9 Inferno
Date = 28 March
Place = San Francisco (Inferno)
POV – Aria
As soon as we get out of the car, I take Leyla’s hand and loop my other arm through Lee’s. I have two reasons for doing this - firstly, I need some emotional and physical support, ‘cause my knees are still weak from the kiss. Secondly, and most crucially, I need a human shield between me and my model boyfriend; because I need to unravel my confused haunted mind from this morning’s incident.
“The girls are inside,” Damion, waiting in front of Inferno, says while looking at me with a lopsided grin that would make the Snowqueen melt. Lee is literally standing with a dropped jaw, staring with those big eyes at the hunky racer. What a strange little guy. So I forcefully drag him with me towards the club’s huge steel doors, leaving the brothers to talk to their friend – aka future brother-in-law.
“Is that …” Lee sounds a bit lost so I butt in.
“Yep, that’s Damion Grimm, a beautiful specimen of the male species, and on his way to becoming the daddy of the next generation of hotness. But personally, my boy is much more handsome,” I’m not quite sure why exactly I’m blabbering like a teenage girl having her first crush, it just slipped out, but Lee seems like a man who can handle it.
And it’s the truth – even though Damion is a 10-out-of-10 guy, if it was truly up to me, I would actually for real choose Enrique above all the guys in the group. There’s just something about him that seems to blow my mind. But I’ll rather die than admit that to him.
“He knocked up some girl?” Lee asks confused, pulling me from my clouded mind.
“Eh, yeah, your roommate’s little sister,” I say watching Lee’s face going into total shock.
“Oh shit,” he mutters, still in total flabbergaster mode.
“Yep, almost started a family feud, I heard. But despite their cockiness and wild nature, the boys are not all bad. Maybe a little rough around the edges, but mostly rather easy to get along with,” I try to come up for the guys that already found their way into my heart … all of them … even the difficult ones.
“Although … I must warn you … your roommate and Axel … they might have some serious issues. Maybe that’s why they are so close,” I feel it is my duty to inform him about the scary twin.
“It’s not true,” Leyla chips in, “Jay and Ax are just a little broken, but they are super nice just like the others.” She pauses for a moment and takes a deep breath before she continues, “Except for Luke … he’s just a dick sometimes.”
“Leyla!” I’m shocked by her using that word and I give her a stern warning stare. Leyla is not always fond of the littlest Grimm. He’s an extremely energetic cocky little bad-boy teaser, just like his brothers. So needless to say that he easily gets on my nerdy sister’s nerves, but they also seem to be best friends at the same time. It’s a complicated relationship.
“What?” she scolds and I swear she never grew out of her terrible-two phase.
“I’ll take your word on that,” Lee nods in agreement. “Anyway, it doesn’t really matter; I just want to finish this season so I can continue with my studies,” he adds, and I wonder how wonderful it must be to have a life that goes as planned. He doesn’t seem to realize that sometimes fate throws you a curveball, collapsing all that well-laid plans like dominos. And it’s then that you unwillingly get sucked onto a whole other path where you just stop making plans altogether.
“So what do you study?” Leyla asks, nosy like usual.
“I want to cut open dead bodies,” he answers in all seriousness, and I roll my eyes without turning my head to stare at him. Is that even a profession? Gosh, another weirdo it seems.
“You’ll get along great with Jackson then,” my sister giggles.
Lee also sniggers and I wonder if it was a joke. This time I turn to look at him.
“A Pathologist … I want to be a Pathologist,” his full lips pull into a broad smile. I silently let out a breath of relief. Okay, maybe he’s not all crazy.
We walk on and I literally pull in my breath as soon as we step over the threshold while Lee freezes to a complete halt next to me. The sight before us is indescribably magnificent and judging by the way how my companion silently looks around with wonder, he’s also blown away.
The foyer has a modernist-industrial design style that’s raw, almost unfinished, providing a casual atmosphere not quite expected but at the same time welcoming. Despite its simplicity and minimal urban tropes, you are greeted by an entrance adorned in soothing neutral hues with splashes of prominent blues, ambient sounds, scents, and lighting, creating a relaxed vibe.
