Chapter 2- Run
“Oh my Goodness!” I sit there staring at it in the microscope. I am unsure of what I am looking at. I ask the guy next to me. “Hey Brian, can you take a look at this.”
“What?” Brian looks at me. With a distant look in his eyes. I repeat my question.
“Can you look at this for me?”
Brian pushes up his glasses on his slender nose and sniffs. “Why?”
“Something does not seem right to me.” I say as I investigate the microscope again.
Brian slides his rolling chair over and looks into the microscope. “I do not see anything.” I stare at him. What? I think. How does he not see it? I look again. Brian is not wrong. It is all gone. Everything. The vial sample and the blood. Nothing is left. Not even a molecule. I stand up. Maybe I am losing my mind. Going for late night runs is making me overly tired. I reach for the blood sample that I had sat next to the vial, and it was all gone. The vial vanishing as I look at it.
How was I supposed to tell Ashley that the samples she gave me completely vanished? Do I go ask for more? Instead I just look at Brian, “Brian, I am not feeling well.”
He looks at me. “I am going to tell Ms. Birming that I need to go.”
I walk out of the lab quickly. I am headed to Ashley’s office. I notice her door is open a crack.
“Ms.Birming, we cannot keep doing this. Our magic is fading, and the werewolves are never going to die, we need to work on hiding and creating a better plan.” What in the world?! This guy was crazy. It was a squeaky male voice almost like if a mouse could talk it is what it would sound like.
“Daryl, I can feel myself getting stronger. I just need the full moon to help me. I will be the one to wipe out the werewolves!” Her voice getting pitchy as she whispered yelled. By now I am thinking I am not the crazy one, but this place is full of them.
“You forget that the werewolves grow stronger at the full moon as well.” The man named Daryl squeaked out. “You will never defeat them.”
“And you forget that we have the golden wolf! She will make us win if she is on our side, we will be able to conquer!”
“She does not even know who she is Ms.Birming. She is not part of our world even if she is the center of it.” Daryl was ringing his hands with nervousness, while Ashley walked around the edge of her desk.
“Grace, what are you doing outside here? Why are you not in the lab?” Ashley’s secretary called over to me. Ashley and Daryl went quiet and looked at the door. I looked over to the secretary.
“Um… I just was not feeling good. I need to go home. Can you let Ms. Birming know?” I stuttered out while I saw Ashley heading for her door. I ran, thankful I had forgotten to put on my heels.
“Grace come back here right now!” Ashley’s shrill voice called after me, but the elevator was already closing. The elevator could not go fast enough. As it opened, I was glad to see that I had beaten everyone down. I quietly and quickly walked out of the building and to the coffee shop. The bell rang as I walked in. Rose looked at me.
“Rose..” I breathlessly tried to say her name.” Rose…. They… werewolves… shimmering vial… golden wolf…” As I said golden child Rose grabbed me and pulled me to her.
“What do you know of the golden wolf?” Oh my gosh not her too?
“I know nothing… Ashley… Mouse guy…. Killing werewolves.” I finally realized that Rose knew what I was talking about, and I walked backwards away from her. Just in that moment Ashley burst through the door.
“Grace come with me now!” Rose said. I looked at her unsure what to do. Unsure which way to go. Did I go with my best friend or make a run for it? “Grace I will explain everything. Just come with me!”
This was my best friend. I trusted her. I headed towards her again. She pushed me behind her. “Grace, I need you to stay calm. I promise I will explain things but stay calm.”
“Okay.” I whispered.
“Well well…. There was one among us this whole time.” Ashley looked at Rose in disgust. One of what I wondered. Just then Rose started to growl. It looked like her arm started to shift into something else, claws came out and hair went up her arms.
“Leave her alone.” Rose said.
“Oh, I plan to make sure she stays perfectly safe under careful watch in the lab.” Ashley snarled. Were they talking about me? What was so important about me? I was just the coffee girl who liked to look into microscopes.
“Go now and I will not harm you.” Rose said with a fierceness only my friend could muster. Ashley laughed. Her laugh is what I thought of the witch in snow white. Evil and loud.
Suddenly Ashley had a purple ball floating in her hand. I have no clue how it got there or why it was there. I must still be dreaming. My alarm clock never went off and I am just dreaming. That must be it. I pinched myself. Ouch! Nope I am here. I am in this moment. Ashley threw the ball towards Rose. She dodged to the right and I ducked. Mugs fell at my feet, crashing into millions of pieces.
Rose jumped into the air and landed on Ashley tackling her to the floor. She scratched her face with her claws. Ashley yelled and then vanished. She was gone. Just like that, with a voice that said, “Be right back.”
Rose ran over to me and pulled me to my feet. “Gracie, we have to run. You must run. Run as fast as you can. I will be right behind you. Run to the river and follow it.” It hit me that she was talking about my river. The river that I sat at each night. How did she know? I stared at her for a second and then came to my senses.
“Run!” She yelled.
Right then Ashley popped back up with friends. I ran. I ran like I have never run in my life. My feet knew where to go. I felt the wind in my hair, it did not have its usual calming affect as usual. Instead, it was as if the wind was pushing me to run faster. As if it was lifting my feet and giving me energy to keep on going.