Chapter 5

I crossed the threshold and the guy, taking my elbow, led me further along the corridor. The hallway was empty. The rooms are closed and there is not a single person on the horizon. Joe walked in front, holding my hand tightly. He was silent, making me more and more nervous. We turned a corner and a shiver went through my body. The door opened and Dean came out of the room, buttoning up his shirt.

“What’s the people,” the guy laughed, putting on his jacket on top.

“You're leaving?” Asked my escort, stopping in front of him.

“Yes,” stretched the brown-haired man and arched an eyebrow, carefully examining me.

I lowered my head, trying not to look him in the eye. This person is forcing my brain to bring my memory back. To bring back what I was trying so desperately to run away from.

“I'll show her. Go away, ”Dean said sternly, and Joe let go of me.

My eyes widened at what I heard.

“No!” I shouted, grabbing Joe's hand. “Please don't let him walk me out.” The guy shook his head and pulled his hand out of my grasp.

Dean pulled me close and shook his head to my escort. Joe turned and disappeared around the corner, leaving me alone with this monster in the guise of a young and attractive guy.

“I love the way you react to me,” Dean whispered in my ear.

I swallowed a suitable lump in my throat and began to pray that he would not do anything to me. To not finish what I started.

“I don’t have time for you right now, so you’re going to James,” the guy straightened up and took my hand and pulled me to the exit from this building. Fresh air hit my face as soon as we left the house. The guy walked with brisk steps until he stopped. From the surprise of his actions, I crashed into his back. He turned to face me and pursed his lips. Light from the sun fell on his face and his emeralds sparkled even brighter. He smiled to show his dimples and rolled his eyes slightly. Was he embarrassed? Is it because I'm staring at him? I thought this guy didn't have that feeling.

“Can you tie a tie?” whispered the guy, lowering his eyes.

He pulled his bangs back and his green eyes returned to mine.

“So what?” Dean asked again.

“Is this really you?”

“What?” His eyes seemed confused and he began to wait for my answer.

“You’re always a rude and lustful bastard,” I blurted out what I had long wanted to say to his face.

“I can bring the bad boy back if you want to,” his brow furrowed and the smile faded from his face.

“I just realized that this place would punish you anyway.”

I fell silent, realizing that I had ruined everything.

“Well, will you tie my tie?” The smile returned to its place and the green emeralds shone again.

“Yes,” I smiled, probably for the first time in this city. In this damn city.

He gently took my hand in his and led me to his car. I tensed a little from such a quick change in mood. Wait, what does the tie do in his car? It's not a closet. “Stop. I'm not going anywhere with you. ”I snatched my hand away, refusing to go any further.

“Why not?”

“What does a tie do in a car?”

“Lies,” answered the guy and looked at me puzzled.

“In car?”

“Okay, I have a lot of spare clothes in my trunk,” Dean held up his hands, showing his protest that I stopped bombarding him with various questions.

I like this playful guy better than the bad and disgustingly vulgar.

“Let's go?” whispered the guy, gently taking my hand, as if afraid to scare me away.

I put my small hand in his big one and followed him to the parking lot. He opened the trunk and my eyes came across a lot of different T-shirts, jeans and whatever.

“Is this your closet?” I laughed and the guy was embarrassed.

“You see, spare clothes are always needed. There are different situations,” his smile disappeared and a smirk appeared in its place.

He jerked me to the car and got too close to my ear, with his lips he slowly pulled at the earlobe. My body let a shudder through itself, and my heart beat several times faster than usual.

“What are you doing?” my voice faltered, showing fear.

“For example, I can immediately tear your jacket and have sex with you. Then you will need spare clothes and I can easily give them to you,” his hands persistently crawled under my jacket. “Please don’t,” I closed my eyes and immediately felt the absence of his body. “I was joking,” the guy laughed and I opened my eyes in surprise.

“Lord,” I sighed and leaned against the car.

“So will you tie my tie?” Dean asked again and smiled, showing his dimples on his cheeks.

“Get him already.”

The guy went to the trunk and began to turn his clothes upside down, looking for the right thing. I looked through the window, looking at the leather interior of the car. On the back of the seat hung exactly the thing that the young man was looking for.


“Yes? “ The guy raised his head up, looking inquiringly at me.

“I think I found your tie,” I pointed to the seat.

The brown-haired man opened the door and climbed into the car, taking out his thing. Maybe he's really not as bad as he seems? Maybe Rosie was right? I definitely fell in love with this funny guy. I fell in love with his good side.

“Tie,” the guy straightened up and handed me a tie.

I threw it over his neck and began to make knots.

"Don't make Jay angry," Dean whispered, lowering his head to watch my actions.

“What?” I stopped and looked up. “Thank you.”

My gaze returned to the tie, realizing that I had already tied it.

“I don’t understand.” I shook my head, stepping back. “Why are you all telling me to stay away from him?”

“He is waiting for you. Come on, I'll take you.” The curly-haired man's mood changed and now, roughly grabbing the elbow, he led me into the building. “Answer me!”

“Shut up! Just shut up, okay?” The guy switched to screaming, speeding up his steps.

What is this blond hiding? A terrible past? Family? The senses? Yourself? We entered the building nearby the left building. Dean led me silently through dark corridors with guards at every corner. There was full tension in the air. “Go,” the guy let go of me and waved his head at the closed door, before knocking on it.

He walked quickly down the steps, leaving me alone with a sudden onset of fear. I quietly opened the door and went inside.

“You seem to want to know everything about me,” a voice croaked slightly, echoing in the room.

Cold went down my skin, and my breath was out of breath. James was sitting with his back to me, looking out of the huge panoramic window.

“I...” the voice cracked and I fell silent.

“I know what you are asking everyone. I know what you are talking about with everyone. I know everything,” the guy turned around and his cold eyes quickly found mine. “I'll tell you what you need to know. Sit down,” Jay said in a commanding tone.

I swallowed a suitable lump in my throat and went to the sofa, slowly sank down on it. His eyes watched my every action, which made it too embarrassing.

He closed his eyes and breathed out: “I'm James Williams Foster. And this is my city with my rules.”

His eyes opened, filling me with terror. Dark blue eyes, like the sky in stormy weather, looked at me.

“And you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into if you rummage through my past,” he slammed his fist on the table and all the contents on it rolled to the floor.

His voice was cold and emotionless. His eyes betrayed power. His muscles showed strength. He was the one who was in control. I closed my eyes when he suddenly got up from the chair.

“If you think you can deceive me,” he paused, coming closer to me. “then you are wrong.”

“I don’t...” The voice trailed off, but I was able to protest. “I do not want.“

“Lies,” the guy growled, leaning over my ear.

I sank into the sofa, trying to increase the distance between us. Between me and the monster. He straightened up and walked over to the window, looking at his power.

“You won't run away from me,” a cold and commanding voice. “and if you try, then when I find you, “ he turned and looked into my eyes. “ You will be in deep trouble.”

I exhaled heavily, closing my eyes. I will not give up. I will not give up.

“Have you already stopped being afraid of Dean?” I swear I heard him grin.

I opened my eyes and stared at the opposite wall. My thoughts remained by themselves. You never know what one wrongly pronounced word could turn out to be.

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