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Chapter 2: "She's here? Already?"

Chapter 2

“If I had a choice, you would have been born anywhere but here.” Dominic said, his voice holding sorrow.

Rain knew her father never regretted her herself, but the circumstances of her birth, and the suffering she went through because of who her mother was.

“I know, but if I had to choose a father, I would choose you every time.” Rain didn’t just say this to make her father feel better, she truly felt this way.

“How are the plans to escape going?” Dominic asked her.

“It’ll need to be soon, maybe in two weeks or so if possible, but it definitely needs to happen before the next big spell.” Rain responded.

The reason the escape needed to happen before the next big spell, was because Rain felt that there were a few of the slaves who wouldn’t live through it. The Coven was going to have to recharge the barrier that kept their existence hidden from the rest of the world. They had to recharge it every two hundred years or so.

There were a few things falling into place that would be necessary for a successful escape. One very important factor was the health and strength of those escaping. That’s where Rain’s nutritional potion and spell came into play, another few days should bring out some very good results. Already their conditions were greatly improved.

Before Rain could tell her father more detail, they heard the slamming of a door in the mansion above their basement cells. The Mansion belonged to Rain’s mother and was located on the outskirts of the Coven’s main stronghold. Above the cells were the lower level servant quarters.

All slaves and lower level servants of the Coven, when not doing their assigned work, resided in this Mansion. The Mansion belonged to whoever was the Head Coven Witch or Warlock of the Black Magic Coven. Rain’s mother was the current Head Coven Witch. There was no Head Coven Warlock as Rain’s mother had never mated with any Warlock.

Rain and her father remained silent, hoping to hear what was happening above. Then a familiar voice was screaming and ranting from above, this voice started to fill Rain with trepidation. Rain recognized the shrieking voice all to well, as she had heard it more than once while being tortured.

The voice belonged to the daughter of Rebecca’s female lover Bettina. Making the female who was screaming upstairs, precious to her mother, even though Sarah was a Werewolf. Something the Coven would usually enslave, not treat like a beloved daughter. Sarah was evil, evil like her mother Bettina, and Rain’s mother, Rebecca. Rebecca and Bettina had made a bond to each other by blood.

“She’s here? Already?” Dominic asked, his worry apparent in his voice.

Dominic knew that torturing Rain was one of Sarah’s favorite past times, and they had both known she was coming. This made Dominic fear for his daughter. Just one day ago they had heard Rebecca screaming in pain and fury.

“She’s dead! Someone killed my beloved Bettina! When I find out who dared to do this I’ll bring never ending pain and torment down on them!” Rebecca’s rage filled words were terrifying.

After Sarah had burst through the doors of her Aunts mansion, slamming them into the walls on her way in, she had stomped quickly down the hall leading to the main room of the Mansion screaming for her aunt Rebecca. Sarah was in a pain filled rage,nearly mindless.

Rebecca, having heard Sarah, had rushed into the main room to console her. Sobbing and crying, Sarah screamed her grief while Rebecca held her to her ample chest.

Sarah was a slim sleek figured Werewolf with platinum blond hair and perfect pale skin. The inner ring of Sarah’s dual colored eyes was a pale icy blue, the outer ring was only a slightly darker blue. Rebecca was tall with an hourglass figure. Her hip length hair, claw like nails and large eyes, were black, her skin milk white.

During the whole scene between Rebecca and Sarah, Sarah was loud enough for Rain and Dominic to hear. Rain heard how upset Sarah was, and knew very well what she loved to do when she was here and upset. Rain felt dread filling her, icy cold fear spread through her veins starting to make her tremble faintly.

“It was that mongrel whore Alora, Aunty Rebecca. That bitch killed mom!” Sarah screamed, her voice shrill.

“What do you mean Sarah, what did Alora do?” Rebecca asked her. Rebeca’s words were only muffled murmurs to Rain and Dominic.

“First she changed her surname, becoming a Heartsong! Then she won top rank of our high school fight tournament bringing shame to my parents! If that wasn’t enough she became the Clan Alpha of the Heartsongs and then put some kind of blood fire spell on mom! Then the whore went and mated with the Pack Alpha’s oldest son! Then while all this is being announced in front of the Councils, she kills mother with the spell she put on her!” Sarah shrieked and sobbed, her anger, her hate of Alora clear in her voice and words.

“It’ll all be okay, you’re here now and you’ll stay with me. I’ll have the servants prepare your room, and something to eat.” Rebecca said soothingly to Sarah in a soft voice.

“Oh thank you Aunty Rebecca, you're amazing. I had nowhere else to go now because of that mongrel whore Alora. And Daddy is so useless without mom there to order him around. So I just left him there. I can’t ever go back now.” Sarah sobbed shrilly.

“Of course you had to leave him behind, he would have only embarrassed you with his weakness.” Rebecca told her in a sympathetic croon, tucking a stray hair behind Sarah’s ear.

“I want revenge, Aunty! I hate her so much! I want to kill her!” Sarah shrieked, crying.

“Tell you what, that hybrid mutt is locked up in her cell in the basement. Why don’t you go down and spend some time playing with her.” Rebecca offered. It sounded innocent enough, but the kind of playing they meant involved blood, pain, and screams.

Sarah nodded and allowed her Aunt to lead her to the basement door to the cells where the slaves were kept imprisoned. Rain heard the footsteps coming closer and closer, with each step her fear and certainty of what was about to happen grew.

Rebecca opened the door and with a smile and cheerfully evil air, waved Sarah down the stairs, saying “Have fun sweetie.” And then added as if she had almost forgotten. “Oh, and keep her alive, she still has her uses.” Before shutting the door.

Rain, trembling inside her cell so hard the chains she was in, put on her when she was tossed in the cell earlier, rattled faintly. Rain knew what was coming, after all, it wasn’t her first time being at the mercy of Sarah. Only Sarah had no mercy, the more you begged her to stop, the more she got off on it.

Sarah was sadistic, she got off on causing other beings pain, of being drenched in their blood after a long session of torture. After she got through with her victim she would find herself a male. Sometimes more than one male, and she would have sex with them while still covered in blood. The males of the Coven were just as sick and sadistic as Sarah, loving it when Sarah came to them covered in the blood and gore of her victims.

Sarah’s footsteps echoed across the basement prison as she slowly walked over to Rain’s cell. Rain felt each echoing step in her chest, even in her own head her words were breathless and terror filled. ‘She’s going to carve me up again.’ A sob nearly escaped her.

Soon Sarah was standing in front of Rain’s cell door, she had enjoyed how each one of her steps in this direction had made the fear in her aunt's mongrel daughter become more potent. Rain stood up from her cot on shaky legs, leaning against the stone wall at the back of her cell. The terror Sarah could see in Rain’s eyes made her smile.

Sarah took a deep breath in, drawing in the scent of Rain’s fear, and thinking that her Aunty had been right to send her down here. This would make her very happy. Sarah’s smile got bigger, and to Rain it was a creepy sadistic smile that only came from the purely evil.

Rain knew she wouldn’t be able to escape the torture Sarah had planned for her. She was chained up, and no amount of begging would make it stop, it would only make it worse. Sarah opened the door to Rain’s cell, as she did, she pulled her favorite knife out of a sheath inside one of her boots.

Sarah loved her boots, they went with almost any outfit. The tall calf high black suede lace up boots with zippers down the side, were absolutely perfect for hiding the sheaths of her favorite dual edge silver daggers.

With wrapped handles to protect her skin while handling them of course. Her boots had a six inch spike heel that she loved to dig into the limbs of her play things, and hearing the screams of pain they let out as she did.

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