Chapter 2
“Sorry you didn’t find your mate this year… maybe next year sweetie.” Said mom, I was devastated… destroyed… discouraged, but numb. Numb for the desire to find and have a mate in the first place, but emotional because it could mean that the Goddess didn’t give me one. I had cried all night, and now it was morning, but mom was a good Luna. She showed strength I felt I didn’t have, giving encouragement…. I was 20 now, and I had tried for two years… really three, but that one was unofficial.
I was surprised they didn’t flat out pity me like everyone else. My mother was a gravehound, a kind of shifter created from the burying of humans under certain conditions. She was rare, the only one of her family left to tell the tail of the attack of her family, mated to an Alpha of the very thing that killed them: a werewolf. Her people didn’t get mates or inner wolves, and I was starting to wonder did I take after that side….
No one could ever really pinpoint anything distinct, as I held the shape of a wolf, but my ears flopped at times. My silver tipped black wolf was the size of the average rankless she wolf, but compared to dad’s side of the family, I may as well could have been a pup. Father was an enormous black wolf, born the Third Prince of Wolves. He was nearly twice the height of the average Warrior, and even though he wasn’t even a hundred yet, he could harness a flaming bite like the Wolf King, and Grandpa Kaiden, the former Crown Prince.
I was short like mom, but I did have an inner wolf. She wasn’t active, or talking at the moment, and wouldn’t for a while, but Lummi was there. Last time it took her a week to feel better… I wouldn’t be surprised if she did this week too. It would mean I couldn’t really shift either. I looked up from my tear-stained pillow. She held a cup of coffee with cream…
“Mom I’ll be ok, go check on dad… I’m still off today from the clinic, I’ll go hang out with Grandpa Kaiden or something….” I said quietly. The only other real friend I had in the pack would be Hank, and he already Had his mate. he was busy, in the pack his mate was from running and errand, as he was the Seventh Prince. A full blooded one, who was naturally talented with crushing skulls with just his grip. I’d never seen anything so gruesome, but they were proud of him.
There was a certain shame to this, but for mom’s sake I would fake that I was ok. I took a sip, and let her leave. Afterwards, I would make good on what I told her. I put on just a hoodie and some jeans. I kind of wished I had something from a mall like humans had for days like this. For days I knew I wouldn’t shift, I put on my best, because clothes don’t shift with us. No store here in my pack carried named brand merchandise, because it was kind of a waste if you ruined it.
I looked over a glance in the mirror, seeing that my eyes weren’t as reflective as they usually were. They were a golden honey, almost yellow, because my wolf’s eyes were red. My skin was a deep tan, and my curls were tightly spiraled, but still managed to reach the middle of my back. The ends flashed silver unnaturally, almost like a new coin. It would be tied up today. I slipped on some shoes, hearing dad argue with someone on the phone. I walked down the hall of the packhouse. I lived on the top floor next to his office as tradition…. Until I found my mate it was custom to stay with family. It meant that even though I felt no bond, the only boyfriend I would ever have would be my fingers.
“We will get to it.” He growled. “This is not something that can be rushed.” He snarled, but I couldn’t make out who he was talking to or what they were saying. “We will not speak of this again. Someone is coming.”
“It’s me.” I peeped my head in his office, and he slammed the phone down on the receiver hard enough to break it.
“Go out today, have some fun with Hank.” He said with a small smile, rummaging through his desk. “Mini…. Can you order me another one?” He asked sheepishly, and we both giggled a little at him.
“I already did.” She smiled.
“Who was that?” I asked, and they both looked at each other.
“Just a dispute among Alphas.” Said dad. I could never tell if he was lying…. But it was certainly suspicious. They would never tell me, Even though I was an adult in freaking college, finished Luna training, and even held meetings from time to time on my days off, there was still something that they hid from me… I think this was part of what it was.
“Well at any rate, I need to run some errands. I’m taking Baby Blue.” I said with a smile, and dad’s eyes flashed red with his wolf for a second.
“Drive safe… that car is a classic.” He said sternly, holding his usual unreadable stoic face.
I took the keys, taking the scenic route. There was a road that led directly to dad’s pack to grandpa’s but I took the long way. It was the closest I’d ever get from leaving the village unless someone was from another one… then I would travel to theirs and stay in it forever.
