He wakes up to a pleasant sensation from his member. He opened his eye, and amber gave him a blow job. He grunted as he came in her mouth; she drank all his sperm down” master was so hard this morning it looked like you could use release,” she said, wiping her mouth with her hand and swallowing his sperm, then she got dressed, he gets dress. He opened his eye, and amber gave him a blow job. He grunted as he came in her mouth; she drank all his sperm down” master was so hard this morning it looked like you could use release,” she said, wiping her mouth with her hand and swallowing his sperm, then she got dressed, he gets dress. He sees her wave her hand and says a few words, and then her skin and clothes glow, and her shirt and body look cleaner as the dirt falls away. He used the bucket to clean himself up Grinta was already dressed and ready to go and was putting on her armor.
He got up and dressed, putting on his armor, and strapped his sword and shield to his side. They left the inn they when” ok, I had enough. You need some new clothes, amber,” he said, finally sick of amber wearing such ratty clothes “why master these are fine, and they make things easier at night,” amber said, pinching his ass with her left hand.
.“ that may be so, but you still need some different clothes,” he said firmly, letting her know that he would break no argument “jusst follow me; I know where we can get her ssome good clothes,” Grinta said taking, and locking both of their elbows with her two arms locking all three of them together Grinta in the middle, they walk arm and arm to the main area. With had a bunch of different shops all haphazardly placed.
Grinta guides them to a lovely building with a sowing sign on it; after letting them both go, she opens the door for the two of them “you two first,” grinta says politely. They exchange looks but go through the door; inside the build were cloths of every type, all neatly organized. Outcomes a bunny man who looked old, he smiled at them, and his eyes stop on amber “so you want me to dress a slave sounds like fun, or do you want something for your self sir” the bunny man said politely.
“Yes, please get her some new clothes, please I’m tired of seeing her in this rag; I want the best you have to offer for her,” Lance says with a desperate tone” the bunny-man looks amber over and walks around her checking her with a skill whole eye” very well sir I think I have the perfect dress, come with me miss I insist we get you to change out of prying eyes,” the man said firmly making sure she knew he would not break a disagreement.
Amber follows the bunny man behind a curtain, the man comes back out, and they stand there waiting; the man has a smile on his face. Still, sone the curtains open and outcomes amber dress in a lovely dress, that was green-blue with trims of yellow, the dress was not frilly, but was well made and accented her body nicely. However, it did seem a little too long for amber “with a little hemming in that dress will look amazing on her, don’t you think so, sir?” The bunny man said he nodded. She did look nice. “I even took the incentive and got her some underwear,” he added with a slight tone. Amber lifted her skirt and showed him some rather nice blue underwear.
“Thanks, you. I was not looking forward to trying to find her some good stuff,” Lance said, very thankful to the man “well, I’m not doing it for free, sir this will cost you dearly, but my prices are fair,” the bunny man said with a sharp tone “well ok how much is the whole thing” Lance ask with concern “Oh … don’t worry it not that much, it is about 3gold and 25silver “ he riffles through his heavy pouch pulling out the required funds. The man snatches away “pleasure doing business with you, come with me, miss, and I’ll hem it up for you, “ the bunny man says, and the two of them go to a stand, and the strange bunny man stitches the cloths skillfully, and they watch as the dress starts to fit just right.
“There you go, please come back again,” the bunny man says as they leave; they walk back to the guild. Then go back inside.
The guild doe not seem to be that busy today. They looked at the announcement board that tells them about the availability of quest board “lookss like nothing is worth our time here in thiss town. It’ss about time to move on to a different but clossesst city. Let uss go near the forest of Jura. They are known for having the mosst monsster related quesst” Grinta says he looks at the board more there was only clean this, help me find that, take my dog for a walk, and take this mail to the city. Was the work on the bord” if you say so, let take this delivery quest to make some money. At the same time, we move, but first let’s stop at the spell casting shop to get amber some more spells, “he says Grinta nod” what sspellss do you get amber?” Grinta asked,” well, I have prestidigitation, a ray of frost, reliance, light, and acid splash that’s my cantrips, next I have burning hand, magic missile, alarm, storage, and fire blast. “she says plainly, he nods dedicating the list to memory.
They stop at an eater. The eatery is one that was inside; they sit at a table, the server comes to them and hands them each a menu, he orders breakfast for him and amber, grinta orders her own. They sit down for a charming breakfast. They follow grinta to a building that built to look like a library,
,. The building was entirely stone and glass like the guild but more artistic. It was a rather large building with a coin picture and a pen written on a piece of paper next to the coins on the sign. He goes inside the building with his friends following close behind him. He was impressed inside were just as well built as our side, and bookshelves line the space, but before they go into the open area, they’re stopped by a desk, and a rather ordinary-looking woman with tied hair and ink lightly ding the cuffs of her sleeves. “ how can I help you, sir?” She asked in an excited tone like she was happy to see them.
“ well, I would like to go through your collection of spells, please” the woman nods and rings a bell three times. “Wait a moment, please,” she says. There standing for a short while when a dog person comes from behind some books “ so you’re here for spells. I must warn you that we only have spells up to level 5, here so if you are looking for higher, you must go to the capital city” the dog man warns “ sure show me the spells, “ follow me” the man leads them to the back of the library past another desk “ the plat recommends level you can handle, just place your hand on it, and a number will appear before you.
“ well, go ahead, amber, place your hand there and let us see what you can handle,” he says. Amber goes to the plat and places her hand on it. A number 4 appears before her, “ now, don’t worry about the number if you want higher; that’s fine. Studying higher spells can help with your understanding of lower spells,” the man says just for fun. He places his hand on the plat, and. A # appears before him, the man laughs, “ you haven’t learned how to awaken your magic yet, but this says you have the aptitude. Grinta places her hand on the plate, and an x appears “ yeap I thought so no magic for me” she said
“Feel free to browse the selection,” the man said, raising the small gate to let them in the magic selection; while the choice was not very big, he got the sense that it was significant for the type of town they were in. He picks the most important book he looks through it. It’s all types of transportation spells; low level and higher up to 5th lv spells, lest see ancestral stead lv3: summons an ethereal horse for each spell pool used, the horse would last 4to10 hours, hours depending on the limits of the caster he takes that sp, the horse would be able to travel just as fast as a real horse, it would have endless stamina. ; then there was shade step lv 2, which allowed the caster to move short distances in the blink of an eye 25 ft per limit of the caster; storage lv1 enabled the caster to store things in an extra space up to 500lb, the storage space last for the life of the caster then spits the stuff out, where the caster died, you must cast the spell again to access the things you store.; portal lv 5: opens a portal to any area the caster has seen or can picture in their mind can not move to a space you do not know; the portal can transport up to five people as long as the caster is not the first person through it. He remembers the spells he wanted from the book then, closes the book and moves on to defense spells; he chooses from them, then moves to attack magi, and then supporting bits, and even a first level rejection spell witch if her reeds the right of the description was like birth control well might as well get that too.