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Chapter 2 She is the long-lost granddaughter of Alpha King

Angelina's POV

Late night.

It hurts,all over.

Especially my face,it hurts like hell!

I crawled out of the dump,countless flies surrounding me while I stared straight ahead at the road,slowly crawling forward.

1 foot,2 feet,3 feet...

"Help!"I shouted with all my strength.

"Somebody help me."

Matthew and Monica should not have expected me to be alive.It was hate,the obsession with revenge that kept me breathing.I want to live.

"Someone help me.Help.I'm dying!"

I finally crawled to the edge of the highway,dragging a winding trail of blood behind me.If passing drivers had looked at me through the car window,they would have mistaken me for a blood-red,twisted python.

I knew I must look horrible now,I was covered in blood and garbage,would any car really stop to save me?

Before I ran out of strength completely,I vaguely saw a black Rolls Royce pull up and then a man in a royal gown stepped down.

I tried to see what he looked like,but he was so tall that I tried to tilt my head up and could only see that he was wearing black leather gloves,and then I passed out completely.

In a daze,I felt someone hug me up from the ground.

The person holding me had a nice cedar scent that made me feel at ease when I smelled it.I couldn't help but rub against the person's shoulder.Even if that person threw me down in disgust,I felt it was worth it.

If heaven really exists,I think this embrace I am in is heaven.

Oliver's POV

"Your Highness Prince Oliver,please let me hold her for you."

I avoided my subordinate's hand and glanced over coldly,"No need."

"She is dirty and smelly,I am worried that she will stain your clothes,Your Highness."

"The next time I hear you say something like that,I will cut off your tongue.If the Alpha King hears you talking about his granddaughter like that,he will cut off your head."

The subordinate covered his mouth in horror:"Your Highness,you mean...she,she is the long-lost granddaughter of Alpha King..."

"Mind your mouth."

The night wind blew,and I felt the girl in my arms shiver.

Her face was all crisscrossed with scars and I couldn't see what she looked like,but her eyes gave me a familiar feeling.

I wasn't sure if she was the person that the Alpha King had been looking for,but I was sure that I had seen her before.

I was even more certain that I could clearly hear the wolf in my head whispering,"Mate."

Looking at the bruises on her body,her pale skin,my heart throbbed.I quickened my pace toward the car.

"Drive,to the palace."

Angelina's POV

My eyes snapped open and hatred always lingered inside.

"Oh you're awake!"

My left hand was held by a large,pale,warm hand,and my right hand was grasped by a small,soft hand.The warmth of those two hands came to me in a steady stream.

Seeing that two worried-looking people appeared in front of me, I sat up from my bed warily: "Who are you ...?"

An old man and a little girl appeared in front of me. The old man looked majestic, wearing a crown and holding a scepter, but his body did not seem very healthy. The little girl looked about 5 years old, very thin and timid.

Who are these two people? Why am I here?

I remember being drained of bone marrow by Matthew and Monica and thrown in a junkyard to die, but now I'm lying in a big, soft bed with not a single pain in my body yet.

Did someone save me? From memory, the person who saved me seemed to be a young man with black leather gloves, not the two people before me.

"You're finally awake!"The frail old man with the crown saw my defensive eyes and he said soothingly, "Don't be afraid, I'm your grandfather and I'm also the Alpha King. She is your cousin Lisa."

Grandfather? The Alpha King? Cousin?

"I know you may not be able to accept it for a short time. Maybe your father, David, never mentioned us to you, but everything I said is true. From the first moment I saw you, I felt the call of blood.I also had a paternity test done during your coma, and you really are my own granddaughter."

I still couldn't believe it. After experiencing the betrayal of my fiancé and stepsister, I no longer dared to trust someone easily.

"My father said that my grandfather died long ago."

The Alpha King fell into tears, his body shaking as if he would faint at any moment: "Oh, my son, David still hates me so much. He refuses to forgive me. It's my fault, I shouldn't have forced him in the first place. He would rather leave for 10 years than come back to see me."

I was always alert, but I have to admit that it was very hard to see this emaciated old man cry. Could this really be the bloodline?

Oh Moon Goddess, am I dreaming? I thought I was bound to die, but I actually survived and had two more relatives who seemed to care about me.

