Chloe's P.O.V
Looking at the note Colby gave me for the fifteenth time, I tried to make sense out of it, what did he mean by asking if I trusted him?
All these years I finally know his name, but do I trust him?
I haven't heard from him for a week since and I'm beginning to get worried he was just messing with me for entertainment.
He put the words 'trust' and 'love' in the letter but the fact he didn't come back tells me otherwise.
Then again what if he got caught again and something happened to him, or what if he had just been lying the entire time.
Should I trust a stranger that's so close yet...So far away?
I hid the letter back underneath my mattress and sprawled out onto my bed staring at the ceiling.
As I've said I've been here as long as I can remember, but why?
What is the purpose of me being here, sitting here without having Colby to talk to, I've never felt more alone then I do right now.
I rolled over, my face in my pillow as hot tears fell against my pillow suffocating my sobs.
The woman said this would get better, but it's getting worse and worse. My body quivered with shakes trying to muffle the sound of my heart breaking.
I just wanted to be happy, I pretend or I try to.
The door opened and I wiped my tears as fast as I could sit up seeing who had come in.
It was the woman again who stood in the doorway with a plate of hot spaghetti waiting for me. I couldn't take a step forward. I just sat here staring at her, she came and sat beside me and placed the plate on the floor and turned toward me.
"The voice is my son, Colby. He went out with his father and uncles the other night, but he got hurt and is in the hospital," She spoke quietly.
"Is he okay?" I stuttered.
"He's stable but isn't able to come home quite yet," She explained.
"Will I ever be allowed to see him?" I asked slowly.
"At some point yes, right now, no." She weighed the options.
"Oh, okay." I looked down and disappointment filled my voice.
She patted my head and picked up the cooling plate of pasta and placed it on my lap.
"Go ahead and eat, I'll be back in a couple hours, we will talk more then." She spoke, getting up and heading toward the door.
"Wait, I have a question." I spoke before stopping myself.
She turned back around, "Alright, what's your question?"
"Do I have a name?" I whispered.
"Of course you have a name child," She smiled.
"What is my name?" I asked.
"My son gave you your name. It's Chloe, now I must go, eat your food Chloe." She smiled and left.
Tears ran down my face, so my name really is Chloe, and he meant everything he said.
Here I am second guessing everything and he's lying in the hospital with fatal injuries, how could I be so judgemental?
Yes I trust him, he's the only real person I can trust other than the lady, and as nice as she is her loyalty to the man, Alistair, is no question asked.
I sighed as I picked up the fork and began eating, staring at the book on my bed stand.
The books make the world seem so large, so beautiful. I would love to see the ocean, the great blue sky, the emerald colored trees, and the animals.
I finished eating and placed the plate by the door.
Tired from crying I went and lay down on my bed and fell into a deep sleep.
I was walking in the silence of a deep forest. I stop and looked around. There were beautiful trees that had deep lush green leafs on them, they rustled in the breeze. I can hear a running creek off in the distance and birds chirping.
I hear a noise in the bushes and as I step closer; a tiny bunny hops out and across the path.
I hear a faint crying but I can't pinpoint where it is coming from.
Suddenly I hear a large bang as my door slams open making me jump up from my slumber.
"Wake up you little bitch," Alistair shouted
I look around and my plates gone and I have a new outfit lying on the chair.
"What's going on?" I wiped my eyes from the sleep left behind.
He came up to me and took me by my hair and threw me across the room.
"I said get up!" He hollered aggressively.
"I-I'm sorry," I cried, picking myself off the floor.
"Get dressed, before I dress you myself," He sneered and threw the clothes that were left on the chair.
"Yes sir," I agreed, turning my back away from him, undressing as he ordered picking up the pastel pink tank top, pulling it over my exposed pale skin, shivering from the cool air from the open door and the only light showing into the dark room making me squint.
"Hurry up, before I change my mind," He growled.
"Right, sorry." I said taking off the pajama pants and pulling up the blue jean shorts that were laid out for me.
Once I was dressed he took me by the wrist and began dragging me out of my room, the only space I've ever known.
I began to panic.