“Enrique asked me to show you around since you start working here tomorrow,” Logan suddenly comments from behind us, breaking the silence, and the three of us jump, not realizing he was there. He walks past and Leyla grabs onto his hand, leaving mine, as he leads us deeper into the club. Logan smiles warmly down at her. Ug, my sister already has all the boys wrapped around her tiny pinkie.
At the right is an archway leading to what must be a dining area, hosting the same style with lots of steel, exposed structural elements, brick, and fancy lighting, but the tables give a homey impression of comfort and romance. Whoever did the interior design of this club did a magnificent job. I mean, even the huge paintings fit perfectly in with the rest of the decor.
Design has been something I’ve always been interested in, especially fashion design. But my parents’ death was my curveball, and then my sister’s illness … there just wasn’t any time or money left for studies. I started posting make-up and fashion videos on social media, and my followers are growing by the day, increasing my income. Maybe I will soon be able to make a decent living out of it … who knows.
“This is the restaurant, and through there,” he points to a steel door with some impressive glass insets, “is the kitchen.” I nod, trying to remember everything.
We make our way from the main restaurant upstairs to the second level – the private dining rooms – each one an elaborate individual space with a custom-made dining table fitted with plush couches and comfortable accent chairs. On one end of each room is a huge glass window overlooking the garden area and ocean, while on the other dark wood latticing, like a cage, separates it from the lower area. This level was designed as an exclusive dining oasis, booked especially by guests to relax and socialize in a more intimate setting. Logan explains that it is mostly used by famous people wanting to have a good time away from prying eyes.
We go back to the foyer and continue straight through another archway and as we descend to a lower level the first nightlife elements are unveiled. The room still exudes the same rugged, raw, edgy flow, with two illuminated blue glass-and-steel bars lining the huge open dance floor. Above it is the DJ booth, and suspended performance stage, providing the guests with an unrivaled nightlife experience – or that’s what Logan says anyway.
Ilkay appears from a small room behind the bar, carrying a case of beer. He greets us with a slick smile and unpacks the beers.
“Doc, can I help you?” Layla eagerly runs to him.
“Sure angel. You can unpack that crate over there.” I just roll my eyes at Lee while Logan continues his charade.
“The bars get overcrowded easily, so you’ll have to learn all the names of the cocktails and drinks by heart, cause there’s no room or time for error,” Logan says while I stare at the overstocked bar, carrying any beverage I can think of, and then I get a sly smile hearing his next words, “… you just function like a robot.”
“So Sport fits in here perfectly,” I whisper softly to Lee.
“Sport?” he whispers back, earning us a questioning look from Logan.
“I’ll tell you later.” Lee nods and we continue our tour, leaving my sister with Ilkay.
“Here you are in the center of the action. Positioned under the lights with confetti cannons galore, you can get up close and personal with the DJ booth to be fully immersed in the high-energy atmosphere of the club,” Logan explains while we walk over the massive dance floor.
“He looks like a jock, but he talks like a nerd,” Lee suddenly whispers in my ear and I have to bite my cheek to not burst into laughter, so instead I look up at the mesmerizing blue LED webbed media ribbon ceiling and it results in me stumbling over my own feet, dragging Lee forward with me. This time I can’t keep it in and we cackle as soon as we recover our balance, earning a frown from our handsome tour guide. These brothers can be way too serious sometimes.
Adjacent to the main nightclub is an area boasting some oversized booths filling the perimeter on one side of a smaller dance floor, separated from the main one by glass. Logan talks about how the booths are booked out to VIP guests, again wanting to stay away from stalking fans, and this way they can feel part of the action without officially being inside the action.
“I bet you only fucking very rich people come to this club,” Lee sniggers softly so Logan won’t hear and I pout my mouth, nodding my head a few times. Yep, he’s right … this club is not for mere mortal beings like us. I sigh, thinking again about how I’ll never fit into Enrique’s lifestyle.
“Did I say something wrong? I didn’t mean it disrespectfully, just that this doesn’t seem like the type of place the unknown part of society will easily hang out, unless you’re a groupie or trying to hook a celebrity” he explains, scrutinizing me, “I always think that famous people’s lives seem so fake as if they’re trying to hide from real life. It’s rather sad, you know.”
