I am giving them enough, but I am wrong. Dammit, Xander! How could you be so stupid and reckless? How could you let this happen right under your nose? I cannot believe it; how did I not see this coming. I thought they were happy. I thought they were content with everything.
This business runs fairly and runs on the laws and rules that my father made and that is how it will be till the end of time. But how did they manage to break the rules without me noticing, I missed something, but I couldn’t have, it's impossible. The people I trusted the most turned against me. This isn’t good for the company or my reputation.
As the security guard waiting outside my office, I quickly grab my things and the disk that Charles had given me and put them in my briefcase. Charles comes rushing towards us with one taco in his hand and another in his mouth. I roll my eyes and him and he shrugs in response.
“We need to get a move on sir,” the guard says.
We quickly take the stairs down to the basement parking of the building and before we could get to my car, the protestors come rushing in, holding banner and knives and guns, Charles and I rush to my car and a bullet is fired, we duck and the bullet hits the car next to us and we proceed to move towards my car.
We get to my car and quickly get my keys out and unlock the door, I make my way in, SWAT cars arrive circling the protestors, more shots are fired, every single bullet missing me and hitting other cars and areas. I quickly jump in and wait for Charles to get in, but he doesn’t and then the back door of the car opens, and the guard had Charles arm over his shoulder.
“He got shot,” he says, placing Charles in the back seat, he takes Charles shirt off and uses to apply pressure on the bullet wound.
Charles seems to be slipping in and out of consciousness and this isn’t a good thing and the blood on his shirt is making me sick, the guard gets into the front seat and tells me to drive.
“We need to get him to the nearest hospital now,” he says, he looks back at Charles and tells him to stay awake, he starts talking to him about food and it seems to be working.
“Sir we need to get moving now!” he says loudly, I jump in my seat and start the engine.
“Drive sir, drive,” he yells, I look back at the rearview mirror and the crowd is getting even more restless, I quickly reverse the car and drive out the basement parking.
I thank god for the SWAT team keeping things under control. The nearest hospital according to my GPS is five minutes away, we arrive at the hospital in record time and the guard rushes out and gets Charles. I wasn’t ready for this.
“Mr Forsythe, I need your help carrying him in.” the guard says, I jump out of the car and take my jacket off and throw it in the car. I rush over to the guard, takes Charles arm, and throw it over my shoulder, I try my best not to throw up at the sight of his blood. We quickly and carefully make our way to the hospital entrance as soon as we step in the nurse’s rush to help us.
“What happened?” A blonde male nurse asks.
“He got shot.” the guard answers, the nurse looks at the wound and frowns.
“Bring me a gurney now, we have to perform an emergency surgery,” he screams, and more nurses come in and they put him on the gurney and they take him away.
“Please don’t let him die,” I say, looking at the nurse.
“We’ll do the best we can to save him, sir,” he replies and walks away.
Never in my life have I ever felt so vulnerable, I am going to lose my best friend and in all honesty, it is not sitting well with me, I want to cry but I can’t look weak in front of a guard and the entire hospital, I'm standing in an empty corridor and everything is just falling apart inside me.
“Sir are you okay?” the guard asks, I nod my head and let out a shaky breath. I rub my face and run my fingers through my hair.
The guard takes off his helmet and his dark green eyes are the first thing I notice, he removes his balaclava and his face appears, tanned skin, soft yet defined facial features, he had to at least be 28 years old or younger.
“What’s your name?” I ask.
“Damien, Damien Harris sir,” he says holding out his hand and I shake it firmly.
“Well Damien, thank you so much for helping me you will be awarded for your assistance.’’
“No problem sir, I'm only doing my job,” he replies.
“And you're good at,” I chuckle, I walk towards the waiting area and he follows behind me, I sit down, and I point to the seat next to me and we sit down.
“Thank you, sir,”
“Please call me Xander, you’ve earned it.” I smile.
“Cool, was that your boyfriend?” he asks, well that escalated quickly. I turn to look at him in shock; nobody has ever asked me that question before.
“Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, too soon?” he apologizes quickly, “It’s just that I... Shit I'm sorry.” he continues to ramble.
