
”So how does one become a slave,” he asks absently “we’re are you from everyone in the world knows how one becomes a slave,” grinta say, pausing for a moment in her search, but quickly goes back to work “well let’s just say I’m not from this world,” he says slightly she doesn’t even pause in her career when he says this “I believe that coming from you, there are just too many thingss that is strange about you,” she says with no surprise or distrust in her voice. Still, she answers him with no tone like she was repeating something she learned in school, “well the main way to become a sslave iss to bring in thosse how to break the law sso they can become sslavess, it is why thesse thievess fought to the death, they didn’t want to become sslavess, the following way is to ssell one’s sself into sslavery that iss one of the mosst common wayss, and there iss alsso the following common way iss to be caught during the battle or war. the cat kingdom, and the dog kingdom, all-wayss sseam to be fighting, so it’ss not odd to ssee their sslaves in the market “ she finishes packing up all the thieves I’ll get gains and the bye that time the cat girl wakes up she frowns ”master?” She asked looking to the dead thief “yah your ex-master is dead, thiss human lance is now your masster” Grinta say the cat girl gets up and kicks the dead body of her ex-master” I’m glad he’s dead” she said.

”he rapped you, didn’t he,” he asks. She nods” one can’t rape a slave; he ordered me to do it. With him, after all, I’m a slave: I‘m just glad I’m not carrying his child inside me,” she said, relief prevalent in her voice he lets her vent her anger on the dead body ”well your mine now. I’m a lot nice then a thief, so I’ll probably not lay a hand on you unless you want me to, “he said firmly she nods and blushes, she collects her self, really he did not like what she was wearing, it was not good it was just two straps of clothes one covering her breast, and on acting as a short skirt. “Well, I can not carry out all their sstuff. I will need your help Lance “ Grinta said with disgust. He notes the small pile of stuff on the floor “master, I can carry your stuff for you,” the cat-girl said, weaving her hand and placing hands, and saying a few weird words in like a chant place her hand over the pile. It all disappears, he says with disgust, not liking enslaving a person” my name is bitch that’s what my master called me, the first name I have forgotten, I know I displease you, master,” she says sadly, he shacks his head.

“you please me; so far, I like the way you are so far, it is just slavery I don’t like though I’m sure I will get used to it, and I can’t call you by that name. you need a different one,” he said absently,” lances say firmly, they exit the cave leaving behind all to root, the catgirl follows back,” talking as they go ”as you probably know, I’m a wizard, she says, holding a book” she got from them that was part of the thief’s items “this is an order, tell me how did you become a slave, tell the truth, and how can I set your free,” he asks as they walk through the forest Grinta leading the

“ Thanks for asking to free me. Still, once you sell yourself into slavery, it is for life by the pact with the god of contracts, as to the way I am a slave, well I was young. My family was poor, so I asked my very poor. My mother and father were having trouble keeping me fed .so I asked my parents to sell me to the slavers; so they could get money from me; they were paid quite well for me, seeing as I had a good mind and a clean body and was well taken care of, at the time the slaver defected I could be a wizard. Hence, they trained me in the arts and put me in that school when I had the basic spells down. I was sold at the auction. I don’t know how the thieves managed to raise 2000 gold. I spent at least two or three months with the bandits.”

“they probably had the Ssecret Backing of a noble,” Grinta said with disgust “well, I never saw this noble backer, so I don’t know,” she said they walk through the forest following fronts “so what’s your name?” He asks,” because of slave contract, I’m not allowed to have a name of my own my masters have to give me a name,” she says he curses fate “what was Your name before you became a slave?” he asks. She shrugs ”well, their namess are magically purged from our mindss ass ssoon ass they become enslaved, so you can’t get out of it by using asking to use her old name,” she can not remember,” Grinta says with a deadpan voice “is there any way to free her” Grinta ”once you Ssell your sself into sslavery it’s for life, however, any money you ssell her for a part of the amount of it iss ssent to her family. that’ss all ran by the church of contractss,” grinta said. The cat-woman nods in agreement. He nods, so he guessed that since she was now his. She was his till he decided to sell her. Not that he ever would

“well, if you ever find yourself wanting to be sold to someone, just ask, and I’ll sell you to the one you want for a small amount,” he said with all seriousness.

