10 Size doesn't matter
Meet Puck:
Species - Sprite
Hair color – peacock blue
Eye color – blue
Body color – light blue
Age – 254
Height – 14 cm
***POV – Enigma
I sit upright in bed, fully awake and I’m not sure why. I look around the semi-dark room. Amy is softly snoring, her one arm tucked under the pillow, the other dangling slightly from the side of the bed. Kayla and Jeren are also still fast asleep on the blow-up mattress they’re sharing. I rub my tired eyes with the back of my hands. It took me hours to fall asleep, my mind and dreams were preoccupied with a certain sexy demon.
Then I hear it.
There’s a racket in the kitchen and I jump out of bed, speeding down the stairs.
Crunch! Tinkle! Crack! Smash! Boom! Crack!
A man swears in all consonants, while a shrill voice swears back with equal ferocity.
Flip! It’s Puck and Zagon.
“What the fuck are you?” My mate's voice sends tingles down my spine that disperse into my stomach as hyperactive butterflies.
“I’m the fucking C.A.T!” Puck has never been one to back down from a fight, regardless of the size of his opponent. And in most cases, I’ll bet on him to win, but not this time.
“The question is who are you, twat?”
I peek my head around the corner and swallow back my laughter. Zagon has Puck pinned with his back to the wall with one hand, the other holding a used butterknife against his puny little neck.
Puck’s expression is anything but cheerful. He seems irritated and blows some peacock-blue strands of hair from his face – his signature thing to do when he's hot and bothered.
But my gaze is drawn away toward the topless devil with the sculpted muscles as if they’re carved out under his skin. Man, my mate is definitely something to look at, and those low-hanging jeans just speed up the metamorphoses of the butterflies in my tummy into glowing fireflies. Why did nature feel compelled to create him so freaking flawless? Well, his body at least, ‘cause his attitude stinks.
“I’m your worst nightmare!” Yep, Zagon hit that one right on the button – meeting my mate in the flesh might turn out to be a bad dream, and seeing that so-called flesh covering such an appealing package only adds to the misery.
“What were you doing in the damn cupboard?” Zagon sounds baffled. He’s most likely never seen anything like Puck before, not many people have. After all, his kind is almost extinct. They’re, on the contrary, restricted to a single tiny woodland in the elven realm.
“Pulling my cord!” Puck has never been extremely shy. He makes a strangled croaking sound. “I fucking fell asleep and then I smelled strawberries.”
I shake my head with a big smile. Even though he has his own tiny Puck-size room, he tends to fall asleep in the grocery cupboard a lot – he loves to eat. “But after seeing your ass-face, I think I lost my appetite.” Yeh, as if that’s ever going to happen.
“This is your last chance pixie before I cut your throat – why are you on Earth and hiding in here?”
“I’m not a fricking pixie, doom-puppy! I’m fucking blue … or is colorblindness part of your mental stupidity? ” Puck’s voice sounds strained as if it’s not easy for him to talk. And yeh, the guy does not have a filter for his mouth.
I step forward when Puck starts making gurgling sounds, afraid that Zagon might just decapitate him with the very dull dirty blade.
“Hey, doom-pup, let him go.” I’m trying to hide the laughter in my voice and on my face. Zagon’s eyes lock into mine before he slowly removes the knife, covered with a thin layer of a sticky red substance that gets clarified when I notice the open strawberry jam container on the table.
When he lifts his other hand Puck shoots up until he’s level with Zagon’s face. He sticks out his tongue and swoops down, grabs the jam sandwich from the plate, and disappears into the cupboard, all before Zagon can recover from his shocked expression.
“What the fuck is that?” He pulls out the words in slow motion, probably still astonished.
“That’s Puck. He’s a sprite … eh, he’s MY sprite.”
“So why is puck-ass here?”
“Long story short, he got stuck in my backpack once and just never left.”
Zagon looks down at his empty plate and throws the jam-covered knife onto the table.
“The fucker stole my sandwich.”
Puck sticks his head from his hiding place, his tiny mouth covered in crumbs and jam.
“I’d share with you if you weren’t such a pee-brain. And you should come with a fucking warning label cause you’re not normal.”
