Chapter 3 - kick me while I'm down, why don’t ya (Edited, new content added)

5 days later

There was a soft knock on my door,

"Can I come in Genni"?

I huffed out a sigh, I wasn’t in the mood for “another” chat about how my life wasn’t completely shit.

"It's open Luc",

I called back and made myself wince in pain, as my headache (which I had woken up with) seemed worse.

I pulled myself up from my bed to rest against the headboard and waited for Lucas to sit down on the edge of my bed.

"Are you okay Genni, you look a little flushed"?

My brother asked with concern in his voice.

"I have a headache I can't get rid of, it's okay Luc",

I said, trying and failing to soothe his concerns.

"You need to get out of this room Genni, it's not good for you to be holed up in here. You've been in here since the party, only coming out of your room to eat some fruit. It's not good for you…….."

I let my brother babble on how I needed to accept what had happened. Move on, to accept that I needed to start my life as a human, that my dad still loved me very much blah blah blah.

I was however thinking that if I only ate fruit for a while, it might make me skinny enough for someone, anyone, to want me. My eyes snapped back to my brother when his voice crept back into my stressed-out brain.


I said, looking at him incredulously,

"What did you just say"?

Did I say again?

"Well sis, I have been listening to mom and dad chatting, and they think it may be time to move you to the local town, maybe find a job, maybe an apartment"?

I shot out of bed and said quietly

"I’m being kicked out of the pack house? They want me to leave"?

I stared at him like I didn’t know who he was.

"Not kicking you out, never. They just thought you would be more comfortable in the human world now that you're, you know, human. They think it's going to be hard on you living here, surrounded by wolves knowing you're never going to be one."?

"They’ve discussed this with you, haven’t they?"

I glared at my brother, shock still pounding in my heart and head.

"I want to know what you think Lucas. Do you agree with them? Do you think I should pack up and leave?"

I was on the verge of hysterics, I sent him a pleading look while waiting for his opinion.

Lucas took in a very slow deep breath and released it just as slowly. He was starting to piss me off, but I knew in my heart what he was about to say.

"Look, Genni, I would never ask you to leave, but I would hope you came to that conclusion yourself",

He was speaking to me very. Softly, almost coaxingly.

"I agree with dad and Mom. Yes, but I also don’t want to lose you as my sister. I love you, Genni".

I could only stare at Lucas with my mouth slightly open. Could only stare.

"So you are kicking me out, what??, suddenly my family doesn't want me anymore? Are you all that ashamed of me, that? You would make me leave everything I’d ever known",

I can't believe my own father would do this to me, why? Why would you all feel that the right thing for me is to be shipped off to the village and forget about the pack? the pack were part of my family. I had grown up with them and had been surrounded by the members for all my life. I couldn't believe this was happening. I was trembling from a rage I didn't know I was capable of feeling. I had to sort this nonsense out. No way was I leaving without hearing this from my father.

"I need to speak with Dad, where is he?"

I was shouting now, I knew that if I could speak to my father, he would stand with me and want to keep me here, in my own home.

With all the shouting I was doing, I expected my mother to barge in through the door at any moment. Just as predicted, my door flew open and in strutted my mother.

"What on earth is going on here? I can hear you shout all the way from my room"?

"Explain yourself Genevieve"?

I stared at her and my brother, I couldn’t wrap my head around the information shoved into my brain.

"Lucas has just told me that dad, you and he. Have all agreed I should leave and start a life as a human! Is that right Mom? You and my father. Want me to leave? Your only daughter? I need to speak with dad myself and get this sorted out."?

"You can't do that, he’s not here. You know your father. He's away on council business……"

Was it me or did my mom’s voice sounds higher and more rushed than normal?

I had no idea how I knew that, but I knew it to be true.

I stared at her, looking at her and then at my brother. Something was going on here, and I wanted to know what. I was about to ask them when a thought popped into my head. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath before I said

"He doesn’t know, does he?" I accused,

"He doesn’t know you're doing this?? Why Mom, why?"?

