
“Elai look at me.” Zev grabs his brother’s face. Perhaps he had been the only one with Elai’s respect. Perhaps.

“Look at me.” A second time, and enough for Elai to look. He doesn’t see his brother’s face turn white, or red, or both. He only sees a small smile appear. His lips ask him something; are you alright? Elai does not answer. He should be asking Mave that.

All Elai can do is wait for his father’s voice or touch. For a mark on his cheek or back. It was always one of those two.

He does not see Mave getting taken care of by one of the many healers in the castle. The lady is gentle and caring, soft hands drawing water onto his skin. He can hear the water flow, but he does not look. Elai can’t look. He is too afraid, he is too guilty. “I am too blame.” The words are bitter.

“I have hurt him, father.” Elai says.

It doesn’t shock any of them; it was obvious. The boy’s bones had shattered in an unusual way; this was not because of a fall or a misstep. It was a gaze. It was Elai’s gaze.

His breath gets stuck in his throat when his father appears in front of him, pushing Zev aside with nothing but a soft sigh. Elai looks up and hopes for the worst. Maybe if now his gaze would work. Maybe then.. just maybe..

“I knew this was going to happen.” His father’s voice is stern but plain. He knew how to hurt with nothing but his tone, or his face. “I knew you would use it on him.” Heseras spoke.

“It was not on purpose. He did not mean to do so.” Mave speaks in pain. He is kind.

“You have been a disgrace to my name.” Heseras is not. He is cruel, vile and careless. He wants his son dead, Elai is sure of it.

“You have been for too long.” He grabs his son’s arm and pulls him up, dragging him across the mud without another word spilling from his lips. Elai does not tremble, or cry, or resist. He has hurt his brother. He has ruined it all. He deserves this. He deserves the heat he feels around his arm, he deserves the fire that crawls upon his skin.

“Father, do not hurt him!” Of course, Zev speaks.

Elai catches himself when his father drops him, eyes looking down at the marble floor. The white is turning red; he had not realized he was bleeding. Where was the blood coming from? He did not hurt himself, did he?

He wishes to return to his room, although he knows he won’t. Not now. Maybe not ever, if that is what father decides.

“I do not want you here any longer!” Heseras wakes something up in his son. Elai stands up without thinking, eyes now looking at his father. “I will not leave.”

“You will.”

“Father, I will not leave.” Elai is determined. He does not know why. He does not know what brings him up his feet, what brings him to protest like this.

“I am ashamed of being your father, and I will no longer have you around me nor my children. It is decided.” Elai knew what those words meant. It is decided.

“I will let you leave. I will not let you return.” Of all the things Elai had considered, exile was the last. He did not expect his father to go that far; Elai wasn’t allowed to go outside after all. It was not a move he had expected him to do. It was not expected, yet here he stands, words in his mouth. “Father, give him a chance. He will not do it again. He is our brother.” Zev. You are too kind.

“He is an exile. He is a stranger, a curse. I should have let you rot outside a long time ago.” The king looks away from Zev and back to Elai, who is trying to hold back the tears in his eyes. He will not survive outside. He will not.

“Father, please..” Begging is not something he’d do too often. He had stopped years ago, when it became clear that begging did not help. “Please, I don’t know how- I don’t know where-“

“If you wish to return, you must redeem yourself.”

There it was; the slightest glimpse of a father looking at his son. Elai carries his blood and wisdom. He is his son, exile or not, curse or not. He is his son. “Redeem..?” Elai wants to look away and say no. It is his only chance, though.

“Kill Turi’s warlord and I will claim you back as my own. I will introduce you to the kingdom, I will bathe you in glory. I will see you as my son, treat you as an equal. I will respect and honor you.” He never says anything about love. Elai wonders if he even loves his other three sons. If he even loved his wife.

“No one knows who the Turian warlord is, father. You can’t give him such an impossible-“

“Do this, and you will return to me. If you don’t; die for all I care.” Heseras interrupts his eldest son. He does not care about the warlord’s unknown identity. The harder the quest, the lesser the chance that Elai will ever return. He did not want him, anyways.

“I will kill him, father.”

