Sexy Waitress
Aileen POV
There was a way back! Suck on that evil perverted demon!
The challenge was the threat to Kaibec. Even in all my conflicting emotions, that sounded strange. Kaibec was the one who I first saw when I fell to this dimension. He had given me a blanket and told me stay still while he found help. (Trevor's parents) If he knew the way then why couldn't he just send me back now!
Question after question swarmed through my head. What Trevor said just didn't add up as much as I wanted to trust Kaibec. He had disappeared for the last month saying he was going to find a way to get me home. When Trevor and I had asked to accompany him, he had turned us both down claiming it was too dangerous. That in itself made no sense. Trevor and I have done done plenty of risky assignments to continue forward. The DSS was not a place you went if you were soft. So why was this one too much for us?
I also had wondered if Kaibec had informed the DSS of his intentions. Chances were no, Kaibec worked independently from them. Hmmmm.... "When do you have another shift at the DSS?" I asked in an attempt to escape my own head.
Trevor seemed confused by my question. His face did look rather cute like that. He might even have a better chance with the waitress if she saw. "Tomorrow at noon, I have another training session with Squad Leader Tom and the team." He replied hesitantly unsure of why I would want to know.
The waitress came back and asked if he needed any refills. She seemed nervous. There was no way that she had heard our conversation, but she could most likely see the tension rising between us. Poor Trevor, appears he won't be getting that date he wanted today. Perhaps he will have better luck at the book store. He doesn't normally go for smart girls, but maybe he can find one just there to drink a cappuccino. I took another sip and let her take my glass. I could use some extra caffeine today at this rate. I gave her a friendly smile when she returned. Probably relieved that Trevor and I weren't battling it out right here.
"Do you think Kaibec is plotting something and doesn't actually want to help me? Or perhaps will gain something that we are unaware of?"
He scoffed, "what would he want? A princess' favor? You have serious trust issues Aileen. This is ridiculous. Who was the one who suggested you join the DSS? I know it wasn't dad. He thought the DSS would be too dangerous for you. He wanted to keep you safe and protected."
"That's true." I twirled my straw with my finger. Father would be disappointed that I let my emotions cloud my good judgement. "I'm going to head to the restroom. Order some desert for us to split? Of course your treat. Don't wanna be a cheapskate right?"
I laughed and walked off before he could answer. My phone buzzed again as I opened the door. I just left! I thought to myself. Once I read the lit up display I wished it was my brother. "No, no chance. I am not dealing with you today." I muttered under my breath.
"Miss?" I spun around to see who was talking to me. There was our waitress looking at me with concerned expression on her pretty slim face. She really did have natural beauty. Very little make up but what she did wear highlighted her soft features wonderfully. No wonder my brother fell so hard for her. The girl having long blonde hair didn't hurt either.
My lips curled up into a friendly false smile. "Sorry, I'm just having a rough day. Lots on my mind and what not. I didn't mean to scare you, or put you in an awkward situation." I gave her a toothy grin to try and lighten the mood.
"No, it's fine. Is that man your boyfriend? Or did you two break-up? He kinda looks like someone who'd cheat." She asked.
I tried not to let her see how annoyed I was getting. My personal business was none of her concern. "No, that is my brother. If you are interested in him, just go talk to him."
The amount of self control it took to not roll my eyes was impressive. My acting skills from back home of the sweet girl were paying off! Maybe I should thank that horrible maid when I get back to the right dimension.
"Actually I was wondering if you were single. Guys are pretty gross and you never know which ones just want sex." Her face flushed slightly.
She's certainly bold I'll give her that. I wasn't being very welcoming but she still went for it. "Sorry, I'm not really interested. I'm actually engaged to a disgusting excuse for a human being as it is." I thought for a moment before a Grinch like smirk grew on my face. "Could I ask you a favor?"
After finishing up in the restroom, I returned to my table. My loving brother was already attempting to eat more than his fair share of our Chocolate Stampede. Part of me wished that I didn't get lost in my own thoughts so quickly. Time felt like only a couple minutes had passed on the commode. While I was sitting on the surprisingly cold lid, I had started thinking about the kingdom of Lutz again. If I start thinking of home.... an hour could pass without me realizing.
Now I was not on there for an hour, but a significant amount of time must have passed. Trevor not only had time to order the desert, but have the chocolate goop dropped off and half eaten. One day, just one day where I go the entire 24 hours without spacing out.... A day to truly relax sounds nice.
Trevor said nothing. His eyes would go from mine to the wonderful food in front of him. Obviously he was making sure that I saw how much he had eaten, so we could duel over what remained. He knew me well enough not to ask what was really going on in my head. I can keep myself together as long as no one asks me what's wrong. Those words are like uh that green rock that Superguy is allergic to. I think that's what hurts him. Anyway those words are you alright or is everything okay, cripple me. Sir Kalum had a bad habit of asking. Probably thought I was weak; not at all how I should be.
"You know you don't always have to be strong right? Let your guard down for a moment jeez. Worrying and stress make you gain weight ya know! Render all that exercise you do null and void." He chuckled. I knew he was trying to distract me.
I grinned like a predator that just bested its' prey. Our waitress came back to drop off the check. "Thanks babe! Can't wait to see you later!" I even blew her a little kiss as sweet as I could muster given my sour mood. She smiled and blew me a kiss from her sparkly pink lips.
100 dollars for anyone that caught a picture of my brother's face in that moment. His mouth was in a firm line like he couldn't believe what he just witnessed. Poor guy just couldn't catch a break with the ladies. I gave him a cocky toothy smile as she walked away. I leaned forward placing my elbows on the table, my head cradled in my palms. "Did I forget to tell you about my date dear brother? She asked me out when I had to use the facilities. Guess she likes the way I look with all my stress and overthinking ways."
He did not regain his composure at all. I could read him as plain as a children's alphabet book. D is for dumbfounded, disbelief, and drat! " You don't even like girls," he whispered after the initial moment of shock.
"Who knows maybe I can really upset the church and then I won't be able get married to that ass! Besides like you said, she is hot right? And I may be able to answer your tattoo question." I joked.
"Don't you dare! Once you break her heart she can run into my arms. I'll find out about her artwork myself!" He stabbed his fork into the soft chocolate. I stole his fork and took the bite just to mess with him. Tasted damn good.