The invitation
Against all expectations, my sister Paula invited me to the restaurant during the day to congratulate me on my success in the baccalaureate. I'm so glad she's finally being kind to me. She has always been distant and dismissive of me, despite my best efforts to have a good big sister-little-sister relationship. I think she id mad at me for being smart, or for being my dad's favorite. Indeed, she is three years my senior and so far she has not been able to succeed in her secondary school exam. She is 22 this year.
"I'm proud of you Martina, even if I don't tell you that often." Said Paula to me when we sat down at the restaurant. I am so moved to hear what she tells me, to the point of shedding a tear.
"Thank you Paula! I was afraid that you didn't like me or that you resented me for this success.' I replied happily.
"Never think that!" she exclaims. "We are sisters and I love you so much." She shakes my left hand as she says it and it warms my heart. My phone vibrates as we are chatting and I take a look.
"It's Steve, I'll let him know later." I say to Paula, so as not to spoil the course of ideas between us.
"Go ahead darling, you can answer to his call." She retorts with a reassuring smile.
"It does not bother you?" I asked anxiously.
"Not at all." She answers calmly. I pick up the call on the second ring as I get up
"Hello handsome boy", I said smiling.
"Hey beauty, how are you ?" Steve asks on the other end of the line.
"I'm very angry, because my guy doesn't care for me anymore." I replied, pouting and grimacing, as if he could see me.
"No, I've been a bit busy lately, that's why I couldn't call you." He apologizes quickly. "Besides, I'm calling to invite you to dinner tomorrow afternoon." He continues in a conciliatory voice.
"Where like that?"
"It's a surprise my dear. I'll pick you up at 4 p.m. and bring you back at 6:30 p.m. I don't want your naughty dog eating you if you come home late."
We start laughing at his last sentence.
"Look out, it's my father!" I said with a fake air of seriousness.
"Who are you telling? You have his character, you look like him in a female version." he quips.
We laugh again and then take leave of each other, while agreeing to meet later. I come back to join Paula who is handling her phone.
"It was Steve, he wants to invite me tomorrow." I say as I sit down.
"Hmmm lovebirds." She replies smiling. I smile too and she continues. "You really like it Steve!"
"Yeah, he's a nice guy, he was able to win my trust." I respond with a shy smile.
We continue to chat in a good mood and after a few hours, we end up going home together. Arrived at the crossroads before our house, Paula asks me to continue at home and she will join me later, because she has something to settle urgently. Before she leaves, I let her know with grateful hearts how I truly appreciated her invitation.
"Thank you for your invitation big sister, it was nice!" She smiles at me and tells me
"It was a pleasure my little one!"
We separate and she turns back, while I go home immediately. I go to my mother's quarters and find her sitting in the living room. She is alone, since my two little brothers and my little sister are in the village to spend the holidays with our grandmother. I come and sit next to my mother. Looking at my jovial face, she questions me
"Where are you coming from?"
"My dear mum, I'm not telling you what happened to me today. Something extraordinary, no, I could say a miracle from heaven!" I reply more enthusiastic. My mother looks at me, then encourages me to continue. "Paula invited me to the restaurant and we ate well! She even congratulated me and told me that she loves me."
"Hulmmmmmm", she contents to do.
"Is that all you can think of?"
"Why this sudden twist from her? She never took you to heart and let you know it in front of everyone. She went so far as to wish you dead, do you think she can change overnight?" My mother tells me unenthusiastically.
"But mom, maybe she has actually changed. Remember what you always tell me, only fools don't change."
"Well, know that she's a fool then." My mother say with a severe look.
"Ah mum, please don't be a killjoy. I dreamed of this moment for a long time. For the moment I am very happy to think of being wary. Let me savor this Mamoune happiness, if only temporary."
"I know you love your sister with all your heart and you have a pure heart, but just be careful mum. People don't change suddenly like that. Do you promise me to be careful?" She interrogates me, with a worried face. I nod my head yes and walk into my room to change.