“master, if you decide to sell me, you must go through the church of contract, and they decided how much I’m to be sold for and who I’m sold to,” the cat woman says sadly” so please master, don’t sell me you’re the best master I can have….” But with a sad tone contesting his misunderstanding.” but master, I need a name,” she said insistently with a bagging tone in her voice. He thinks,” letting his mind wander on all the names he knew ” what did the thieves call you,” he asks,” thinking maybe he could get out of naming her and use the name the thieves used” slut, “she said simply, and his hopes were dashed. There was no way he was going to call her that. He looked her over. Her fur was grey and patched brown, she had fire red hair on her head, and her eyes were green. However, they looked like a cat’s eyes” your name is amber then,” he says knowingly like the name was meant for her. she nods and gives him a toothy smile, happy that he gave her such a good name, “and here I thought everyone knew the rules for slavery .“ amber said with confusion. socked that she now had a master that was a little clueless.

” let’s just say I’m from a place where slavery is illegal,” he says proudly ” I never heard of a place like that, master,” slavery is everywhere,” amber said,” okay with confusion ” acceptable, I’m really from another world, ok, “ He said amber laughed but “oh …wait, your serious” Amber says he nods “I believe you, master,” amber says he shrugs I could care less if you believe me, but thank you,” he says Grinta “I guess you wouldn’t believe, that the goddess of recantation also blesses me, “ he says telling them most of his story. ” master I never heard of that goddess, “ amber says confused again “yah I never heard of that goddess ether, but that doess explain why you're out here in the middle of nowhere,” Grinta says they follow Grinta they exit the forest ”so we’re to next,” he asks as they walk” next we report to the guild I inset ssensse you help me that you sshare in the reward for the job,” Grinta says wipping the sweat from her brow.

” I wouldn’t dream of insulting you by turning down some funds. I don’t know how long.

The money I have will last anyway,” Lance says with Concern For his pocketbook ( even though his current funds would probably elevate him to a noble title)

” you might want to go to a church of the God to contractss and regisster as amber’ss master,” Grinta recommends with a mild tone; he simply nods as if that was the normal thing to do. “would you please show me the way. I have no ideas what I’m doing or where to go” Grinta nods. They both follow grinta through the dense forest. The sun moved through the sky as they all walked with no order, but they soon matched through the plains.

Finally, after that long hike, they came to a town. This town was well built and well cared for but looked like it had been there for quite some time, and this city seemed on the verge of becoming a city; They passed greenhouses, blue houses, big houses, and tall houses, but when they come to a large building that is made out of stone and had glass windows and a wooden door, that was all seam standard like this building was built mathematically, Grinta went simply open the door and walk inside, without even pausing to admire the building aesthetics, he was quick to follow her, and amber was on his heals following loyally behind him.

The inside was at odds with the outside, odds with the outside of the building, and there was no order to the interior of the building. Still, it was not a mess .they came to a pub sort of place carved out of the chaos of the insides, and that was some outcropping, and there in the outcropping seemed to be a well-built desk, behind the desk sat a bunny girl, he assumes she was some demon kin, grinta stoped at the desk a few paces from the front of the desk. Lance and amber fall in a little behind her ”what happened to your party that we gathered for you “ the bunny girl behind the counter asked with interest ”well, they turned on me; thosse mercenariess you hired was no good. Luckily for me, thiss…(pointing at Lance )this man came to my rescue, and we completed the request together; I’m alsso reporting that the number of thievess was slightly off there numberss alsso included one ensslaved persson that now belongss to the man that helped me recover my quesst,” Grinta say the bunny pull out a crystal ball.

“Please place your hands on this and remember the deed, “ the bunny girl said when Grinta placed her hands on the devices, and it projects some hologram that replays the entire fight with the thieves. The bunny girl watches it with detached sort of detached interest; at the end of the playing, the bunny girl nods.

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