Heseras does not turn around, walking off with nothing but anger in his steps. It was decided; Elai was now an exile. He could hear the guards walk up to him, but he would not be dragged away from here. He will not lose the pride he had built inside of him. He will walk away on his own. He does not say another word, leaving his brothers in silence. It was decided. He was no longer their brother, he was no longer a prince. He was nothing, he had fallen. It was decided. Tears drop from Elai’s eyes as the gates open up for him. He did not care if anyone saw him; his face was not known. He was no prince outside of these blinding white walls.

When the gates open up, just for a split second, he is back to his old self. Excitement roams within him; he had seen this through the windows, but he had never touched the ground with his feet. He had never walked down these stairs, or smelled the fresh air of baked bread and fruits he had tasted so many times. It was different outside of the castle. It was alive, happy and content. Being an exile did not matter in the minutes he waited for someone to escort him out of the kingdom, to bring him to the border between Turi and Lyle.

That someone did not come. Instead, he was offered a horse. He had sat upon one in the training arena a couple of times, but he had never truly rode one. It was terrifying, but all he could do was smile. It was almost as if he wasn’t leaving his home for good. It was almost as if he was about to go back home, instead. He looks down at the market, the houses, the children playing their favorite games. It is so surreal, it almost feels like a dream.

Though it is not, because now he is riding a horse towards the forest.

It will take days to get there, but he is going. The horse is kind and gentle, as if she understands Elai is new to everything. “Haraisi..” Dear friend. That will be her name. it is decided.

The colors of the sky are less bright than they were from his window, the sun is hotter on his skin and the noises are louder around him. People are talking, buying, selling and shouting. No one pay attention to the prince on his horse, clothes obviously royal. They do not care; they are used to the crowd and the thousands of people around them. They do not care to look up to see if there is someone special beside them.

There is sweat breaking out on Elai's forehead, drops of salt water slowly dripping down from the side of his face. It is weird, being out here. It almost feel like he’s committing a crime, one that will bring him death in return. His father was so against him being outside, and now he is here because of him. It is simply unbelievable.

He did not have time to think of his brother, of the injury he had given him. His stomach hurts when he thinks about it. He did not have a bond, but hurting him never crossed his mind. It was stupid of him to want to use his ability, and his father’s words seem to be the truth; it is a curse.

But the curse felt good to use. He felt powerful, invincible, the strongest warrior alive. He felt like a god, a new god that would rule over all the others. It was the greatest feeling he had ever felt. Now he feels small. Like a tiny ant crossing the street. But is alright. It is fine. He is outside, he is breathing.. he is alive. For the very first time, he is alive.

It takes 3 days to get to the edge of the forest, and Elai knows all too well the border between Lyle and Turi is not that far from here. He is nervous and hungry. His chest hurts and his eyes are dry; he has not slept enough. The beds were hard and the nights cold, he had almost whined like a prince would. But now all of it disappears as he rides into the woods, the trees towering over him. The leaves are perfectly green, their scent rough and present. Elai’s jaw drops when he looks around him. Hundreds of colors surround him; flowers, animals, mushrooms, sheds. It is so new, so refreshing.

A lump grows in his throat; it is overwhelming to be able to see all of this. It was his dream, his only hope. “You see that, Haraisi? Those flowers over there?” He had become quite fond of his horse. It was as if he had been riding for a long time; the journey was easy and went smoothly. It was as if the horse knew everything.

She was the only one Elai had really talked to, besides the people he was allowed to stay with for the night. He had used his own name; Elai the traveler. Some asked how he got a hold of the royal clothing, but none of them suspected a thing.

“Should we take some of those with us? To see if we can gift it to someone?” Elai raises his eyebrows down at his horse.

“Maybe they will give us shelter for a few weeks, then. Just to settle into Turi and-“ Elai’s words get stuck in his throat. Rain pours down on him without warning. The sky was still bright, and the gods had already been kind today. So why does the sky cry?

It pours and it pours, lightning and thunder soon joining in on the music of a storm. Elai begs the horse to fasten her pace, but it is of no good. He squints his eyes trying to see where they’re going, but before he knows it, he feels himself get launched into the air. He does not know what hit them, does not know what will happen now. The last thing he feels, is his back hitting a tree and blood spilling down from his nose.

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