TITLE: THE FALLEN BILLIONAIRE. By Roza Pestana. I'm just putting it in there just in case this book gets advertised on facebook and there is no title on it.
Gina POV
Hi my name is Gina Rossi and I'm 25 years old. I'm the only daughter of Giovanni and Isabel Rossi.I'm the owner and CEO of Rossi Designs, a fashion designing company based in New York.I'm off Italian descend. After high school, I came to New York to study fashion designing at the NY Fashion institute where I started building my career. After college I took some of the money that I inherited from my father and I started my own fashion company called Rossi Designs.
I’ve had the company now for about 4 years. Within the first year I became a billionaire. My designs are being sold in boutiques and clothing stores worldwide. I prefer to keep myself hidden from the world. No one actually knows what the CEO of Rossi Designs looks like. The only people that do know is my mother Isabel, my aunt Olivia and my assistant Gloria. Not even my friends know. Not that I have many friends anyway because I am always busy.
I think back to my high school years. I think about the friends that I had in high school and also about the one that I loved back then. I thought that we would be together forever but I was wrong. So wrong. Everything he said to me was a lie. He said that he loved me but then I find out that he cheated on me.
Marcus Castellano. My first love.
Marcus and I met in kindergarten. He became my best friend. And as time went on my father and his father also became best friends. It wasn’t until the first year of high school that Marcus and I started dating. He was the absolute gentleman. But that all changed the day we graduated from high school.
“Marcus Castellano, how could you do this to me?” I ask the boy who is standing in front of me. Tears are streaming from my face. “Gina I have no idea what you are talking about.” He says to me. “No idea? Then how do you explain this?” I ask him as I take out my phone and I click on the photo that I had received earlier.
He takes the phone and he looks at the photo. “I have no idea who took this photo but I know that it wasn’t me that was kissing this bitch. You know that I would never hurt you like that.” Marcus says. “I don’t believe you. You said that you were with Michael at his house last night but instead you went out partying with that April bitch.” I say to him.
The photo was posted on April Masterson’s Instagram account. “Okay yes I did go to the party but I never hooked up with April okay. I went to the party with Michael because he was invited and he didn’t want to leave me alone so he asked me to come with. The only people I talked to at the party were Michael’s other friends.” Marcus says as he tries to puts his arms around me.
“Lies. Michael said that you were the one who invited him to the party. He also said that he saw you hooking up with April.” I say to him. “That is not true. Please you have to believe me.” Marcus says as he tries to get closer to me but I step away from him. My heart was already broken by his unfaithfulness so I decided that I had enough of his lies because I remember what April had told me at school the other day.
“April has been telling me how you would hook up with her behind my back. And now I have seen it with my own eyes. I can’t believe that you would do this to me. I am breaking up with you.” I say to him before I run out of the front door of his house.
Marcus runs after me trying to catch up with me but I'm already in my car. “Gina you have to believe me please. I didn’t cheat on you. I love you!” Marcus yells as I speed out of his driveway. I went straight home after that. My mom was in the kitchen busy making dinner when I came running in. I ran straight to my room and I slammed the door shut.
She came in after me and saw me lying on the bed crying. “Honey what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” She asks as she pulls me into a hug. “Marcus cheated on me mom.” I say through my tears. “He cheated on me with April Masterson.” I say as I show her the picture of Marcus and April on my phone. “Oh honey I am so sorry that this happened to you.” Mom says as she hugs me.
“Mom I can’t stay here.” I say to her. “Okay sweetheart so where do you want to go?” She asks me. “Can’t I go and stay with Aunt Olivia in New York sooner? I mean am I going to study fashion there anyway.” I say to her. “Okay I will call her and see what she says.” Mom replies. “But for now I think that you should rest. I will call you when dinner is ready.” Mom says as she gets up from the bed.