Am I really that lucky?

No, I must have been dreaming because I couldn't feel the pain at all. I remember that I was scratched by Matthew with a knife on my face, but I can't even touch the wound now, only the smooth skin.

Seeing my face touching action, grandfather asked worriedly, "What's wrong? Does your face still hurt?"

Before I could answer, the grandfather yelled out in panic, "Doctor, doctor, quickly come and check! Why does my granddaughter's face still hurt after three months of recovery surgery?"

"Recovery surgery ... three months ..." I suddenly reacted, "How long have I been unconscious?"

Lisa held up three fingers and she opened her mouth as if to speak, but for some reason no sound came out.

Was she mute?

The grandfather said, "Three months. Angelina, you were in a coma for three whole months."

The doctor was summoned by the Alpha King and came to my bed: "Yes, we have been treating you for these three months, including the wound on your face. Because the wound on your face was so deep, we had to do scar removal surgery on you, which changed your original appearance to some extent. I'm really sorry for doing this without your permission."

Then the doctor handed me the mirror. I looked at the face in the mirror, and it was so strange and familiar.

The doctors' repair skills were so good that my face barely showed that it had ever been hurt. There was no scar left. My features are almost the same as before, but more refined. I'm more beautiful now than I was before I was disfigured, so to speak.

I began to believe that they were my grandfather and my cousin and that if they were liars, they would not hire a doctor to treat me, repair my face, and restore my health.

My body was no longer tense, my eyes no longer guarded, and at the same time, my tears began to fall.


When Grandfather saw me crying, he cried again: "My poor granddaughter, my darling. It's my fault. I should have found you sooner. I'm to blame. It's my fault."

Excitement, rapture, happiness, and other unknown emotions came rushing in. I hugged Grandfather and Lisa, "Thank you, Moon Goddess, for giving me another family."

Grandfather patted me on the back comfortingly: "My poor girl, because you have been in a coma, we can't find out who did this to you. Now that you're awake, tell Grandfather who the bastard hurt you. Grandfather will cut his head off..."

When Grandfather said he was going to avenge me, I almost blurted out Matthew and Monica's names.

Grandfather is the Alpha King. All werewolf packs are under his rule, and he has supreme power. He can easily cut off anyone's head.

But then I thought, no, I can't let Grandfather just kill Matthew and Monica. I remember them saying that someone else was responsible for my father's death. They just didn't stop it. They weren't the ones who planned it.

If we kill them, then the people who killed my father will be free forever. Also, I don't know who the last few people in the operating room were.

More importantly, my Wolf. I'm going to get my Wolf back. Monica had the witch transfer my Wolf to her, and now I'm a werewolf without a Wolf. I must find a way to get my Wolf back.

Thinking of this, I said seriously, "Grandfather, I can't tell you yet. But trust me, I will avenge myself in my way..."


"Trust me, Grandfather. I know what to do!" My eyes are fixed, and vengeance burns in them. I want the people who betrayed me to go through the same pain I did. For the evil they have committed, giving them pure death is a gift of mercy.I'm not going to show them mercy.

Grandfather stroking my hair lovingly: "Well, I'll support you whatever you want to do."

Lisa seemed to sense the warmth. She lifted her face and smiled sweetly at me.

I liked the clean and lovely girl very much, but I noticed that she seemed to be mute. She hasn't said a word since I woke up.

As if seeing my doubt, Grandfather touched Lisa's face and explained in a voice only I could hear, "Lisa was not born dumb. She couldn't speak after seeing her parents killed by rouge."

Knowing that this poor little girl had experienced the same loss of a parent as I had, filled me with compassion for Lisa and made me feel a little closer.

I held Lisa's tiny body in my arms: "Lisa, do you like me?"

Lisa nodded gently. My tears almost flowing out: "I like you, too. When I'm completely recovered, I'll take you to the amusement park, okay?"

Lisa nodded hardly, her eyes sparkled with joy.

"All right, Angelina, get some rest while I tell the cook to make you the cream of mushroom bisque!"

When I saw Grandfather leaving, I suddenly thought of the man who rescued me from the junkyard and asked, "Grandfather, do you know who took me back to the palace that day?"

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