Zagon growls at him and he hastily pulls back closing the cabinet door. The word ‘jerk’ rings loud and clear from behind the said door.
I watch the muscles ripple each time my godly demon moves and the fireflies ignite my core and spark up my nipples. Flip. I look down trying hard to disguise the fact that I’m turned on by my mate’s bare torso.
Zagon stares at me with a strange face, swears again, and then hits the cabinet door with his fist on his way out and it swings open. Puck is right – he’s clearly not normal. My hand-sized friend gives a girly yelp from within and then his handsome little face peeks with wide blue eyes from behind a box of cereal.
“Who pissed in his coffee?” Puck whispers before taking another bite of the sandwich.
“I’m not pissed, I’m horny.” I blush at my mate’s words coming from the lounge and the look on Puck’s face is not helping.
“No thanks, I don’t do dogs!” Puck winks at me. His mouth is going to get him into deep trouble one day, that’s for sure.
“I was more thinking about planting my bone in Eni’s backyard.” Flip, another man that lost his filter. Not that it’s a bad idea … oh boy, here we go again. Zagon swears again and there might just be a hole in the wall now. Judging by Puck’s expression I can see he realizes what’s going on. He opens his mouth so I quickly close the cupboard door before the tiny sprite can say another word.
“Shush, Puck, shush.” He might be a pain in the ass, but he’s my pain in the ass and I want him to stay alive. But, being the stubborn little jerk he is, he blatantly opens the door and flies down to the counter.
“Soooo,” he starts and puts his little blue finger on his lips as if he’s thinking hard, “you found your … “
Before he can even think of finishing that sentence, he gets zapped with a light magically-produced electrical spark – just enough to close his mouth. He jolts into the air, bounces from the ceiling before regaining his balance mid-air. He lands on the counter again, his face pulled into a painfilled scorn.
“That’s it, cupcake, I’m changing teams cause I bet your mate can kick your ass,” Puck hisses, a tiny finger disapprovingly pointing at me.
“And I will enjoy witnessing your defeat, p.r.i.n.c.e.s.s,” he pulls out the last word scornfully. I give him a look – he knows he’s not supposed to call me that!
“Oh, me too!” Zagon comments from the other room.
I hold up my hands to concede defeat, tired of this foolish parade. I mean, it’s like 5 in the morning and I seriously need a cup of coffee.
“What’s going on down here?” I’m startled by the voice behind me. I was so preoccupied with preventing my mate from killing my sprite that I didn’t hear Chris entering the kitchen. Great, he was the only one missing to officially start a war. Chris and Puck loath each other, and Chris and Zagon … well their feelings are also known.
“So sleeping beauty finally woke up.”
“Zagon met Puck,” I answer as if I didn’t hear Zagon’s sarcastic remark coming from the other room.
“Great. Now we’re stuck with two replicas of the same asshole,” Chris grunts.
“Why do all the morons in the world tend to find their way to our house?” Puck asks looking at me while throwing a Cheerio at Chris.
“I asked that exact same question just yesterday,” I say thoughtfully.
“You’re right, who knows what Selene thought, leading that asshole here,” Chris mumbles while pouring himself some coffee.
“Actually, with morons … I meant you!” Puck rolls his tiny eyes at Chris.
“I’m liking you more and more, little prune.” Zagon puts in his card now leaning against the doorframe, still topless and it turns my intestines into some kind of bowel syndrome – it doesn’t flutter, it kicks.
“See that door? Why don’t you take your new best friend and walk through it to never return.” Chris is looking right at Zagon with a disgusted face.
“I don’t know what your problem is but I guess it’s hard to pronounce,” Zagon says calmly, earning him a big smile for the sprite in the room.
“Brain-dead would be my guess,” Puck says, and he fistbumps the demon. To say Puck despises Chris is an understatement. And it appears that he truly joined team Zagon. Oh, boy, those two arrogant bastards combined will be the end of our salvation.
I blow some steam from my nose and pull on my hair, eyes rolling up to the ceiling. This kitchen is way too small for all the testosterone clouding the air. Combine that with my mate’s potent smell and I’m starting to feel a little short of breath.
