Before the First Book: Part 7

Professor Snape wasn’t looking at the new students, he was talking to a teacher on his left. She became somewhat transfixed by the movement of his lips. His hair fell in two perfect curtains, framing a pale, distinguished face. He was young looking... she had to do a little bit of mental math, trying to figure out the timeline. If this truly was the world of the books, she fought through the fog, desperate to remember... He wasn’t yet mid-thirties.

Heat crept up her neck and she had to tap her hands to her hip, counting her breaths to steady herself. The Professor looked like some sort of glorious statue, his posture perfect, his long nose was distinguished, not unattractive. His dark eyes were framed by long, dark lashes and there was an elegance to the way his pale lips moved. Ariadne felt herself gulp.

George tugged at her arm to draw her attention. He nodded towards a stool that was now positioned in front of them, a ratty old hat perched atop it.

Ariadne barely heard the song of the sorting hat, even though it should, by all rights, be the most interesting thing in the room at the moment. All other eyes seemed focused on the hat as it cheerfully described the attributes of the four houses. Ariadne had to work hard to keep her eyes from sliding back to the face of the teacher.

Professor McGonagall began calling up the students in alphabetical order. Ariadne had inherited her father’s last name of Black so she was about the third one to be called. She glanced at the twins anxiously and slid past them to sit on the stool and try on the hat.

“Hm... very peculiar.” A voice said in her ear.

Ariadne felt a weird sensation, like a probing in her mind. It wasn’t comfortable and she tried to mentally shove it away from herself.

“Stop that!” The hat commanded. “You certainly are strong and observant. I see you have a natural gift for Legilimency and Occlumency. You should train that more. Perhaps Ravenclaw?”

Ariadne felt focus shifting again, she wanted to look over her shoulder to see if the professor was looking in her direction. If he truly was who she thought, he was head of Slytherin house, wasn’t he?

“Taken a liking to Professor Snape, have you?” The hat sneered. “Your mind is certainly a bit dirtier than most students your age.”

Ariadne blushed, her hands twitching to rip off the hat and throw it across the room.

“Easy there, child.” The hat soothed. “It was a jest. You could honestly do well in Slytherin. I see your father was one. In fact, most of your family have been Slytherins.”

Her thoughts flicked to the twins. Would they still want to be her friends if she was Slytherin?

“Hm... yes, you could be in Gryffindor, but it truly is a house for the brawny. Are you sure you want to be surrounded by that sort of energy? Slytherin would help you be great, you have an excellent mind and your magic has certain qualities that really ought to be polished. You’re right about Professor Snape being the head, he could guide you in many things.”

A shudder ran down her spine. No, she wasn’t especially suited for Gryffindor. She could feel it. If even a quarter of the books were true, she didn’t really belong there. Ravenclaw was a little too brainy, extremely academic. She was fascinated by magic, but would she be able to keep up with an entire house full of brainiacs? Maybe Hufflepuff was the safest?

“Well, I suppose you could go that route,” The hat drawled, seeming a little bored with her hesitation. “Hufflepuffs are quite hard workers, diverse and welcoming. But you, you like a challenge, don’t you? You don’t want to be held back just to maintain friendships. If they really do have the potential to be your friends, wouldn’t they still like you even if you were in Slytherin?”

Yes... that was true. George’s smile came to mind, warm. They’d been so nice on the train. If it was for real, they wouldn’t change just because of the sorting. It wasn’t like this decision made her evil. She wanted to learn how to use her powers to the greatest extent. She also wanted to see more of the house her father had come from. Her mother had always said he’d been the bravest man she’d known.

Snape’s face popped up in her head again. She gave the idea an angry push. No, she wasn’t a lovestruck child. Handsome though he was, she should be more interested in what he could teach her. She’d loved looking through her potions book and a small fact cropped up that she had to wonder about if it was true. Was he really good at Legilimency? Could he teach her?

“Looks like you’ve made your decision.” The hat sneered a little and announced in a loud voice, “Slytherin!”

Ariadne ripped the hat off gratefully. She looked toward the twins who seemed dejected. She gave them a sad smile and winked. She headed toward the Slytherin table who banged on their table and whooped. A couple of boys made room for her and a few people openly eyed her hungrily.

Ariadne pursed her lips, sitting down and glancing out of the corner of her eye to the staff table. Snape had clapped a couple of times, his head turned in her direction. She chewed on her lip, another shudder running though her. What the heck? Wasn’t he supposed to be a greasy old man?

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