7| A kiss.


The day I was to say 'I do' to him came knocking faster than I wanted.

The day that was supposed to be joyous and remarkable for me but there I was feeling like I was about to get myself into hell.

"Ruby, why do you look so sad?!" Sapphire asked looking worriedly at me. I hadn't even noticed that.

"I'm not, sis." I said giving her a tight-lipped smile.

"Don't give me that. I know that you so detest this union and honestly, I am confused as to why. Toby is like a god, most women would kill to be in your shoes. I personally would be happy to be such a renowned person's wife. Or don't you know that your name will somehow be included in history? Plus I thought you like this guy, you have always had a huge crush on him since we were kids so what is this all about? You are getting married to a guy you like. Be happy!"

"I'm just scared! You know he never liked me! Whenever the three of us were together, he bullies and fights me. He clicked better with you. He acts like I am just disrupting his life and forcing myself on him, he doesn't even have an iota of likeness for me. Dad is ruining my life." I said expressing my true fears.

"Calm down, Ruby. This might actually turn out all fine for you. Remember those romance novels you read?"

I've read a lot of novels about arranged  marriages that started with hate and then ended with love, I really thought that this one was going to end up like that too. A girl could always hope.

But then...

"This is real life, Sapphire." I replied not convinced.

"Don't worry, It'll develop as time goes on. Who wouldn't love such an amazing personality like yours?" Sapphire said confidently.

"I don't think Toby cares about personality, I think he likes beauty more." I said sincerely.

"Well, that's his loss plus you are beautiful too unless he's blind." Sapphire encouraged me in all sincerity while I gave her a genuine smile. Her words actually did a lot to my soul than she could ever imagine.

As much as Lola, Sapphire's mum was such a stuck up bitch, her daughter was a complete opposite of her. She was honestly the best sister ever. It would have been easy to hate Sapphire if she was also a bitch, an egocentric slut and all that but no, she had to be the sweetest girl ever, it made it hard for me to be jealous of her or anything.

I hated both Lola and her daughter at first when dad brought them home just a month after mom's death, who wouldn't? I discovered that dad had been having extramarital affairs up to the extent of having another child asides me and that was discovered just soon after my mom died and he wasted no time in bringing them home and getting married to her publicly.

I couldn't help but think that maybe that was why my mom killed herself.

Yes, my mum actually committed suicide, my thirteen year old self could not understand why she did that to herself without considering me and honestly, I still don't have an answer.

I took a look at myself in the standing mirror for the umpteenth time. The lady in the mirror looked nowhere like me. The makeup was just too much that I ended up almost looking like a ghost and the white flawless gown revealed just too much skin.I was not even comfortable in it but I had no choice.

"You look awesome, sis!" Sapphire screamed while I just rolled my eyes.

Sapphire was always happy and carefree unlike me.

"I think it doesn't fit me. It looks like I got lost in it. I look hideous!"

"Seriously?! Are you even seeing what I am seeing, Ruby?! You look a-ma-zing!" She said whistling.

"You look gorgeous too." I complimented her.

Sapphire was honestly the definition of beautiful and flawless, she drew both males and females' attention wherever she went. She was presently dressed in a long beautiful flowered yellow dress that hugged her curves perfectly. She was my maid of honour. I never really had genuine friends so I didn't want to have a bridal train but Mrs. Daniels hired them. I felt so insecure when I saw them. I mean, how could the bridal train be so flawless and beautiful than the bride?

"Are you going to just stay in there or come out already?! We don't have all the time in the universe!" My step mom snapped peeping into the room.

"She's through, mom!" Sapphire said while we both reluctantly walked out of the room. A white limousine was already packed outside our house decorated with beautiful ribbons and balloons.

I got into the car and was shocked to see Toby in it. I sat silently beside Toby who looked so angry.I must have wasted his time. He looked dashing and handsome as ever in his white tuxedo. I had to resist the urge to gape at him and I suddenly hoped that I had the same effect on him but judging from the disgusted looks he was throwing me, I definitely didn't have the same effect on him. It took all the strength in me to stop myself from also checking myself out if I actually looked that ugly.

"I can't believe you took that much time just to look like a clown. Not even the heavy makeup could conceal your ugliness!" He spat angrily.

I ignored him even though his words pierced my heart like daggers.

Great! Just great!

I was getting married to a heartless man.

We didn't exchange a word to each other throughout the ride till we got to the grand venue of the party.

Even though this was my wedding, I hadn't been to the venue beforehand and I didn't know much about the plans and all. Mrs. Daniels didn't think she needed to carry me along.

I was beginning to doubt if this was my wedding or hers.

The hall was decorated with expensive flowers. It appeared big and grand such that I suddenly got nervous about how many people I'd have to face.The reporters were already assembled outside not allowed entry into the hall. They all rushed towards our car as soon as they spotted us, each of them trying to get the best shot all the while asking questions non of us answered.

The bodyguards blocked them from us creating a clear entrance into the building.

Toby took my manicured hands and helped me out of the vehicle in a loving manner, I was starting to feel loved and wanted when he decided to burst my bubbles,

"Don't feel too important, its all a show, dumbass! The reporters need their romantic blah blah blah write ups. Now, let's see those white set of teeth!" He whispered sternly into my ears.

We walked into the bright hall and I fought the strong urge to let my jaw fall at the extravagances and beauty of the hall. It was extremely beautiful.

Whispers brought me out of my trance:

"That's her?"

"Is that paint on her face? That's just way too much!"

"She should've opted for a free gown, look at those rolls of fat on her belly."

"Toby Daniels fell for that?! She's nowhere near the women he's even dated."

"You know what they say about love being blind? This marriage is an utmost proof!"

"Honestly, I really was expecting her to be a beauty to behold."

I had to shut out the remaining whispers. Non of them, not one said a good thing about me. They were all so judgemental. I felt the great urge to cry but I pushed it away. I couldn't let them get to me.

"Do you, Ruby Coker take Toby Daniels as your lawfully wedded husband to love, cherish and adore for better for worse till death do you part?" The pastor asked while I nodded my head forgetting that I was supposed to speak.

"Yes...yes...I do." I stuttered.

He asked Toby the same thing and he responded immediately.

For someone who claims not to want this, he sure acts like he does want it but then I can understand, he wouldn't want to disobey his dad, no one would want to disobey that strict man.

"Is there anyone in this congregation..."

Where does this one think we are, church?!-

"...who thinks that these two shouldn't be married, is there anyone who opposes their union?" The pastor asked as chatters and noises started in the hall.

One of the body guards came to whisper something into the pastor's ears which I'm sure was about the question he just asked. He was sure going to get a knock after this wedding for asking such question in a hall!

"In case of non, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." He announced joyfully as if he was glad to get the rites over with.

I suddenly became nervous. Of course, we would kiss, how did I skip that? Why didn't I even think of that?! Toby was going to take my first kiss. He was going to kiss me right in front of all these people.

'Ruby, get yourself together! Its only a kiss!' I scolded myself and then acted like I didn't just have a mind battle.

And then smack... I felt Toby's full and soft lips on mine and it was gone, almost immediately. He looked disgusted but he quickly masked it and we both smiled for the pictures.

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