“And don’t you worry about Marcus. Boys his age like hanging around with different girls every night. It is just what they do. I went through the same thing when I was your age.” Mom says. “Really? And what did you do?” I ask her. “The only thing that I could do. I studied hard, graduated high school, went to law school then went to work at a law firm where I met your father. And the rest as they say is history.” Mom replies.
“Now that is what I think you should be focusing on right now. Your college degree.” Mom says as she closes the door behind her. I think about what she said and I know that she is right. I knew right then and there what I am going to do.
My parents and I were living in Los Angeles where my parents were running their P.I. firm from. We weren't rich but we managed to stay afloat. My father, Giovanni Rossi, started it before I was born. Mom joined him after she finished her law degree. My father was the most sought after P.I. and people from all over the world would contact him to help them on a case. My father died in a car crash when I was 15. Mom and I took it hard but mom continued with the firm.
Two days after I broke up with Marcus, I was already on a plane to New York to live with my Aunt Olivia. I never heard or saw Marcus again after that. All I know is that he keeps himself busy every night with other girls because and because he’s from a famous family, his face is all over the tabloids. I stopped reading newspapers and magazines because he was in all of them.
I buried myself in my studies and then later on in my company to keep my mind busy from thinking about him all the time. I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear my office door opening. Glenda my assistant walks in. “I'm sorry for barging in like this but I did knock a few times.” Glenda says. “It’s okay. I was just lost in thought.” I reply.
“Reminiscing about old times again?” Glenda asks me. “Something like that. So what do you have for me?” I ask her. “These are the documents from the finance department. I just need you to go through them and sign. Also I've finalized all the arrangements for your trip to Paris next week.” Glenda says as she puts everything down on my desk.
“And what about the other thing?” I ask her.
“The meeting is set for tonight. You are to meet the client at Capri restaurant.” Glenda says as she types on her Ipad. “This is probably another man cheating on his wife.” I say to her as I take the client’s file that Glenda had left on my table.
“Isn’t that always the case.” She says. “Jip.” I reply as I go through the client’s files. “Anyway, your meeting is at 7pm. The client is just waiting for us to confirm.” Glenda says. “Tell her I'll be there.” I reply and she nods at me.
“So glad that I have the most wonderful husband in the world.” Glenda says. She has been married to Peter for two years now. “And that’s why women envy you so much. He takes good care of you so don’t let him slip through your fingers.” I say to her. “Trust me I won’t. And did I ever mention that he is a tiger in bed?” Glenda says as she growls while making a gesture with her fingers.
“Yes many times. And I have told you not to mention your sexcapades to me. Ever. Now don’t you have some work to do?” I ask her as I point to the door. “Hey I was just saying that he is one in a million!” She says as she walks to the door laughing. She stops by the door and she turns around. “You know maybe its time for you to get out there again. I mean you are beautiful and any man would want you.” Glenda says to me.
“No I already told that it won’t happen. Ever.” I reply. “Just remember this. Not every man is like your ex.” She says before she turns around and walks out. Glenda is not only my personal assistant, she is also my only friend. She knows everything about my past. We met at another clothing designer company about 6 years ago. We were interns back then and when I decided to start my own company, she came with me.
I sigh as I start going through the file.
You see I work two jobs. I'm a fashion designer by day and a private investigator by night. That’s right. I am also the owner of Rossi P.I.
I have this gift that is useful in this line of work. I can see ghosts. I’ve been seeing ghosts since I was 6 years old, the first ghost that I met was a young boy named Eric at school. He looked to be about 4 years old. At first I didn’t know that he was a ghost. I thought that he was one of the kids that goes to school there.
The other kids used to call me crazy because I would play with Eric in the playground and they couldn’t see who I was playing with so they teased me everyday about it.
“Eric isn’t real.” “Who are you talking to freak? There’s nobody there.” “You’re such a looney!” The kids said to me.
“I’m not lying. He’s standing right over there! Eric tell them.” I say as I point to Eric. “They don’t see me.” Eric says as he starts crying and then he runs away. “Eric!” I yell but he doesn’t listen to me that was the last time that I would ever see Eric. I turn towards the boy who was teasing me. That was Michael.
