Hell breaking loose (edited)

I heard a deep velvet voice coming from the man with the blue eyes,

Had he just called me mate? I looked around and saw my dad standing there looking shocked, my brother looked furious, and my mom was sitting on the stairs looking like she was about to faint.

I stepped back, looking from his feet, up his muscled legs, up to his black shirt, which was very tight fitting, up past his chest, which seemed to be heaving slightly, and then up to see the most handsome man I had ever seen in my life. He was huge, no, not huge, massive.

He must have been 6’6 with wide shoulders. You could see the outline of his pecs. My gaze roamed his body but stopped suddenly when I thought you couldn’t put your arms around him. He was so big.

My cheeks started to flame. What the hell was wrong with me? I didn’t know this man and had no right to imagine my arms trying to hug him.

He said again ''MATE".

He smiled down at Me, looking just as bewildered as I felt. Then he lowered his face to mine and softly kissed my lips.


My body started to burn like I had been set on fire. I could feel it rising from my feet up my legs into my torso, going along my arms and finally into my head. I started to shake, and my dad rushed over to me, but the mountain who still had his hand on my shoulder growled, he actually growled at my dad. My dad stopped dead in his tracks. I looked at him with fear in my eyes when I suddenly began to twist. I was in agony, I couldn’t believe how much pain I was in right now. I fell to the ground and heard someone say

"stand back! Leave her"!

I started to feel cold all of a sudden, and then very hot again. My body started to make a horrible cracking sound. I started screaming, I couldn’t believe no one was helping me. I could feel my bones changing shape, I could feel the power running through this new form as I started to settle on the ground. I could hear gasps of shock and people murmuring. I looked around, but with different eyes, clearer eyes. I could see specks of dust floating in the air, I could see colours more vividly, and everything was so clear.

I turned and found the crystal blue eyes again, and that was when I finally heard a strong clear voice coming from inside my head.

"Well, it's about fucking time!!!!"

I spun around and bolted out the door on my 4 legs, not my 2.

I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe it. As I ran through my beloved forest, I was mesmerised by it. It all looked different, but the same. I know that doesn’t make sense, but that’s all I got in me at the moment. I must have run a few miles away, as the voices that started shouting when I bolted had faded to nothing. Stopping in a clearing, I looked up at the sky. It was an eclipse, I hadn’t realised what day it was. Of course, it was the day of the eclipse, and right now all you could see was the moon, blocking out the sun completely.


I said in my head, tentatively,

"Where do we begin?"

"Well", a voice answered back, "I think I should tell you, our wolf's name",

Right, of course, I had a wolf name.

"Our name is Sapphire, and I am your other half."

"Why now"?

I said,

"Why come out now? Why didn’t we shift on my birthday?"

"Our birthday",

said the gentle voice,

"OUR birthday. And today is our birthday".

"That can’t be right"

I said in my mind,

"My, OUR, birthday was 5 days ago".

"Genevieve, I would not be here if we had not just turned 18, trust me on this".

"Of course, I trust you sapphire",

I said hastily.

"Of course I do, I’m just confused right now".

"Well, I’m not",

she said firmly,

"This is who we are, it's in our genetic code. And I know I can help you through it",

I caught a scent Suddenly, and turning around, I pushed my muzzle into the air and sniffed. The most intoxicating scent I had ever smelt was in the air, and it was getting stronger. Although it was the most beautiful smell ever, I was still wary and placed my wolf body in an attack stance. I didn’t know How I knew what to do, I just did.

Slowly, entering the clearing was the largest wolf I had ever seen. Bigger than my father, bigger than my brother. I crouched and growled at the newcomer, but then I realised that that smell was coming from him.

The huge wolf in front of me sat down and looked at me, waiting, waiting, and suddenly as clear as a bell I hear sapphire says


I walked over to the huge black wolf and rubbed my head under his. He smelt glorious like all my favourite smells rolled into one. He nuzzled me back, and then stood up and walked back a few steps. I could hear my wolf whimper a little at the lost contact. The wolf in front of me started to shimmer, and then there, standing on 2 legs, was the wall I had walked into all those hours ago.

�He walked slowly over to me. And stroked my fur, where his hand touched felt like an Electric current was moving in sync with his hand.

"So beautiful",

said that deep velvet voice.

"You're so beautiful, my mate, mine", "Can you shift back for me?" he said gently.

"I need to see you, all of you".

Can a wolf blush? Well, this one can as I realised what he meant. When he shifted, he became completely naked, and I would have to become naked as well. It was a natural state to be in, but it still scared me a little. I didn't have any clothes to hide my nakedness.

"Don’t worry, my little wolf," said the velvet voice,

"Step into the trees, just there, and you will find some clothes".

I followed to where he had pointed to. And found the clothes I had been wearing before shifting.

I asked quietly, ''Sapphire? How do we shift back?" The chuckling in my head was strong and clear,

"Don't worry", she said, "I’ve got this".

I shifted back into my human form and hurriedly put on my clothes. There was no underwear, just my shorts and baggy t, but it was better than nothing.

I walked slowly back into the clearing to see the god-like man standing in front of me, but this time he had on a pair of shorts that sat very low on his hips. I could see his rock-hard abs and that stunning v disappearing into the band of his shorts. I heard a chuckle and a velvet voice said

"Come here little wolf".

I was mesmerised by him, I felt myself walk towards him like I had no control. He ran his hands up my arms, and that electric current was back. It didn’t hurt, it felt amazing.

"Do you feel that", he said. "Do you feel that bond"?

I did, I could feel the pull towards him. I wanted to touch every part of his rock-hard body, to lick and bite it. I looked at his lips and felt him tilt my head up with his hand on my chin. The next thing I knew, I was in some sort of pleasure bubble. His lips smashed onto mine, my lips automatically parted to let his tongue enter my mouth. Our tongues wrestled for dominance of the kiss, he won, and our tongues found the rhythm of the age-old dance by the time his lips left mine, and he started to bite and kiss his way along my jaw, I was almost insane with lust. He carried on kissing his way down my neck, stopping on the most sensitive area of my skin. He licked and nibbled the spot where a Mate mark would go. The tingling and sharp shots of current jolted into me. It wasn't painful, it was just powerful.

I was so hyper-aware of him and what he was doing to me. I had never felt such intense pleasure, I groaned out loud as he carried me in the downward direction before finishing at my collarbone.

I was going crazy inside, I wanted so much more, but my brain clicked into place, finally, and I said breathlessly.

"I don’t even know your name".

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