“Dicks,” Chris scuffs, pulling a pissed-off face.
“Calling us dicks won’t make yours any bigger,” Puck continues his brutal onslaught.
This is enough, I can’t take this childish bickering anymore.
“Ug, can you guys just stop! It’s way too early for a penis-measuring contest.” I’m getting fed up with all of them. They’re acting like spoiled little brats.
“Well, I’m game,” Zagon comments, and Puck flies up to his ear.
“No need, I’m sure he has a vagenis,” Puck didn’t say that soft enough.
“A what?” Zagon sounds just as confused as the rest of us. Puck throws his little hands out, irked, as if he can’t believe his new chum didn’t get that.
“Vagina and penis mixture,” he explains questionably as the rest of us is daft.
“At least it’s bigger than your tiny chopstick!” Chris comments and Puck looks disgustedly at him.
I have to stop this NOW. Before I’m faced with a show-off. I wonder how big Zagon … eh, nevermind.
“Whoa, keep your pants on. I truly don’t want to experience your pathetic morning glories,” I say, stressed about the tension filling the room.
“Oh, be careful little elf, if you experience the pleasure of my glory-stick once, you might just get hooked.” Damn my freaking mate, turning my words around. I can literally feel the blood rushing up to my cheeks to turn my face scarlet. Half of it is me blushing because I want to experience it now, the other half is me getting angry because I want to experience it now.
I throw him a scowl that indicates he’s now walking on dangerous ground, but the smug smile on his face tells me he doesn’t give a damn, nor is he scared.
“You better not touch her!” Chris moves forward, a little too fast, spilling his coffee onto him. I only now realize that he’s also topless, and for a mere moment, my mind is preoccupied with how strange it is that one naked body can turn my whole world upside down, while I barely even seem to notice the other. He ignores the spill and gets into a stare-off with the demon in the room, his face contorted with anger.
Instead of being enraged, Zagon’s dimples deepen with the broadening of his smile and there I go damp down-under again. Screw that damn dimples. It’s not fair for one teeny tiny indentation to have so much power over me.
And the worst part is - I know he can smell it, so yeh … I’m back to being bloodred. I’m furious with myself for being so easily turned on by this jerk and I blow some anger-steam through my nose. But the men just continue their bickering as if nothing happened.
“And who’s going to stop him, beta? You?” Puck pouts a triumphant smile at Chris, earning him a thumbs up from Zagon. Didn’t they just try to kill each other? My eyes get stuck on Zagon’s physique and immediately my lack of self-control causes me to get distressed again.
He clearly affects me and my body and I’m sure he’s all too well aware of it. The question is - do I have the same effect on him? You can’t smell a man’s arousal (lucky bastards), you can only see it, so I lead my eyes down my mate’s photoshopped torso. Staying on the course of the muscular V that starts the route to paradise, I attempt to determine if the massive bulge is normal or because he’s having the same problem as me. I scrunch my eyes to focus better, but I still can’t tell.
“I can pull down my pants if that will help,” Zagon teases and I realize what I'm doing and that I'm caught doing it. It feels as if I'm gonna blow my top.
“That’s it! Stop it, all of you!” I beam. Puck opens his mouth.
“Puck, shut up!” He closes it again in another cute pout.
“And you … “ my finger points at Zagon “… put a bloody shirt on!”
I meet him head-on just to fall in those pearly blues, the sexual tension growing into a beast that clasps its fingers around my neck and suddenly it’s difficult to breathe again. What is this man doing to me?
“Will you two just go upstairs and fuck it out,” Puck gives his unasked opinion.
“I second that,” grandma shouts from the stairs and I wonder how long she’s been standing there.
“EEEEEEHHHHH!” I yell out stamping my foot, “Freaking morons, all of you!” I throw my hands in the air.
“What? I just want some great-grandkids … “ my gran says innocently.
And the men appear perplexed, as though they have no idea what they did wrong. Ug, I’m drowning in the hormone-filled room, so in desperate need of some fresh air, I storm out onto the back porch and start pacing up and down.