Chapter 7

Esmeralda's POV

I stomp my feet in anger as I walk to the front of the humongous building to hail a cab. I really needed to fix my car soon. I didn't wait for long before a taxi stopped to pick me up. I describe my address and the driver nods before going back to ignoring me.

When I get to my two bedroom apartment. I throw my bag on my couch with a little too much force. I blame asshole Blake for putting me in a bad mood. I go into my bedroom and change into a casual outfit before moving to the kitchen to microwave dinner for myself.

While waiting, I decide to search up who the infamous Daisy everyone is mistaking me for is. I type 'Daisy and Hunter Stone' into the computer since I didn't know her last name. The computer loaded various articles, gossip blogs and pictures. I click on the first article with the heading "Heiress of the Heart group of hotels gone missing".

The article was about how Daisy was supposedly kidnapped and murdered. This led to the terrible health condition of her father since she was his only living relative. The article reported that the details of the whole incident remain unknown to the general public.

I opened another article but it was only repeating what the previous one said only with different words. All these was really sad but I still didn't see the connection between Hunter and Daisy. Maybe she was a fling.

One article finally catches my attention and I click on it. It read 'Hunter Stone of the Stone Empire and Daisy Heart of the Heart group of hotels ENGAGED!!!'. So she was his fiancé. The first thing on the page was a picture of a younger Mr Stone and Daisy dancing at their engagement party looking so oblivious to their environment. The resemblance between Daisy and I strikes me so hard that I jerk a bit.

The girl is the one in the picture I accidentally broke today in Mr. Stone's office. They looked so enraptured in each other that it almost looked magical. A weird longing stirs up in me as I keep staring at the picture. I shake my head and close the tab. I suddenly remember that I have dinner in the microwave so I rush to the kitchen and I get there just as the timer beeps. I take out the spaghetti and eat silently.

After a while, I get ready to go to bed. I decide to open the box Mr. Stone gave me and check what kind of dress it contained. I pray that it will be something conservative. I'm not a prude but my parents are Catholic and they will blow a fuse if I ever wore something indecent. Besides, I won't feel comfortable in it.

My  jaw drops in shock when I remove the dress from the box. It's basically a mosquito net! I'm supposed to wear this!!! What exactly was the designer thinking when he/she made this? This isn't even worthy to be worn to bed!

I check the tag and gasp at the name of the brand. It's flipping Arianna Cade! Middle class people like me can only dream of wearing this brand.

I bring the dress against my body to see how it looks like and I cringe at my reflection. I can't wear this. The large scar on my back will be bare for everyone to see and I don't want anyone poking their nose into my business. Even I can't remember how I got the scar. My mum told me that it was from the car accident that made me lose part of my memory.

My phone rings and I drop the dress on the bed to pick it up. A shriek is delivered to my ear as soon as I press the answer button and I distance the phone from my  ear to save what's left of my hearing ability. I check the identity of the caller and see that it's my crazy best friend; Keesha.

"Chica, why the fuck didn't you tell me that you've gotten a fucking job? If I wasn't so happy for you, I would be offended right now!" She shrieks some more.

"K, turn down the volume and Jesus Keesha, mind your language"

"Babe, I had to hear the news from your Fucking mom. So....any hot hunk at work?" She asks and I could practically feel her wiggling her eyebrows from the other end of the phone.

I open my mouth to answer her question but she cuts me off.

"What's the name of the company? Your mother said you didn't tell her, why?" She asks again.

"It's not a company...well it is a company but it's the headquarters of all the companies under it's name. You know the Stone Empire, right? And I didn't tell my Mum because she would freak out about being the secretary for such a notorious womanizer" I reply and wait for a response that never came.

"Keesha?....K?..... Keesha? are you still ther...."

"You're working for the younger stone, are you shitting me right now?" She screams into the phone.

I'll never get used to Keesha's loudness.

"Yes, I'm his assistant" I reply picking up the dress again and willing it with my eyes to grow a few more inches.

"I never thought I'd say this because of how much I love my life but I wish I was you right now" she says and I can hear the awe in her voice.

"Just...." She starts in a calm tone.

Calm Keesha was never a good thing.

"What K?" I ask dreading what she was about to say.

"Just please be careful with him okay? I know you just got out of a terrible relationship and I don't want you getting your heart broken again" she concludes.

"I only said I was working for him not that I was sleeping with him. And I'll be fine, we barely even talk." I say.

'Yeah, because almost swapping spit is not close at all' my sarcastic sub conscious chips in.

"If I was you, trying to keep my hands away from him would be the real job" Keesha says already back to her normal self.

"You need help" I say rolling my eyes knowing that she can't see it. She hates it when people roll eyes at her.

"And talking about help, I have a situation here. There's a charity gala tomorrow night and Mr Stone got me a dress and let's just say that the dress isn't even worthy enough to be an underwear. Plus, it'll expose my scar, what do I do?" I whine.

"Well, send me the picture and I'll see if I can get something that looks like it only a bit more conservative" she says.

"That might be a little bit impossible. It's Arianna Cade's design. You can't find anything like it anywhere" I mutter.

The shriek that follow my words were expected so I quickly move my phone away from my ear.

"Oh my God, oh my God! I'm coming over right away. I guess we're going to have a girls night today" And without saying goodbye, she hangs up.

I shake my head, she's crazy but I love her all the same.

My phone rings again and I pick it up knowing it's Keesha. She probably forgot to say something.

"Ever heard of warning people before hanging up?" I chide her.

"I need you Daisy" I hear Mr Stone's broken sob from the end of the line.

What the hell happened to him?

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