And he hits the hammer on the nail and cracks the wall … everything about this is just pretend … most of all my relationship. So how do I know if my feelings are real? Maybe it’s just a ruse and I’m simply caught up in it?
“You’re right … I’m like Cinde-fucking-rella, but without the happy ending,” I sigh without thinking. The quicker that robot gets his movie part, the better. I need to get out of this toxic situation. Enrique is dangerous for my heart and the longer I live this fantasy … the harder the fall back to reality is gonna be.
“I don’t understand … do you and Enrique have problems? You seem so happy,“ he stops, forcing me to do the same. I watch the frown on his face as if he’s truly confused. I want to tell him about the contract … about my whole messed-up life … but I can’t. So instead I just wink at him with a smile and click my tongue, “Tsk, I think I’m just scared that I’ll wake up one day and it’s all a dream.”
“If that happens, I’ll drag you back to real-life, buddy.” He bumps me with his shoulder softly and a warm feeling wraps around my heart. I think I’m gonna like this guy.
Logan slides open some giant steel and wood stable-type doors to another area, equipped with a bar and casual seating zones around a water feature with lush foliage to immerse guests in an almost tropical environment like no other. The open room flows seamlessly onto the garden, a natural-looking rock pool, the private beach, and the ocean.
“Okay, that’s the whole package, I just need to show you to the VIP section and you’ve had the whole Inferno experience, so let’s … “ He’s interrupted by his ringtone and he holds up his hand gesturing for us to wait. We stand in silence, staring at the view. This place is truly magnificent and I can see why the rich and famous queue to get in here.
Logan returns, after walking up and down the garden a few times while talking on his phone.
“I need to go. Coach booked us on an earlier flight,” he sighs. Then he directs us to a wrought iron staircase that’s almost hidden in one corner of the main club area.
“You’ll find my darling little sister up there,” he says before leaving through the foyer. Still clinging to Lee, we ascend the stairs which lead to another level closed off by big glass walls, providing a more private VIP environment while still having access to the energy of the main club.
As soon as we enter the space, a dungeon-piercing scream rips through the air and then Mel gulps me into a group hug followed closely by Thalia.
“I was wondering if you were still alive after all that blow-jobs last night!” Mel shouts and Lee’s eyes grow bigger.
“The shooter, not the sexual thing,” I explain quickly before he gets the wrong idea.
“Yeah, it was all in the spirit of going big or going home,” Thalia says then.
“Oh my gosh! You have the prettiest eyes!” Kiara gulps, squeezing Lee’s cheek as if he was a cute baby and the girls turn their full attention to him.
“Are you old enough to be in here?” Thalia asks, clapping her fingers “… mm … wait … what’s that man’s name …,” then her face lightens up and she points her finger directly at Lee’s bewildered face, “D-day … you look a little like that Roy dude … don’t you think girls?“ then she looks around at us for confirmation. But since I don’t have a clue who she’s talking about I just shrug my shoulders.
“Eh, he’s my brother,“ Lee says sheepishly, looking down.
“No way,” Thalia gushes grabbing Lee’s hand, “it’s my favorite band ever. I love their music.”
“But who are you exactly?” Mel asks while we make our way to one of the tables.
“Girls, this is our newest addition, Lee, the new Sharks goalie AND he also just moved in with the psycho twin, poor thing.” I introduce him before he can even open his mouth.
“Goalie? For the Sharks? … eh … “ Mel pulls a strange face and looks Lee up and down. Lee snorts.
“Yeah, I’m small … I know …” he says, “but please don’t hold it against me.”
“Never! We for sure aren’t judgmental in this tiny group of ours,” Mel sweeps her hand through the air, “Oh, I’m Mel, by the way, the psycho twin’s little sister … that’s Kiara and Thalia.”
Lee frowns while looking at Mel’s tummy.
“You don’t look knocked up,” he says all seriously. The girls burst into laughter.
“Kiara is right, you’re so cute I think we’ll keep you,” Mel puts her arms around Lee and gives him a peck on the cheek. And as fate wants it, it’s the exact moment the other boys enter the room.
“What the fuck!” Damion growls from behind us, and Mel freezes, her lips still on Lee’s cheek. She slowly looks up and rolls her eyes to the ceiling, mumbling a few words, as if praying for patience.
