Lillian Blackthorn, hid just how powerful she was from the Coven.

The reason the Witch Lillian had done this was to avoid becoming just another tool for the Coven's evil magic. Becoming the Coven’s Librarian was the best thing she did, it has insured her safety in the Coven. Giving her a respected status, her refusal to participate in all those evil spells, would have otherwise prevented her from having.

When Rain was just a pup, the old Witch with her nearly forgotten power of Clairvoyance, appeared in front of her. Lillian had sensed the power inside the hybrid even then. Her visions showed her that the poor abused little female would one day lead an escape she would be a part of. This led Lillian to taking the little hybrid as her chore girl, at least that’s what it was on the surface.

The Witch saw other things in Rain’s future, not just the escape being planned out, but the people on the other side of the escape. These visions gave the Witch a ray of hope she hadn’t felt in centuries. Lillian told Rain of her visions, mostly to make sure that even with her daily wish of death, Rain would continue to survive.

The beings Rain was going to lead them to were powerful, and they would accept Rain. They would also accept all the others Rain would take with her during their escape from the Coven. Moreover, Rain had a mate waiting for her among these beings. A mate who would be in desperate need of her light in his life.

While in the Library, the chores Lillian assigned Rain were rather unusual. She was not instructed to clean, at least not unless it was after herself. No, Rain was instructed to learn. Lillian was a Potions Master as well as an excellent teacher of all Magic. Although the learning of Black Magic was strictly literary and not practiced.

This was so Rain could identify black magic spells and then throw up a defense against them. Of course to be able to read the tomes in the Library, she had to be taught how to read and write. In order to measure out, weigh, and properly mix ingredients for potions, Rain had to learn the math and magical science behind potion making.

Rain was taught the difference between Dark Magic and Black Magic. Dark Magic wasn’t Dark because it was bad, it just used the darker elements of the world. Light Magic used lighter elements, and had its place right next to Dark Magic. Like Dark Magic, Light Magic didn’t always mean good, it just used the light elements of the world.

Both could be utilized for good or bad, both could be tainted and made into a twisted version of itself. This was how Black Magic was created. Rain was a very studious student, and learned quickly. She had an innate knack for spell, potion, and item crafting. Recently Rain was making use of all the skills and knowledge she gained from Lillian and her own natural intuitiveness.

Utilizing both skill and instinct, Rain was able to create a spell, one that packed all the necessary nutrition a Supernatural being needed to be healthy, into a very small amount of food. Like their once daily gruel portion. As a result, the slaves and abused servants were slowly gaining weight and becoming stronger.

Rain, laying on her cold cot, her body raked with wave after wave of pain, wished the day for escape was today. Rain was twenty three years old, everyday she continued to live in torment, tortured and abused she lost more hope. Rain’s doubts of ever being able to escape grew larger.

In a cell next to Rain there were movements, and the rattling of a chain scraping across the stone floor could be heard. The cell next to Rain was occupied by her father Dominic. His emaciated form could be seen through the bars of their cells.

Dominic, a thirty nine year old Werewolf, like all those imprisoned by the Coven, was only fed enough to keep him alive. His bones could be seen clearly against his sunken skin. All the slaves of the Coven were kept weak and mostly starved to prevent them from having enough strength to escape.

Dominic, groggy but able to see a shape in the cell his daughter usually occupied, called out worriedly. “Rain?” The question was asked quietly.

Rain answered her father back. “It’s me daddy, I’m here.” Her voice is also quiet, not wanting to draw unwanted attention.

This was the only time we were able to show or voice our affection for each other. In front of the Coven, all of the slaves and servants alike hid any show or sign of affection toward another being. To do so was to invite a whole new level of cruel torment from the Coven.

“How bad is it this time.” Dominic asked Rain in a raspy voice.

“I’ll live, don’t worry, I’ll be fine after a day.” Rain told her father.

Rain would never admit to her father just how much pain she was in. Knew it would only hurt him, and make him feel guilty he couldn’t protect her from her own mother’s evil.

Rain’s father had been drugged at sixteen by her mother. Rain’s mother forced him to breed with her. Rain had three half sisters, all full blooded Witches. This earned them a place at their mother’s side, instead of being turned into a slave and battery for the Coven like Rain.

Rain felt that none of it was her father’s fault, after all like most of the Werewolves here, he was betrayed by his own Clan and sold to the Coven to be used, abused, and eventually killed. Several of them came from the same Clan her father and his parents did. The Frost and Northmountains of the Moon Mountain Pack.

They had each discovered their Clan’s betrayal of the Moon Mountain Pack and Supernaturals all over. However, they were prevented from being able to make reports to their Pack Alpha. Instead they were captured and sold, and in some cases, killed.

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