Chapter 4- The Legend
**Grace POV **
This man with the gruff but melodious voice seemed like someone I had known forever. Something in the back of my mind was telling me I knew this man. He stared intensely into my eyes, never breaking contact with me. “My name is Clay. I am Rose’s brother.” His voice rolled over me. When I had first heard it before it had a relaxing feeling and now it did just that. It calmed me so that I could focus on what I wanted to say. Except I realized, I did not really know where to begin with my questions. I decided I was just going to stick with him right now.
“How have I never met you?” I was Rose’s best friend. However, we never went to her house, and I had never met her parents. But surely, she would have mentioned her brother.
“I am four years older than you and Rose, and often kept to myself.” Well, that makes sense then. I did not have any siblings, but it seemed odd that in 15 years Rose had never mentioned her brother. But again, she did not really talk about her family. Which never really seemed odd until now when I was meeting this handsome man in front of me.
I took a moment to really study him. He had on loose joggers and just a white t-shirt which clung to him in all the right places. He looked like a Greek god instead of just my best friend’s brother. His hair was dark and cut in a military short way. His eyes were a gray blue that seemed to pierce right through me. His skin was olive just like my best friend. Looking at his nose and mouth I could tell they were siblings. The biggest difference was in height. Where Rose was short, Clay seemed taller than the average man, and certainly had more muscles than I had ever seen.
“Oh.” I said. Thinking of what my next question would be. “What do you do?” This seemed to be the most common thing you said to someone you just met. So, I figured why not begin right there.
“I am in the family business.” Vague. But maybe I would understand more after they explained to me what the hell was going on.
I take a deep breath as I try to work out what happened to my morning. “I went to work. Normal day. Got coffee. The vials of blood and the silver stuff. That made me feel like I was crazy.” Both brother and sister looked at me confused but they stayed quiet as I progressed through the morning. “I went to tell Ashley that I was going to leave. I overheard her and the mouse guy talking. She was talking about the full moon and taking out the werewolves.” I heard a gasp and I stopped.
“That doesn’t make any sense.” Clay looked at me. “The full moon is this week. And we are more powerful during the full moon.”
“Yes, but maybe she is too?” Rose asked. They were beginning to have their own conversation.
“She said they had the golden wolf and that they would win with her.” I interrupted their conversation because I needed answers right now more than they did.
“But they don’t have the golden wolf.” Rose winked at me. I was still confused but Rose seemed to think I was starting to understand.
“Well, I don’t know about that. I have never seen a wolf in there though.” I looked at her with all seriousness in my tone. “And then they found out I was snooping and chased me. That is when I ran to the coffee shop to hide.”
“And I used my amazing abilities to protect you!” Rose finished for me. Then I remember how her hand had changed and how strong she had been when she grabbed me and told me to run.
“How did you change your hand?” I asked her.
Clay interrupted Rose with an answer, “I want to walk you through an old legend. Then we will discuss now.” Clay could say anything right now. My heart was set on listening even if I just wanted to know what was going on in the present.
“Long ago, there lived a moon goddess. At night she would come and walk the woods. The people were all asleep and there was no one to keep her company.” How lonely I thought. I never had been super lonely because I always had Rose.
“Well night after night she would come down and walk through the woods wondering if she would ever have the company of someone to enjoy life with. Each night a wolf would appear before her and set his head at her feet. She would talk to the wolf, and he would look at her as though he knew exactly what she was saying. One night, she had put it in to place that she would let the wolf be a man for one night. So, she turned him into a man. The man walked by her side all evening talking and laughing with her. The Moon Goddess was so excited for the company and her heart swelled with his and they fell madly in love. The Moon Goddess decided to give the wolf the ability to shift from wolf to man as he desired. Soon, she became pregnant with their child. When their child was just a little girl the dark witches came and stuck a silver dagger into the Moon Goddess’s wolf. Killing him.” I gasped despite myself. What a terrible way to end a story.
“That is awful.” I say, not wanting to let on how attached I feel to this legend.
“Well the Moon Goddess, felt that pain so deeply. She promised that years to come a wolf would be born with eyes that shimmered and golden hair. They would name her the ‘Golden Wolf’. She would mate with a wolf and together they would defeat the dark witches.”
“Mate?” I questioned. It was such an interesting way to say they would fall in love.
“Yes Mate.” Clay said clearly, almost as if he was unsure if he should go on.
“Oh mates.” Rose cooed. “The best part of the legend. The Moon Goddess decided that no one should ever be alone like she was. So, she created mates. Each shifter shares a soul with another, whether human, witch, or shifter. They will be able to tell who their mate is and if they belong together. And the mate bond is so strong that they will instantly fall in love and not be able to be apart.”
“How romantic.” I said with a tone of sarcasm.
“You do not think it is romantic?” Clay said with interest.
“I guess it kind of is, however, being told who your soul belongs to seems as crazy as love at first sight.” Even as I said it, I glance at Clay and wonder if that is where my soul is. Does true love and mated bonds exist?
“I used to share the same thoughts, but not so much anymore.” Clay looks at me and his look softens.
“If this is all just a legend, what does it have to do with what is happening today?” I said getting back to the task at hand.
“Well, it isn’t exactly just a legend.” Rose admits.
“You mean you believe this shifter stuff?” I look at her. This is someone I have known as long as I can remember, how did I not know any of this?