“And the unintended sperm donor appeared,” Lee scuffs and Mel turns to face her baby’s daddy, pointing a single finger at his chest, “Shush and take a chair before I strangle you.”
Jackson pulls up his brows and gives his friend a what-the-hell-is-going-on-with-my-sister look.
“Hormones,” Damion answers his unasked question, but he quickly takes a chair when Mel gives a step towards him. His face reminds me of a toddler whose dummy was taken away, his eyes penetrating poor innocent Lee. But instead of being intimidated by the bad boy, Lee puts out his hand toward him with more boldness than all the alpha males in our group combined. He’s a feisty little thing, that’s for sure.
“Hi, I’m Lee, Jackson’s roommate.”
“Damion Grimm.” The biker hesitantly shakes his hand.
“Yeah, I know … my brother is like your biggest fan.” Lee smiles at him and I notice the deep dimple in his cheek. Mel plops down on her fiance’s lap, circling her arms around him.
“Now isn’t he just the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?” she asks and Damion answers with a soft grunt.
“Men are not cute,” Jackson growls with an angry-looking face. I swear I’ll never figure that dude out. He’s the most closed-off and weirdest one of the lot. I mean, I like him, but at the same time, he scares me a little. It’s as if he has this darkness in him … a darkness that gives off serious serial-killer vibes. Sexy serial killer… but still.
“Exactly … “ Damion agrees, pointing a finger at his friend.
Enrique comes over from where he’s been talking to Axel and Alejandro who are standing behind the bar cleaning glasses. They seem to be on duty for the night. That’s what I love most about this group … their tight bond and friendship; and the way they’re just there for each other all the time no matter what. No matter how rich they are, or how busy … they’re not stuck up and regularly help out here at the club.
“Where is Logan?” he asks abruptly, looking at me as if I’m hiding his brother in my bra or something. What’s his case? I feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, not sure if it’s because I’m angry or hot – I mean we did make out for real – IN PRIVATE – this morning! But now he’s changed into a bear with a sore tooth again. Ug, freaking malfunctioning robot!
“He had to go,” Lee answers, and with some serious swearwords, and big hand gestures, my robot walks down the stairs, cursing his bro.
“You know, I’ve never met your little brother … “ Thalia ponders, looking at Mel. “It seems that we miss each other all the time.”
“Oh, don’t worry, you’re not missing much!” Jackson answers quickly and then Mel hits him on his arm.
“Hey, Logan happens to be my favorite brother for today.”
“Yeah, at least he’s not as obnoxious as you … “ Kiara says looking at both Jackson and Damion.
“And he’s way better looking too … “ Mel continues.
“Ug, let’s go get a drink,” Jackson says and then he looks at Lee. “Are you coming, roomie?”
“No, Lee is staying with us … “ I answer holding onto Lee’s arm, and the other girls nod in agreement. Jackson gives Damion a knowing look and they walk away to the bar.
“Are they always so macho?” Lee asks softly, causing Mel to shriek with laughter.
“Eh, let me try and sum these San Francisco boys up for you. There’s Ilkay, an over-serious doctor with a broken heart. Enrique is a model and actor and my unpredictable robot. Jackson is the enigmatic psychopath, Logan is an overemotional quarterback, Damion is … “ I quickly look at Mel, “… eh WAS the bad boy biker …”
“No, no … he still is … “ she interrupts before gesturing with her hand for me to continue, “and Mel’s baby daddy, Alejandro is the tough hero and lastly, Axel is the mysterious firefighter. Correct me if I’m wrong, ladies?” I look at my new friends.
“Nope, I think you’ve nailed it,” Kiara says making an okay gesture with her fingers.
“But at least, what they lack in personality, they make up in looks … “ Thalia comments, and again we’re stuck in a hoot of laughter, causing the pouting boys to stare at us from the bar.
“Hey, Grimm, can you get me an ‘unprotected sex’ before your baby dehydrates?” Mel shouts and I can only shake my head.
“Oh, and by the way, little Lee, nobody outside of this group knows that I’m pregnant … so can you keep it a secret please?”
Lee nods eagerly with a big smile.
Maybe Lee has it wrong, not all rich people have phony lives … this little group seems to face reality head-on and I’m the only fake one here.