Bahm 🍱
"Hey Nyku, can you pack me a small bag with food and money?"
"Yeah sure...Like a few hundred? Fruits okay?" She asks loyally.
"Yeah that's good...and bread with cheese please!" I yelled out.
I was in the process of waking up from having the wettest wet dream, I've ever had. I opened my eyes to a few of my servants blushing and holding a small rag in their hands.
Looking down I my hands wrapped around my shaft. They were ready to clean me up at my request, but I didn't need them.
I had too much fun last night.
I hurried and got out of bed, showered then went to find my most trusted person.
She and I are both the same age. One-thousand five hundred. The only difference is, she wasn't sheltered her whole life. She actually struggled to survive out in the cruel world. Until she met mother.
I trusted her enough not to tell anyone about my weird favor I've asked of her.
I wanted to bring some food for my mate. Let her eat something else besides rice and pork. I'm sure Cyn would be on her way here soon to freak out on me about he party, but like usual, I was going to run away into the woods.
I felt bad for having the orgy, but I couldn't release that built-up tension on my mate just yet. She wasn't ready.
After getting dressed, I made my way outside the castle and to the outdoor kitchen house. I could smell Nyku in there with the snacks and gold coins I asked for. She was picking on some food the cooks were making.
I teleported the silky blue bag that I could sense right next to her, into my hands before I even arrived at the kitchen house.
I then teleported to the forbidden forest right after. She'll be waiting in that kitchen, picking on other foods for some time til she realizes the silky bag of snacks has vanished.
Due to the spell Cyn's stupid witch put on me, I began shifting right away again. I could sense that my little mate was already at the ocean shore. I sprinted through the trees and vines, with my demonic speed and arrived within seconds by Hunnie.
She was standing in the water, in her human form and cleaning herself up. I was glad to see she was doing okay. After I marked her she slept for two long days!
I couldn't even concentrate when it came time to fighting the regular blood thirsty demons that try to escape Hell. I was so worried about her. I didn't think my mark's magic was going to be that strong for her body.
I left her the night of the party after she fell asleep on me and then when I woke up at three in the morning, and on my way to the barrier of hell, I caught her scent still laying in the same spot.
I figured she would have awoken by then and gone back to that human village, but I was even more horrified when I went to go see her around one in the afternoon and she was still there!
Lying in the sand in her wolf form. I was losing my mind! I thought I killed her, but I could hear her heart still beating fast as ever! I covered her body and pulled her closer to the border of the forest , under big leaves.
Back on the beach, I walked out from behind the bushes and dropped the silk bag of food and coins down in the sand. Sneaking up on Hunnie from behind, I remembered she doesn't know that I know what she looks like in this form.
"Yummy.." I purred out, waiting for her to turn around.
She gets up from the bent over position she was in and looks around slowly. She turns behind her, and her eyes finally land on me and her eyes go wide with horror. I press closer to her with my nose.
"You look even more delicious without fur." I groan in her head.
She automatically starts breathing heavy and goes into a silent panic. Her chest heaving in and out and she starts bringing her hands up to push my muzzle away.
"Mmmmm. Little Witch, I think I like it when you are scared." I say.
Oh heavens! Even her fear smells intoxicating! How can I even control myself?!!
"Wow" she gasps out. "..I..uhh..I.. you..are...uhhh..very... big right now." She says honestly.
I am sure to her I am almost the size of a moose!
My eyes travel across her naked body. The mate pull intensifying with each gaze my riverbed eyes took in. How did I get so blessed with this goddess?
This...this curvy, mouth watering, powerful goddess?!!
"You are stunning." I say and run my tongue along the salty flesh of her breast.
My body shivers and wishes it was my human mouth licking the mounds of her breast. My nostrils starts to pick up on the arousal happening between her legs and I couldn't ignore it.
I began licking her whole body while she tried guarding and shielding herself from me. On spite, I nudged her with my nose and she topples over on the shoreline wave, landing on her bottom.
"What's the matter. Cat got your tongue." I teased her, seeing she was so speechless and just letting me do whatever I wanted with her.
Her hazel eyes seemed to be hypnotized by my own lustful ones.
"Eekkk! What are you doing?!!" Her face turns red and she covers her mouth. I was trying to spread her legs apart with my snout.
"I want to really lick you like this." I say to her. Feeling a sense of agonizing pleasure swimming throughout my body.
"Oh my gosh... no!" she mumbles and stares into my eyes. I stare back and lower my head to lap at her legs and keeping my eyes trained on her gold and brown curly waves.
Her body was to die for. She was voluptuous and had creamy peanut butter skin.
The curls in her hair were very loose and more wavy when wet, versus dry. Her breast were full and perky, and even had two beauty marks right on her brown, shimmery, areolas.
Her stomach held some meat to it, but it was just the right amount of meat to nibble on.
She might even be too curvaceous and plump in too many places.
Wow! Was she driving me crazy!
"Can I lick you Hunnie. I swear I'll be gentle." I voice over in our mental link.
She palms her cheeks again and looks around. I could feel her blood pressure rising and her body heat leaving her pores at a high speed.
I walked closer to her and sniffed between her thighs. She nodded nervously and laid down on her back with her lower part of her body laying on the shore, allowing the waves to hit her bottom.
Pushing her legs open with my snout, I began lapping away at her beautiful, unshaven, pink strawberry snatch. I stuck my tongue inside her core and tasted her sweet, milky, nectar. She hid her moans from me and was completely silent. Even in our link.
I knew she couldn't hide it for much longer, as her core started to become soaked with her juices.
I devoured her hungrily, and then she began moaning softly out load. I loved it! My ears were loving the noises leaving her mouth.
"Do you like?" I voiced out mentally, brining my long and thick tongue across her whole sex
She began biting at her pointer finger to block out any noises from escaping her mouth again.
"Yes!" She gasped out to my question.
Her head was moving from side to side and she was digging her nails into the sand around her thighs.
My pheromones were extremely alluring. I tend to hypnotize those around me with my charms and she was falling right into it. I so desperately wanted Hunnie to come back to my castle with me.
I couldn't leave this woman here! She was my heaven sent mate!
She caught a pretty quick orgasm, right on my tongue while she jerked her body ever so softly.
After I was done, I walked over to the silk bag I brought from Nyku and placed it by her side.
"From my kitchen. Eat." I commanded her softly.
I rested my body beside hers and watch her splash water between her thighs and carefully unties the knot.
Her eyes widen and she pulled out some green, cotton candy grapes and nuts before plopping them in her mouth.
"Mmmm. Wow! It's been so long since I've had these!" She says stuffing her chubby cheeks with more. She smiles widely and squints her eyes.
She begins to dig in the bag, skipping passed the coins, as I could hear the bag slightly jiggle, and pulls out cheese, bread, and a canister of water.
Her smile brightens up even more and she looks over to me and breaks a piece of the bread and hands me some. I kindly decline and watch her down it all while we talk through our mental chain again.
"The money is a gift from me to you. . So don't decline." She nods and pushes bread to her lips.
She was flustered. But it was the truth. She didn't even have shoes on her feet, yet they were still cute and dainty. She must fly a lot with her magic bubble.
I feel Aldrerix come closer to the surface and suggests the greatest idea ever. My hungry eyes glare at the flesh on her neck before I'm able to communicate with her again.
"Would you come work in my kingdom?" My voice breaks out.
"Doing what?" She says with a stuffed mouth. "Where is it?"
I rest my head on my paw and stick my tongue out to flick at her legs.
"The Demon King's castle."
She chokes and pieces of bread fly everywhere.