Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter three

After we finished eating, I decided to tell them my story after all they have been very nice to me.

I cleared my throat and began, “ am from the Dark Moon pack, I was banished from my back because of shifting late and worst into an omega.” Tears where already falling from my eyes as I remembered all that I experienced this week.

“What! What kind of a stupid reason is this? They have no right to banish you on such account.” Lisa said boiling with angry.

“That’s true, I don’t think the council of elders will be happy to hear about this”. Rose answered.

“Don’t worry, our Alphas will know what to do.”

Just then two people entered into the room, they where both about 6.2 feet tall and very muscular.

“Beta Jason, Gamma Alfred! Good morning” Rose and Lisa greeted them with a little bow.

“Morning!” The the Gamma replied with a little smile on his face.

“So how is the ROGUE doing” the Beta asked stress the word rogue.

I shivered at the sound of his voice and bowed my head down.

“Stop it Jason, you are making her afraid. The poor girl has been a lot already”. Lisa scold the beta who soften his looks now.

“Don’t blame me, if Xavier and Xiao where around I doubt they would allow her to stay here”. The Beta stated and then continued “so as soon as she is better, I want her gone.”

“ That’s not fair!” Lisa complain. “ At least listen to her reason for why is rogue before deciding on what to do with her. And technically, she isn’t fully a rogue since she has just been one for two days only”.

I like how they where talking about me as if I wasn’t present there. Not that I is going to talk tho. An omega has no right to talk in the mist of high rank officials except being ask to do so. Stupid rules. I know. But that’s how it is in my ex pack.?I don’t know if the rules are also valid here too.

“She was banished from her pack because she didn’t shift early and when she finally did she shifted into an omega”. Rose imputed trying to support me too. I am touch by their kindness. They only knew today and are doing this for her.

“What kind of a stupid reason is that?” Alfred the Gamma spoke for the first time since he came into the hospital room.

“Well if that case then, we will wait into Alphas return from their Journey next week, then we will decide on what to with you!”. The Beta said while looking directly at me.

“Thank you so much Beta Jason!” Rose and Lisa echoed.

The beta nodded his head and continued talking; “I will appoint a guard to keep watch of her, we might hear her story but we are not if it’s true, for all we know she might be faking it!”.

“But Beta does she look like someone that can harm a fly? I mean look at her.” Lisa stated as she points at me. Honestly speaking though, I look like someone a fly will hurt not the other way round.

“It’s either that or she will be thrown in the dungeon until the Alpha returns.”

“No! The guards are okay sir!” Lisa said as she salute at the Beta.

The Beta and Gamma turned to leave. As soon as the Beta’s hand reach the door lock he turned as if he had forgotten something.

“Where are you going to be staying?”.

“She can stay with me, am sure John will not mind”. Rose said.

“Okay, I will send to guards later on”.

And then they left. I guess the Gamma is a quiet person he just spoke twice since they came.

“That’s was easy!” Lisa said. “Are you okay?” She asked me and I gave her a small smile.

“So you will be staying with me, my house it’s beside the hospital. All the pack doctors live near the hospital in case of any emergency. I just need to let John know”. Rose said.

John must be her mate I thought, he is so lucky to have such a nice meet. I let out a yawn. I am so tried and sleepily but it will be rude of me to fall asleep when they where trying to keep me company.

Rose must have noticed my sleepily state. “ you look tired. Get sleep we will come back later okay?”. Rose said to me as she hugged me and made her way to the door.

“Bye! See you later!” Lisa said as she hugged me and made her way out of the room.

A minute after they left, I went to sleep. I was exhausted physically and mentally.

When I woke up later on, it was already evening. I guess I slept for long. I can remember the last I slept so peacefully. I usually woke very early and sleep very late. I do all the domestic work in our house became apparently everyone else where busy with their “beta duties”. And although every pack leader where entitled to having a omega as a maid. But my parents refused and said that I was able to do all the chores by myself. Such wicked parents I have.

“Yeap! They are very wicked!” A gentle voice said.

I shot up from the bed and stood up. Is it my imagination or did I hear someone just talk.

“It’s not your imagination, I actually talked!” The voice said again.

“Who are you?” I asked in frightened voice.

“Am Aliyah”

“Who? Personally am very scared right now. Am starting to think that this room is being hunted by a ghost or an evil spirit.

“Oh god ! Why am I so unlucky in life? First I was banished, became a rogue, I was attacked and now am having an encounter with a ghost!” I cried silently.

“Don’t be silly am not a ghost it me your wolf!” The voice laughed.

“My what?” I asked still in confusion.

“Your wolf you dummy! Every werewolf have an inner wolf”.

“Well then Aliyah, nice to meet you!”

“ you as well”.

And just like that, my wolf and I started gisting. At this point I know that I can never be bored. Aliyah was very fun to talk to.

Lost in the moment, I didn’t notice that that Rose came into the room already. She cleared her throat and I looked up and very her big smile.

“Wow! What happened in the last five hours to make you so happy like these, did you dream about your crush?” She said to as she raised eyebrows.

“What! No! I answered quickly blushing. “I spoke to my wolf for the first time.”

“O! That’s really good. Say hi to her”. Rose said

“Here” Rose said as past a shopping bag to me. Thanking her and then took the bag and opened it. Inside the bag where; inner wears, a toothbrush and other toiletries.

“Thank you so!” Said to her.

“Hey no problem it’s fine, I have got go. I have other patients to attend to.

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