“Now look what you did! You made Eric cry and he ran away!” I say as I shove him.
He pushes me backwards and I almost fall on the ground. “I told you that there’s nobody there freak.” Michael yelled at me.
“Leave her alone Michael.” I hear a boy say as he comes and stands in front of Michael. “What are you going to do about it Marcus?” Michael says as he looks at Marcus. Do you want to get transferred to another school again?” Marcus asks him. Michael stares at him for a few minutes before he decides to back off. “I didn’t think so.” Marcus says as he looks at Michael walking away with his group of friends. “I’ll see you around freak.” Michael yells at me over his shoulder.
“Don’t worry about those guys. They like acting like jerks.” Marcus says as he turns to look at me. “My name is Marcus.” He says. That’s how I met Marcus. “Hi I’m Gina.” I reply. “Do you want to be friends?” Marcus asks me. I nod at him while I also smile. “Gina!” I hear my dad yelling from across the playground. “That’s my dad.” I say. “I’ll see you tomorrow Gina.” Marcus says and I wave at him before walking over to my dad. “Ready to go home sweety?” Dad asks me as he picks me up before taking me home.
The next day Dad dropped me off at school again. “Who are you looking for sweety?” Dad asks me because I’ve been looking all over the playground for Eric. “I’m looking for Eric. The boy who would always meet me here.” I say. Dad sighs before he bends down in front of me while he holds my shoulders. “Gina I’ve got something to tell you. Eric had to go away and he’s never coming back.” Dad says. “Where did he go?” I ask.
“To a very special place.” Dad replies. “But he didn’t even say goodbye.” I say as I start crying. “Oh sweety come here. I’m sure that he wanted to say goodbye to you but he couldn’t.” Dad says as he holds out his arms to hug me.
“There’s a lot of things that you’re too young to understand and I’ll tell you all about it when you’re older.” Dad says. “Okay.” I say as Dad wipes my tears away.”Mom will come and pick you up after school okay.” Dad says.”Bye daddy.” I say as I run into the school. Marcus was waiting for me at the doorstep. I didn’t mention Eric to anybody ever again and over time the kids stopped teasing me about that. I was eight when I figured out that I could see ghosts but I kept quiet about it. Nobody except for Glenda knows that I can see ghosts.
The phone rings and it brings me out of my thoughts.
I strive to make both my businesses the best in the world. While people are buying my clothes all over the world, I use some of that money to invest in Rossi PI. When my dad was still alive we were the best private investigation firm that there was but when he died my mom took over but she couldn’t run the business without him so the business started going down a bit until I took over from her 3 years ago.
We buy all the latest technology to help us in our investigations. We get called to do investigations from other companies, spouses who think that their husbands might be cheating and also we help the police uncover crime syndicates.
We have two offices. One in Los Angeles and the other one here in New York. And just like my with my fashion designing company, nobody knows who owns Rossi PI. I am so busy with these businesses that my appointments are booked weeks in advance. That is how good I'm doing.
So far I have put over a 150 people in jail who have been doing illegal dealings.
I decide to order lunch from the cafeteria. 20 minutes later I hear Glenda knocking on my door. She comes in with a tray and she puts it down on the coffee table. “Damn are you that hungry?” She says as she looks at the plate that is filled with sushi.
“You know very well that I love sushi.” I reply as I look at her. “Do you want to have lunch with me?” I ask her. “Hell yeah. Let me just grab something to drink.” She says as she heads over to the bar to pour herself a soda. "Peter is planning something again for tonight." She says as she comes and sits next to me. "Is he cooking again?" I ask. "Jip. He told me that this morning." Glenda replies. She starts talking about something else but my mind wonders off again. I thought that having lunch with her would keep my mind off him again but clearly it isn't working.
‘Marcus Castellano why do I keep thinking of you.’