Elai's POV
The room smells of flowers and burned wood. It is the first thing I sense. Then it is the bed underneath me, then the sheets that cover me, and then the pillow against my head. I unwillingly open my eyes; my body feels unsafe. I sit up, headache splitting me in half. I have to groan, eyes blinking a good few times.
I do not remember how I got here. Fuck. I do not remember anything after hitting that damned tree. I do not recognize the room. It is not mine, not my brother’s or any of the guest rooms in the castle. I truly did leave my home. I truly did get exiled. Now I am here, in an unknown room, with nothing but a fire to keep me warm. Last year the sun gave us good weather on my birthday. I can’t say the same now.
But the sun had left me, anyway. If I’m right, the moon is now above me. Turi surrounds me. I am scared. The room is quite big, the stone floor grey and old. It hurts against my bare feet. There are bookshelves surrounding me, accompanied by small bottles filled with liquids I have never seen before. The door is open, and I find the courage to step foot outside. I can see the floor below me from up here, and it reveals a man with white hair and slender fingers.
It would worry me if I didn’t recognize the bottles he is holding. I have read about this man, it can’t be anyone else. He is the only alchemist to ever exist on this world, and a famous one too. I have read a story or two about his wonders and his work. Chay Fikri, if I remember it correctly. My breath gets stuck in my throat as my bare feet walk down the stairs, eyes never leaving the male’s back.
He does not seem to hear me; he is too busy with his work. I want to watch him work, want to see if the stories are true, and if he really is best at his work.
“Hi-“ My voice is hazy, the second word disappearing into thin air.
“Ah! You have awoken. I was wondering when you would.” He turns around and I finally get to see his face.
His eye color matches his hair, and they seem to stare right through my soul. He has a scar on his cheek and plump lips that are a dark pink color. He is.. gorgeous. If I was in a different situation, I’m sure he would make me nervous. Now I’m just curious as to how I got here.
“Chay Fikri.” He sticks out his gloved hand, white sleeve hiding his arm. I put a small smile on my face and decide that it is time for me to put on an act. They cannot find out I am a prince of Lyle. They cannot find out my last name, or the clothes- shit. My clothes. Does he know already? If he does, he does not show it.
“Elai. Just.. Elai.” Was that too much or too little? Will he figure me out now? Does he know I’m lying? His eyes do not tell me anything, and stress shoots up my spine like an arrow flying to the sky.
“Ah! A traveler, are you not? Most travelers would rather not tell me their last name. It is normal.” He knows, doesn’t he?
“I- uhm.. not exactly! I am from the outskirts of the forest, quite close to the border.” I thought this would save me, but now suspicion starts to crawl onto his face. Only now. Elai. You dumbass.
“That, of course, explains the royal clothes you were wearing.” Chay sounds sarcastic at first, and I feel my second identity sink into the floor. I have messed up. I have messed up once again.
“You must’ve been one of the raiders, then? The king has respected you for quite some time now, but you guys never show him any gratitude back.” Chay finally lets go of my hand, eyebrows raising. Shit. So now I am part of a group he doesn’t like.
It is better than nothing, though.
“I do not speak of those matters. My people are.. very individual. They do not believe in leadership.” I don’t know anything about the people I now try to belong with. I don’t know if they think this way. Maybe they just hate their king; as they should. Chay’s face seems to calm down a bit. I hate lying, even though he is from Lyle’s enemy kingdom. It doesn’t feel good to lie, at all. But I have to, or he will kill me. I have no doubt he will, with those white eyes he holds.
“I understand. I am not always agreeing with the king, either.” He sounds like he knows him personally, and maybe he does. It sends a quick look of pain onto his face, but he is quick to shake it off of him. So he does know him personally.
“Can I ask you what happened to me? I remember something hitting me and-“ My horse! Haraisi! Oh sun, please let her be alright. Please let him tell me she’s out back.
“The lightning hit your horse, my friend. I am sorry, but I could only retrieve you.” Chay’s voice cracks; he feels guilty. He has seen the shape Haraisi was in during her final moments. My stomach turns at the mere thought of it. Poor girl.. I want to apologize to her. I should talk to the sun later today and ask her to comfort Haraisi’s soul.
“It was a blessing from the moon that I had found you. You would have died with your horse if I didn’t.” The moon. Of course. I want to look at him in resentment, but the moon is my god now, too. She is what I love now, too. I have to keep up the act, and it comes with nasty consequences. I smile.
“She has been too kind.” I hate the way the words taste in my mouth.
“Was I out for long? I’m sure I have lost a lot of time.” The warlord. That’s who I’m out for. I have arrived in my target kingdom; I had not even acknowledged it yet. I want to cheer for myself and suddenly appear happy, but to Chay, I am a grieving raider.
“It has been two weeks. I have kept you alive with some potions and a healer has often come to check on you. You look fine now.” It feels like the end of our very first conversation.
Living with Chay becomes normal. I have decided to take it slow now that my body is still healing from the sudden storm. Chay allows me to help him out with simple jobs. I often go out to buy stuff, too. It is a much better life than I had lived inside of the castle walls, and I find myself being happy to be here. Chay isn’t as bad as I had wished him to be; Turian people are human after all. I cannot find any hate towards the alchemist. I have tried.
“Morning!” I am excited for today. The shop is filled with people already, curious about Chay’s new potion. I had helped him create it, but only with my words. I had not touched the now pink liquid, and have not thrown anything in it either. Still, it feels like I’m making a debut. Maybe I’ll just stay with Chay forever. He is a good friend, after all.
“Elai! Oh, Elai! Look at all these people!” Chay is as excited as I am, arms tightly embracing me.
His embraces get warmer with every day that passes. I even find myself closing my eyes this time. He is my very first, real friend. I can’t even hate myself for admitting it. I can’t even think of him as my enemy. “You seem nervous! I thought you were used to this by now, my famous alchemy god!” I joke as I ruffle his hair. He chuckles. He is only three years older than me, yet he’s the one to shrink every time we’re together. Maybe that would’ve been enough of a sign, if I wasn’t so blind.
“I have shared my process with you this time.” Chay doesn’t admit being nervous, but he doesn’t mind me noticing, either. He simply shrugs and turns around to greet the people that fill the shop. They ask him questions he cannot answer, voices shouting past one another.
I can’t help but smile, my morning eyes still a little dry. I decide to leave Chay to it and disappear into the little kitchen in the left side of his home. It is the only place where the floor isn’t rough and uneven. It is smooth and marble, just like the floor back home. My feet hurt, teeth catching my bottom lip. One day I am going to force my new friend to pay for a new floor, however they do it here in Turi. It is probably easy enough with all the Death Gazers this kingdom possesses.
The coffee in my hand is hot, but it is bearable now that it is cold around me. I watch through the open doorway as Chay gives the people what they want; a well-explained summery of his new potion. It is a potion made for couples. I did not understand why Chay wanted to make such a thing at first, but now I do. The words already bring people to their knees; they are weak for stuff like this. Love is big in other people’s lives, I had completely forgotten about it. It will sell like a monster and Chay will have to work double as hard.
It reveals who you love most, if I remember the core correctly. It is good for people with doubts, or people who are afraid of affairs. Chay had thought it through perfectly, and I admire him for it. I am glad I got to work on such a potion, even though I do not believe in love.