I let out a chuckle and nod my head in understanding.
I know that the media has been saying a lot about me lately and it’s because of my status, I’ve been single ever since I was born and people assume that Charles and I are a thing because he and I spend a lot of time together.
“It’s okay,” I say, “I understand why you would ask that; I don’t blame you.”
“Yeah, I guess, a man of your status and age would at least be engaged or in a committed relationship with some supermodel or something,” he says fiddling with his helmet.
“I know I just don’t like having any distractions,” I reply, clearly lying through my teeth to the boy.
“I understand that.” Damien nods, looking at me in suspicion.
“Charles is my best friend, the only human being that tolerates my ass. We’ve been friends since grade school” I say, “He is like a brother to me, hell he is brother, I love him, and I care for him. If I lost, I don’t know what I’d do.”
“I too had a best friend, but he left to live a better life with his girlfriend,” he says looking at his helmet as though the memories are being portrayed on it like a crystal ball.
“Where did he go?” I ask curiously.
“He went to South Africa,” he replies, my stomach turns, and I feel like throwing up.
“There is more freedom in South Africa, his wife wanted to run her business and she couldn’t do it here so, they packed up and left. He wanted a Democratic country,” he explains.
“Democratic?” I say, trying not to laugh. “South Africa is far from that.”
“Actually, this country is.” he says, “This country lacks freedom, democracy. I know it sounds mean but it’s the truth; ask anyone.” Damien says placing is the helmet on the ground.
“Yeah I know that but I'm not changing my fathers’ laws just because people are not happy and because a bunch of low lives tell me to. This is how things should be and I'm not changing that,” I say calmly, trying to keep my anger inside.
“I get that Xander,” he says, “But Xander, things have changed and so does the world with the people that live it. You need to get out of that little bubble.”
I let out a sigh of defeat, he was just like Charles always right about everything.
I really need to stop being so narrow-minded and arrogant but I'm not changing the laws for anyone, this is how my father wanted things to be and that’s how they will stay.
An hour passes before the blonde nurse returns.
“Mr Forsythe?” he calls out.
“Yes, that’s me,” I say nervously as I stand up from my seat, the nurse walks towards and I hold my breath.
“I’m Nurse Olsen,” he says, I shake his hand hoping that he doesn’t notice that I am a nervous wreck.
“Hi,” I smile nervously; I look like an idiot right now.
“Well your friend is just fine, we managed to get the bullet out of him, there was no damage to any bone or skin, just a few stitches and some painkillers,” he explains.
“Oh, thank you so much.” I sigh in relief.
“No problem Mr Forsythe just doing my job.” he smiles.
“Can I see him?” I ask nervously.
“Yes, of course, room 120A,’’ he says, “I must go, sir, have a good evening.”
“You to sir and again thank you.” I smile, I watch as the nurse walks away and I can’t help but keep smiling my best friend was going to be okay. I turn around and Damien is looking at me, I walk over to him and he gets up.
“And?” he says with raised eyebrows.
“He’s going to be okay,” I say too excitedly.
“That’s great, can we see him?” he asks with a smile.
I nod, “Would you like to accompany me?”
“Yeah sure.” he nods; I lead the way to the Charles room
We get to the door and I open the door and he has a Taco in his mouth, and I want to yell at him.
“Really Charles, again with the Tacos,” I say shaking my head.
“It’s still Taco Tuesday Andy,” he says taking a bite of his taco.
“But are you okay though?”
“Yeah, I’m good. Who’s that guy?” he asks looking at Damien.
“Damien Harris, the guy that saved your life” I reply.
“Hi,” Damien greets with a smile and Charles blushes because he has a taco in his mouth, he chews and then swallows.
“Thanks for saving my ass, Xander here cannot live without me,” he says, slapping my ass.
“Charles!” I yell and he laughs.
“You like it.”
“It was no big deal; I was just doing my job. I'm glad that you're okay,” he replies with flushed cheeks.
Crap don’t tell me you're gay
“Cute little soldier, he should be my personal bodyguard,” he smirks.
Already knowing what his intentions are I roll my eyes and yes you guessed it, my best friend is gay.