Chapter 5- A New Life
“Listen Grace. I need you to stay calm.” Suddenly Rose starts to undress.
“Rose do you really have to get naked to show me?” I said averting my gaze but getting locked with Clay in the process. I just stare at him for a moment. Not knowing why, I feel so connected to him.
“Well yea kinda.” Rose stutters. I look at her as she suddenly changes before my eyes. Her nose comes out and hair covers her whole body. Her legs turn into hind legs and pretty soon I see a wolf in front of me. I back up. Did that seriously just happen?
Rose comes up closer to me. She sits in front of me like a well behaved dog waiting for a pat from the owner and a treat. Her hair is black like midnight with no moon, but I look at her eyes. They are that same blue color that I have looked at so many times in my life.
“Rose?” I question. The wolf in front of me nods her head. I run my fingers through the fur. It is softer than I could imagine. I stare at her. This was my best friend. A wolf!
“Her wolf’s name is Lani.” Clay informs me.
I look back over to the wolf in front of me. “Hello Lani.” I say and Lani lays down in front of me. She nuzzles her nose into my side tickling me and making me giggle. I pet her head again. My best friend is a wolf! Okay this is cool. I look over at Clay. If she is a wolf that means,” Are you a wolf too?”
“I am.” He states. “Would you like to meet my wolf?”
I nod my head, “Does your have his own name too?” I blush. I am not sure why I feel so embarrassed. Maybe it was the thought that Clay would have to take off all his clothes to shift that had me turning a pretty shade of red.
“His name is Alex.” Clay began to walk away from me. I realized he was headed to behind the tree. So much for getting to look at all those muscles the clothes are hiding. I sigh out my disappointment. Rose nuzzles her nose into me again.
I look over towards the tree where Clay headed. Coming out is a large wolf. His color was black but with silver highlights that caught the sunlight just right to make it gleam. He was not a wolf to mess with and I had to remind myself that it was not a wolf, but it was Clay. He stepped in front of me.
“Hello Alex.” I said. Alex looked at me and I saw the gray blue eyes of Clay. Almost as if I could hear him telling me to, I ran my fingers through his hair. Alex let out a low growl. When I touched him, it felt as if I was going to get shocked from the sparks coming off my fingers. Alex rubbed himself against my side, even on all fours he practically reached to my shoulders. Even my 5’6” seemed small to Alex.
“Alright so unless I am dreaming and will wake up to my annoying alarm clock. The shifter thing is true.” I take a deep breath trying to grasp all that I have learned in the last hour. “Now you all need to shift back so we can talk about this golden wolf.”
Rose began to switch back right there while Clay went back behind the tree.
Clay POV
She liked me! Alex danced around for a moment before I switched back.
She did seem pretty comfortable with us. That is a good sign. I tell Alex while putting on the joggers and t-shirt.
Maybe we should let her know about the mate bond.
I tried to let on. I think she feels something for sure but, since she hasn’t been able to meet her wolf yet I do not think it is as strong for her.
**I wonder why she doesn’t know her wolf? I can smell the wolf in her. **
What do you mean?
Trust me. There was no one I trusted more than Alex. However, even on this thought I began to think he was a little nutty.
I walked back over while Grace was saying, “There was no wolf at the lab so I do not understand why they think they have the golden wolf.”
“Oh Gracie.” Rose started, grabbing Grace’s hand sin her own. “You are the golden wolf.”
“Me?” Gracie looked at her shell shocked. “I am not a wolf.”
“Well no.” Rose states to her like she is trying to figure out the same thing as Alex and me.
“I am not special in the least bit.” Grace replies and I can not help but smirk, she has no idea how truly special she is.
“Back to the legend.” I say, “The Moon Goddess tells us of a Golden Wolf. When she comes to age she and her mate.” I stop abruptly. I am now realizing that this means me as well. I am her mate. No longer just some mythical man told in a legend. It is actually me! I take a deep breath as both women just stare at me. Rose gives me a light push to continue. I mind link her. A thing only family units, mates and alphas can do. “Rose. I am her mate. I am trying not to freak her out too much. But I just realized this legend is about me too!”
*“You have got to be kidding me! You?”
“Well, you don’t have to be so rude about it!”
“I did not mean it that way. It’s just you’re my brother and she is my best friend. Actually, to think about it I think I am okay with this.”
“You didn’t really have a choice.” I say to her and cut off the mind link.
Realizing that Grace is just now staring at us I turn back, “Sorry. When the golden wolf comes of age, her and her mate will defeat the dark witches and bring peace to the supernatural world.”
Grace just looks at me.”oookkkk.” She stretches out the word as if trying to figure out what it means. “You said that before. But that tells me nothing. How do you know that I am the golden wolf? How do I know who my mate is, I’m not a wolf! How do I defeat dark witches?”
I decide to start with the easiest one. “We know you are the golden wolf because you hold the mark of the Moon Goddess.” Grace continued to stare at me, and then as if it finally dawned on her she lifted her shirt enough to see the birthmark that sat right on her ribs. Of course, I could not get past the image of rubbing my hands over her skin and feeling my lips against the softest parts of her body.
“My birthmark?” She looked at Rose and I.
“Yes.” Rose took over this part. “Your birthmark may be weird to you but the crescent moon with the two stars is the mark of the Moon Goddess. Your parents were both wolves.” Grace gasped and I realized that we just dropped another big bomb at her feet.
“What do you mean my parents were wolves?” Grace tilts her head and looks at Rose angrily.
“Alright, sorry I forgot about the whole ‘you don’t really know anything’ thing going on right now.” Rose took a deep breath, “Now that you know the legend, let me tell you your story.”
Rose and Grace both looked at one another. Grace finally let out a sigh, “Go on.”
I realized that the sun was up high in the sky. It must have been around noon at this point. Pretty soon we would have to take Grace home with us, but I also knew she would be very overwhelmed if she did not have the information she needed. I hoped Rose could give her what she needed without us being out here much longer just waiting to be discovered.