Chapter Four
After a good eight hours of sleep I awoke refreshed to the humming of engines. First class was quiet and calm, occasionally someone would speak asking for refreshments or other items. I removed my eye mask, stretched, and gently put the seat back into position. As I sat there registering my surroundings, the urge to pee slammed my body. I had slept so soundly I never budged to get up and use the restroom. I began frantically looking for the closest one when the cheery brunette from earlier appeared in front of me with a worried expression.
“Miss, is everything alright?’ She asked quietly as to not wake Liz.
“Actually, I really need to use the restroom and I don’t remember where it is.” I started blushing slightly
“Oh! Let me take you there!” She whispered. As I stood up and began following her she glanced back and quietly said, ”Seeing how tired you were when you first arrived I understand how you may have missed the bathrooms.”
Feeling the heat in my cheeks I just gave her a quirky little smile and nod. We came to a little area that had 3 doors, each one marked restroom.
“Here you are miss.” She smiled sweetly and stepped to one side. “Did you need anything for when you return to your seat?” Being that this was my first time on a plane I didn’t know what I could and couldn’t ask for. “We have drinks, food, desserts, movies, and headphones.” She stated after seeing my confused face. My stomach growled at the mention of food and once again the heat rose to my cheeks. “I will bring something out to you when I see you in your seat.” She smiled and retreated towards the front and behind a curtain.
“That woman is impeccable at her job.” I mumbled under my breath as I shut the door to the restroom. After relieving my bladder, washing my hands, I returned to my seat following the same path she had taken. Glancing over I could see Liz was still fast asleep so I tried my best to make as little noise and movement as possible.
“Here you go miss.” The lady had returned with a cart with a couple different foods on the first tier, sodas, teas, and a few other items on the second tier, and eye masks, headphones, and a variety of movies on the final tier. I was giddy at the sight of the herb and butter chicken with potatoes smothered in a rich gravy, Mushrooms danced across the chicken and the smell was delectable causing my stomach to agree with a loud grumble.
“The chicken smells impeccable, and I believe my stomach agrees.” I giggled slightly embarrassed.
“Made it myself so I hope it tastes wonderful.” she smiled at me sweetly. “What drink would you like?”
“Let’s see,” I looked around her cart and spotted an orange cream. “Oh that orange cream looks perfect.”
“Would you like a movie? We still have roughly an hour left on the flight.”She smiled at me politely. With the last statement causing an excitement mixed with nervousness to bubble inside me.
“Let’s do this one.” I pointed to a TV. series I had seen flashing through on commercials and figured to watch at least an episode to see if I would like it. With that she folded down a table located neatly on the wall that perfectly sat in front of me and Liz. She sat a chicken entree and orange cream in front of me and another where Liz was. Pressing a few buttons on the overhead the TV neatly swiveled down and the selection I had made, had begun to play. I smiled at the food in front of me and heard Liz grumble and begin to stir.
“Will that be all miss?” she asked
“Yes ma’am this is spectacular. Thank you so much.” I grinned excited to dig into the scrumptious chicken. She nodded and began on her way to the other passengers in first class.
“Well who can sleep with a delicious smell like that.” Liz had removed her blindfold and began moving her seat back in place eyeing the chicken before her.
“The lady brought it to us and the drinks and the movie.” I said excitedly stuffing the chicken in my mouth and making a face of pure, delectable pleasure. Seeing my face Liz busted into laughter.
“You look like a little kid who just hit the candy mother lode.” she said in between her laughter. At that moment I didn’t care, that chicken was amazing and I was determined to taste every morsel on that plate. Occasionally sipping my favorite beverage. Liz erupted into giggles again “Breath Anya breath. I know it tastes amazing but slow down.”
“I got to ask her for the recipe. This is amazing.” Muffled with a mouth full of chicken Liz just giggled and began eating hers and looked at me with a satisfied look.
“I definitely need this recipe. It’s perfectly proportioned with seasoning and the tenderness is just right. It practically melts in your mouth with every bite.” With that Liz hit a button to the side with what looked like a person.
“Yes ma’am, how may I help you?” the lady whose name tag read Sillya had popped around the corner, pressed an overhead button, and looked at us attentively with her sweet smile.
“If I may ask, what recipe did you use on this chicken? It is so perfect I got to try it at home.” Liz said beaming.
“I am glad you both love it. I will jot it down and bring it to you.” You could see the excitement in her eyes and her sweet smile became a bit bigger. “I will return shortly.” With that she nodded, still beaming. After a short while we had finished our entrees and got a good way through the first episode when she had returned with the recipe.
“The recipe as promised.” She smiled and nodded, taking our plates. “We have about ten more minutes and we will be landing. Is it okay to secure your TV.?” Liz and I both nodded as the first episode was quite dry and hard to get into.
The fasten belts sign illuminated and once again Liz helped me with my seat belt. The excitement is bubbling through my body again. Looking out the window I could see the sun had already begun to set and night had begun to creep through the sky.
"Do you think we could run tonight?" Freya had creeped into my thoughts, as I was looking out the window causing me to jump a bit. "I do apologize, I didn't mean to startle you." She said apologetically.
"Liz, Freya wants to know if by chance we could take a run when we get our stuff to the motel?" I glanced at Liz who flinched for a moment and looked at me slightly worried. " Liz, what's wrong?"
She bit the corner of her lip and began twirling a piece of hair that had fallen from her messy bun. " Well, you see, I kind of forgot to book a hotel room." She nervously grinned.
"Liz I am sure we will be able to find a motel, hotel, inn, or cardboard box for all I care, for the night." I said calmly and as soothingly as possible. "With all the excitement packed into 2 days, I completely understand." I placed my hand on her shoulder to give her some peace that it was going to be okay.
"Well a cardboard box won't be an option." she smiled back at me." I did at least get a rental so worst comes to worst we can sleep in the SUV." She said matter of factly.
"See, we already have a plan b if need be." I giggled at her enthusiasm.
Ding. " This is your Captain speaking. We are starting our descent to land, please make sure seat belts are fastened. Thank you." The captain's voice rang through the whole plane. We were landing in Titant. The excitement was building as I watched the landing strip become larger as we lowered from the air. The anticipation to sign the papers, verify everything at the council house, and walk across the threshold of my new house was overwhelming me. The time seemed to slow down and stand still as I waited impatiently to start my new chapter of life.
"Calm down."Liz's voice rang into my ears. "You're going to shake the whole plane at this rate." My leg had started to shake up and down as I was lost in thought and I hadn't noticed until Liz had pointed it out. "Breath, I know the excitement is building up with each passing minute. Just a little while longer." she soothed me. A few slight bumps later and another ding.
"We have successfully landed. I hope you enjoyed your flight and have a wonderful evening." The fasten seat belt sign went and we started to gather our items. Making sure I held my courier bag close to my side with the strap securely around my neck and shoulders. We began to exit the plane when the crisp breeze wrapped me. Inhaling deeply I smelled the salty ocean air, soothing any tension I had.