Chapter 6

Hunter's POV

I pause in signing the documents I'm currently working on when I hear a commotion going on outside. I wait for a few minutes and when the noise doesn't subside, I stand up to find out what's going on.

Those people making such ruckus better have a damn good excuse.

When I step out of the office into the corridor leading to the elevator, I see Blake and Tyler staring in shock at Miss Griffin.

Oh God, not this again.

"Where have you been all these years?" Blake asks.

"We've searched for you everywhere!" Tyler adds.

"This Daisy girl again? For the last time, I am not Daisy!" Miss Griffin says sounding frustrated.

I quickly step forward before things get out of hand.

"Blake,  Tyler, she isn't Daisy. Meet Miss Griffin my personal assistant. Miss Griffin, meet Doctor Blake the CEO of the Denovan's group of hospitals and medical schools and Tyler the CEO of the Grant's shipping company" I say; trying to make the introductions.

"Miss Griffin?...but...Daisy....I thought.... Never mind. Nice to meet you Miss Griffin. Sorry for the mix up, you really look like someone I knew" Tyler; always the gentleman says smiling and offers her a handshake.

Miss Griffin takes Tyler's hand but doesn't stop glaring at Blake.

What the hell did Blake do now?

Since the incident with him and Bloom in high school, he had turned into a complete jerk to women. And with the messy divorce he's going through right now with Stephanie trying to win the custody case of Sophie their daughter, he has been extra moody. So I wouldn't be surprised if he had done something asshole-like to Dais-Esmeralda.

I frown at that thought and frown more at the fact that I feel protective over Esmeralda.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too" she replies.

"I'll be on my way now" she says giving Blake one last glare before smiling at Tyler and walking towards the elevator.

"Thank God she's gone. My head is too occupied for her drama" Blake says in relief and  I can't help but get angry about the fact that he was talking that way about Esmeralda.

Before I can say anything, Tyler beats me to it.

"You could have prevented all this if you had just stopped being an asshole for once and apologized to her after bumping into her" Tyler says sounding angry.

Blake uses the heel of both his palms to rub his eyes.

"I'm sorry guys, I'm just so tired of everything and it doesn't help that she looks like Daisy, which automatically means she reminds me of Bloo-HER" he says and I feel bad for him.

He has been through more shit than any of us have and he still turned out great. I never would have thought Blake would turn out to be a doctor. A professional football player? Definitely. But a doctor? I did not see it coming.

We move inside my office and seat down. I then loosen my tie since working hours were over.

"So what's the latest news about Sophie? Does it look like the final verdict will favor you?" I ask Blake and he sighs.

"I don't know but I'll do everything in my power to have my baby with me. Stephanie is not mother material" he answers and Tyler who was sitting close to him pats him on the shoulder.

"If there's anything we can do to help, tell us and we'll do it" Tyler says and I nod in agreement.

Blake's phone vibrate indicating he has a message and he picks it up to read it. When he keeps staring at the phone with a sad expression, Tyler and I immediately know what he's staring at.

"Blake, you know you can't keep doing this to yourself. What do you gain from that except pain to see her with other men?" Tyler asks looking worried.

Tyler snatches Blake's phone and passes it to me after looking at whatever is on the screen. When I look at his phone, I see the headline 'BLOOM GATES; THE QUEEN OF MUSIC SPOTTED LAST NIGHT IN A NIGHT CLUB IN LAS VEGAS WITH F-RED THE NEW RAPPER THAT HAS BEEN BLOWING OUR MINDS' on top of the cover of the article.

Below the extremely long headline was a blurry picture of Bloom and a guy with a Mohawk that looks like a rainbow vomited on holding her around her waist.

"Why should you subscribe to getting news like this? I thought you.said you were over her! That you can't forgive her for what she did! You're only hurting yourself" I exclaim angry that he's adding to his burden by torturing himself with pictures of Bloom.

"So what if I'm not over her? At least she's alive unlike Daisy..." Before he finishes his statement, I stand up from my seat, move around the table swiftly and punch him in the face.

"She's alive and yet you can't have her, you can only watch other men have her. That's worse than her being dead" I spit and he gets angry and punch me in the face unaware.

I stumble backwards a bit with the force of his punch.

"Guys, you're adults now. Stop behaving like you're still in high school. The bitter truth is we all lost our girls in high school. Shit happens. Fighting about it won't change a thing. Blake, you lost Bloom. Hunter, you lost Daisy. And I lost Chloe; I never even got the chance to tell her I was in love with her. Do you think punching each other like kids will make them all come back. So put on your big man panties and deal with your shit" Tyler yells and Blake and I pause to stare at him for a second before exploding into fits of laughter.

"Did he just.....he just....he.." Blake tries to form a sentence between his guffaws but can't seem to complete it.

"You just said.....said.......big man panties" he finally succeeds before going into another feet of laughter while banging the table.

I hold on to Blake's shoulder to be able to catch my breath.

"I just mentioned extremely sad things and the only thing you got out of my words is 'big man panties'? Your physique and position in the society might have changed as you grew up but you guys never matured" Tyler says smiling softly and after a few more chuckles, Blake and I finally compose ourselves.

"I'm sorry man, I didn't mean any of the shit I said" Blake says to me offering me a handshake.

"Neither did I" I say taking his hand and going back to my seat.

"I thought you guys were all going to arrive in the city tomorrow evening for the charity gala, why are you here early?" I ask them both.

"We heard from your Dad that there is a lead as to where Daisy is. Do you think Daisy will finally be found?" Blake asks and I shrug casually even though I was feeling anything but casual about this situation.

"Do you know that the lead Dad was talking about is Miss Griffin? But the clues are not adding up so I won't get my hopes up like the other times in the past" I answer.

"But what if Miss Griffin is Dais....." Blake gets cut off by my phone ringing.

"You need to come here right now, I just found out something very important regarding Daisy" Mike says urgently.

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