The evil plan
Paula pov
Steve looks at me incredulously. He does not look worry at all despite my threats.
"And do you think she'll believe you?" he asks with an ironic laugh.
"I have kept undeleted our conversations in my phone till this day. Remember the parts where we talk about the sexual positions I usually take when we're getting sexual intercourse, not to mention how you appreciate my abilities on the bed."
My words have an effect of a cold water poured on him. Steve turns pale hearing that. In a serious tone, he interrogates me
"What are you expecting from me?"
"That's good! You learn quickly boy! I like the way you turned speaking! I just need you to sexually abuse a girl you and your friends."
"I can't do what you're asking of me." He retorted in a broken voice, and coming down from his high horse of just now. He turns around and sits down again.
"I don't think you really have a choice my sweetheart." I replied firmly.
"I'm also going to tell your father with proof that you're dating two of his biggest competitor's daughters." I added looking determined. He turns pale and tells me looking desperate
"Why are you doing this ? What have I done to you?"
"It has nothing to do with you. You simply serve me as a pawn in a chessboard that was designed a very long time ago." I answered without paying attention to his dejected look.
"So you planned all this in advance? Until seducing me and offering you like a whore?!" He said dumbfounded.
"All means are good in war. I have an asset between my legs and I know how to use it to achieve my goals. It was very easy with you. You only think with your balls and you thought you had me. When in reality, you were feeding my plan. It is the perfect illustration of the adage that says I quoted: "is taken who believes to take"." I responded to him with a mischievous smile. He looks at me without being able to say anything. After a moment of silence, he asks me in a small voice
"What do you want from me exactly?
"Well, you finally speak well! I want you and your gang to rape your little darling Martina." He gets up abruptly
"No! It's out of the question for me to do that!" he almost shouts. I also get up and stand at his level. Then, kissing him on the lips, I tell him
"Think carefully about the stakes my beautiful stallion. It's either that or you say goodbye to your inheritance and your father disowns you, not to mention that Martina will never want you again. You have a week to decide about my demand. Otherwise, I'm going to see your old daddy." I take my bag and leave, leaving him devastated.
Martina pov
I have already started buying some little stuffs for my universitary trip. I am so excited to finally be able to take my independence and leave the family cocoon. It's true that I will miss my parents a lot, because since my birth I have always lived with them. My father never wanted me to spend a long stay elsewhere, even during school holidays. He doesn't want to be apart from me because he says he likes to wake up and sleep knowing I'm home. As he had promised me, after obtaining my exam, to let me go to town to continue my studies, he has no choice but to keep his word. I know that he will require me to come home during all holidays, even some weekends, since the town of Edéa is a few hours from Douala. As for my mother, she is so sad to let me go. My parents do not realize that I am already a big girl who must take responsibility and stand on her own two feet. But I leave them no choice, they have to trust me. I didn't disappoint them being here, nor will I disappoint them being away from them. My mom acts like I'm just going on another planet.
"I hope you won't bring me back a pregnancy here oh." She told me, pulling my left ear.
"Ouch mum, you're hurting me!" I cried out at the tingle it caused. But she doesn't pay attention to my cries and she keeps on going
"The day I will hear that you've carried your crutches which serve as your feet there, to go to I don't know which boy and spread your legs to bring me back a pregnancy afterwards, know that I will cut your throat." You scolded me anxiously.
"You know that I don't know these stories, oh mum." I said raising my hands with an innocent innocent face. This woman can be tough then at times, but she's my heroine.
"I just want you to be careful Ma'anem." When she calls me with her mother's name, it's because she wants to be serious. She looks at me carefully and tells me. "Do you know that I only want your goodness right little mother?"
"Yes mum", I said shaking my head.
"You saw your big sisters, they did nonsense. Your father spent so much money on them and put them in the private college of the village. He expected a lot from them but they disappointed him by taking pregnancies at home, without bringing back any diplomas. As for the other, she fled to a man in the middle of the school year. Your dad relies on you a lot and so do I. You remain the one on whom he put his hope to wash away the affront caused by your older brothers and sisters. If you get pregnant, or if you go do anything there, know that you'll end your life turning couscous at home with a man without a future, as is the case for your big sisters." She advised me. Her gaze on me is full of love
"Don't worry mom. If there's one person who knows me more than anyone on earth, it's surely you. I can never compromise myself. I just want you and dad to stop worrying about me and trust me more." I replied with a reassuring voice.
Steve pov
The last few days have not been easy for me. I couldn't sleep, thinking so much about what Paula asked me to do. I feel like I'm caught in a trap. This girl is a demon and she got me like a bruise. After careful consideration, I finally realize that I have no choice but to do what she expects of me. I make an appointment with Paula to inform her that I agree to do what she asked of me. I'm so caught off guard. I never liked rapists. On the contrary, I denounced them rigorously, considering them as subhuman. But now I fall into that category. Martina and I have been dating for three years when she was in second grade. She immediately caught my eye. Tall and thin, with well-rounded buttocks like a bump. She has a very beautiful figure and an ebony complexion, clean and always well dressed. The whole town admires her and I am highly respected by my friends who believe that I put her in my bed. But what they don't know is that Martina refuses to give herself to me when I want her to death. She doesn't think she's ready to take the step now, despite all the efforts I've made to reassure her. But apart from this point of difference, we get along wonderfully and I have always included her in my future projects. I love him, that's for sure, but I'll have to ruin everything with what I'm about to do. I'm losing my appetite just thinking about what I'm about to do. All because of sex! We men have a lot of suffering with women! I thought I was using Paula! She has prepared her game well that one! I do not have a choice. If my father found out about my relationship with not just one, but two of his rival's daughters, he would disinherit me on the spot. Surely he'll tell me weren't there any other girls in town or elsewhere? But do we then choose who to love? Don't we often say that the heart has its reasons that reason ignores? We started dating for a long time, before we realized our respective families, but it was already too late, the relationship was very advanced. In this case, I can't imagine my father disowning me. I am the perfect child for my parents. I do everything my father asks of me and he is proud to show everyone that I am his worthy heir son, while I have two other brothers who come before me. After passing my license last year, I came back to settle here to assist my father in his plantations and help him manage his agricultural company. If my father finds out that I am going out with Mballa's daughter, I will be disinherited and disowned. It would be a dishonor for him, because of a woman's story between our ancestors and we continue to suffer to this day. Worse still, when my older brothers find out, they'll laugh at me. They scrutinize me, looking for an opportunity to see me fall and be rejected by my father. It is therefore out of the question that the news is known. I made an appointment with my three friends this evening to refine the plan.