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Chapter six

Xavier POV

“Finally this boring conference is almost over!” Xiao my twin said as he came out of the bathroom.

Every year, the council of elders who are incharge of the entire werewolves' affairs organizes a conference for all the Alphas. Honestly speaking, the conference is usually boring but if you don’t attend, you face the consequences except you have a genuine reason for not coming. The punishment is not the only reason why you need to attend. By not attending,

you will piss off the council of elders and that is the last thing you will like to do as an alpha because your whole pack will suffer it. If the council of elders withdraw themselves from your pack, it means that they no longer care and will not take responsibility for anything that goes wrong with your pack and the rest of the packs will also be banned from helping you. Your pack becomes like a rogue pack to the werewolves council.

“Yeap one more day and we are done.” I said. I can’t wait to go back home. I missed the people at the pack, I missed the pack food and most of all, I missed my bed. The bed in this conference is so hard and uncomfortable. Xiao finished dressing and we made our way to the conference hall. As we pass by, the guards and other werewolves greet us with absolute respect. Being the Alpha to the second best pack, other Alphas show us great respect after all there is a saying that says; even in the council of kings there is always one that is more superior than the other.”

Xiao and I have been the Alpha of our pack since the age of sixteen when our parents were killed in a rogue attack. Then our pack wasn’t as great as it is today. At first, the elders wanted to choose either Xiao or me to be the Alpha. But we both insisted that we wanted to rule together. At first, they thought it wouldn’t be possible because according to them, we will get a lot of conflicts on whose ideas and plans we are going to go with. But here we are, ten years later, by combining our ideas and plans we managed to be one of the best packs. After all, two heads are better than one.

We entered the conference hall and sat on our assigned seats and waited for the elders to commence the meeting. Today it’s the last day so we are just here for the conclusion of the conference. Turns out that five alphas from different packs didn’t attend the conference and the council of elders promised to take action against them. All I have to say is that I wished them best of luck in trying to defend their reasons for not attending the conference because once the council of elders set their eyes on you, they use all the resources they have to make sure they win against you except you have a genuine alibi.

“Alpha Xavier and Alpha Xiao! Why haven’t you found your mate yet?”. One of the elders asked us when the meeting was over.

What kind of question is that? I thought in my heart. Are we the one that is going to make the mate for ourselves or what? I turned to look at Xiao who looked like he was trying to control himself from saying something that he would regret. Xiao was more outspoken than me and usually says what is on his mind without minding the outcome. Thank God he realized that talking back to an elder can be a serious crime.

“We will find our mate at the appointed time the moon goddess wishes for us to find her”. Xiao answered, still maintaining a frown on his face.

The elder laughed and then continued talking; “ don’t take it the wrong way, I am just concerned about our pack, they have been without a Luna for over ten years now. That’s very bad”.

“Thank you for your concern, if that is all we will take our leave.” I said as Xiao and I made our way out of the conference hall.

“What a busybody! How does not having a mate concern him?”. Xiao said as soon as we were out of hearing. The truth is, talking about our mate is still a sour topic for us. Most of our age mates had found their mates at the age of sixteen but we didn’t then, so at the age of twenty, we tried finding her ourselves but we were not lucky at all. We couldn’t find her no matter how we tried. So we decided to wait for fate to take its cause.

“ I actually have no idea. Let’s just get out of here. I missed home”. I replied to him.

“Home sweet home!” I shouted as soon as we arrived. The maids had prepared a superb lunch consisting of different dishes for us. After eating, we decided to take our bath and have a nap before calling Jason our beta to give us a report of all that happened while we were away.

“ The pack was at its best behavior when you guys were away. Everything went alright. Well everything except..” he paused and took a deep breath while looking very nervous. That’s actually new because Jason never, when I say never, I mean never gets nervous at all.

“Except what Jason?”. I questioned him to speak up.

“The Gamma and one the warriors were on a patrol, and they found some older rogues pronouncing on a female rogue who recently became a rogue, so they helped her!.” He paused to look at our reaction. Honestly, I don’t think I like where this story is heading to.

“That’s good that he helped the girl but what does the story have to do with us?”. Xiao questioned him.

“S..he, she was badly injured so we brought her to the Pack’s hospital and she is….”.

“What?”. I cut him off as soon as my brain processed what he was trying to tell us.

“You let a rogue into our pack? How could you?”. I shouted at him, well he should be lucky and the one doing the talking because if it was Xiao, he won’t be shouting but using his fists.

Xiao suddenly stood up and rushed to the beta and strangled him by his neck. “Now! Explain to me why you freely brought a rogue into our Pack although you know how we feel about them.” Xiao, who looked like he was about to lose his cool, asked him.

“She isn’t a rogue technically, when we found her, she had just been a rogue for two days. She was banished unjustly from her Pack. I had her investigated.” Jason said with a tight voice because Xiao still had his hands around his neck. I beacon on him to let Jason go.

Xiao let go of Jason’s neck and apologized for strangling him. This is the first time he left out his anger on Jason after all Jason has been like our brother because we have known each other since birth. Truthfully, we hated rogues ever since our parents were killed in a rogue attack.

“What do you mean she was banished unjustly?”.

“She was banished for shifting late and worst into an omega”. He said

“Seriously? That’s a stupid reason. We will look into the situation”. I said. “ anyway inform the rogue to be present here tomorrow by then we must have figured out what to do with her”.

Jason nodded his head and made his way out of our office.

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