I know my Mom and I didn’t have the best relationship, but really? I know I was closer to my father and brother, but my mom was never interested in me. She always put on an amazing act whenever we were in public, or if another pack member might be in earshot, she was Luna after all. But there was never much there in the way of affection. She adored my older brother Lucas. I had always thought it was because I was an ungainly child and a plain one at that. But to ask me to leave everything I had ever known? Surely even my Mom wasn't that cruel. Although our relationship was very strained at the moment, Mom seemed to have less time than her usual self. I tried to think of the last time we actually spoke to each other, just us. I struggled to find a single episode within the last few months. I hadn't paid enough attention to realise that our weekly ''catch-up'' hadn't happened in months.

Something seemed strange, I just didn't know what. I took a deep breath and almost yelled

"I want to see Dad",

I said again, This Time with determination in my voice. I started to leave my room, and my Mom pulled me back and said quickly,

"Look, just forget I said anything okay? No harm no. Foul".

and she breezed out of my room, my brother trailing after her. At least he had the decency to look down at the floor as he left my room.

I didn’t know whether to be upset or pissed off. I was so confused, and my headache turned into a migraine,


I mumbled. As I took myself off to my medicine cabinet.

A few hours later, I opened my eyes to my Mom calling me. I stopped and thought for a moment, was it my Mom or had I dreamt it? I hadn’t realized I had slept the clock around. It was 6 am and lightly filtered in through my partially open blinds. I could hear the birds in the trees, and I could hear the kids playing on the lawn….Wait, WHAT? Kids playing? There were no kids around the pack house, and any members who were mated and had a family lived in separate houses. Not too far from the pack house, but far enough for little ears not to hear the warriors mostly cursing and fighting over stupid things. They were wolves. At the end of the day.

I frowned to myself, I must be still asleep! Okay, let's try that again. I open my eyes to see light coming through my blinds, okay, good. Normal. I can hear the birds, okay, normal. And I could hear kids playing???? I knew I was awake now, I stood up, puzzled. shaking my head, I went into my bathroom and jumped in the shower. I don’t know why my Mom woke me up so early, but I’d better go and find out. After all the talk about kicking me out of the pack house and a strong desire not to see both my Mom and brother, I had holed up 5 days in my room. I felt I needed to make a bit of an effort to seem normal. So decided to go and see what she wanted. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to her, but if she had called me and I didn’t know why I’d be in trouble again.

I was putting a pair of cut-off shorts on when I heard my name again, very softly but definitely my name. I frowned again, and slipping a baggy t over my head, I left my room and went looking for the Luna.

I padded barefoot into the lounge area of the apartment looking for my Mom, but she wasn’t in there. Frowning, I went to look in the kitchen, even though I knew I wouldn't find her in there. Mom didn’t cook and hated the kitchen, stating it was just too dark in there. She wasn’t in there either.

As I left the kitchen, I heard the front door open and saw Lucas coming in. You could tell he had been for a run and looked as shocked as I was.

"Fuck Genni, you nearly gave me a heart attack. What are you doing up at this time of the morning?",

He was right about that. I hated getting up early and never saw this time of day. Chuckling I said

"Mom called me. Told me to get up. So here I am."

"MOM told you to get up"?

He asked with a frown on his face.

"Mom not here," she left around 3 am this morning to meet with dad. They had to go to some meetings.

Chuckling to himself, he said

"You're losing it sis",

But then he focused on me.

"Are you okay?"

He said, and I could hear the concern in his voice.

"You know I love you, right".

He said, giving me a squeeze.

"I know bro"

I said,

And despite the unpleasantness of a few days ago, I happen to love you too. Now go have a shower, cos you stink.

As he walked away, I called to Lucas,

"Why are there kids playing on the lawn? And why so early"?

Lucas looked at me, and with another frown on his face he said

"There aren’t any kids playing on the lawn. Did you hear some?"

He was looking at me with real worry in his eyes now, so I quickly made light of it, saying

"I must have still been asleep",

I laughed, hearing my mother and kids? and no one there. Definitely must have been sleeping.

I turned to go back to my room when I heard the “female” voice again, again, very softly, but I absolutely heard it. Spinning around in a circle, I looked, but could not see anyone around. Okay, I was officially freaked the fuck out now. I hurried back to my room and locked the door.

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