For some reason… that didn’t sit right with me…. I wanted more. I kind of frowned at myself… this was not to be taken lightly. Any wolf if they heard me would shake my shoulders and ask was I crazy?
Taboo. Unspoken.
These were the words associated with traveling, speaking, or wanting to be near humans, but I wanted to see them…. not just on TV. They hunted us, killed us, even skinned large Alphas alive, burned entire packs like my Grandma Eclipse’s pack… she was one of only 10 known survivors, and only a handful came to grandpa’s pack… but they weren’t all like that.
With the treaty, as delicate as it was, as long as I didn’t reveal I was a wolf… I technically Could live there…. I could help the community. I’d seen on the news the plight of some humans. They were poor, hungry or both. I could cook, I had some savings…. It wasn’t much, especially with the job I had, but it was mine.
I looked at the sign that led to the interstate…. And I went the right direction to the packhouse. I was ashamed that I even wanted to do that. Where would I go? And I’d be alone. More importantly, I was expected somewhere too, so I could put the pack members that would have searched for me in danger. We live, love, and die in and For the pack.
And as much as my family tried to keep me from feeling left out, they could never really understand. I could see grandpa outside and waving with grandma, and their genuine smiles kind of pulled me out my funk. The men in my family were full blooded wolves, nearly seven feet tall with massive wolves and Goddess given abilities passed down for generations. Me, mom, and grandma didn’t have that, so they might get how I felt, but I kept this to myself.
He ran open arms, and when I got out the car, he hugged it. “I missed you, my oldest pup.” He joked. He did that lame bit every time anyone came over with it. He was so tall he cast a shadow over me, but his hug was warm. “And you brought me my littlest grandpup.” He smiled.
“Hi grandpa.” I said with a small smile, but he didn’t return it.
“It’s ok little one.” he said rubbing my back in little circles, and I swear that third circle I shed tears. It was from my wolf.
I wiped my eyes. “That was Lummi, she’s still upset, but I’m ok.” I half lied. I was…. but I still felt left out. Wolves lived as long as they weren’t killed… and usually spend their immortality with their mate from 18. It was a bond so strong it was felt after death, and there was only one given.
“I got this one.” he said sharing grandma a knowing look before looking back to me. “Follow me.” He beckoned, and I did.
I was out of breath jogging with him, as even though he was over three centuries, grandpa still looked young. There wasn’t a gray on his head, but to look older he did carry a beard. We jogged through the shopping, then housing district of the pack, following an unused pine covered path once we got behind the house of grandma Eclipse’s parents. I didn’t visit them often… but her mom was probably the best cook I’d ever met. It almost made me wish we stopped jogging to go taste whatever she was making for lunch.
We found a little crystal clear stream that held little turtles sitting on logs and raised stones in the gentle trickling water. It was so clean, you could see the bottom, and he stopped running when we reached the soft dirt bank. I could see no tracks back here, even though Harvest Moon was last night…
“What is this place?” I asked and he sat down, and patted the dirt.
“A special place.” He smiled.
“… is this where you and grandma met?” I asked, and he nodded.
“I’d been Alpha for 200 years Harmony… 200, and she was right here.” He pointed to the dirt. “She wasn’t born here, but she had been here since she was a small child. She went to the same school as me, even had the same grade school teacher too. The same school I visit Every year to talk to high school graduates and Jr Warriors. She was absent that day. Her parents work at the prison. You would think I’d have caught a scent of her on them one day, but she’d never shifted until she met me, so there was no scent. I looked for my mate for That long, cursed for killing on the Harvest moon or not, I did not know.” he admitted. “When I found her, I was so excited I actually scared her away, but this is the spot I still dream of.”
“Wait… grandma was scared of you?” I asked and he chuckled lightly.
“Terrified, but mostly because I was a dumbass. I was the big scary, ill-tempered Alpha to her….” He mumbled.
“Why do you tell me this now instead of at the packhouse?” I asked and he put his hand on top of my head.
“Because you’re young. You aren’t cursed or anything, but sometimes… sometimes important things can be right in front of your nose.” He booped my nose. “Be patient. Your mate Is out there, unknowing to how much you desperately want to be with him.” He mumbled.
“I don’t have a mate grandpa… I don’t even feel the pull. No dreams… no special fairy or fea guided path. No special adventure or grand revelation that they exist like I’ve heard others talk about... Nothing. He doesn’t exist.” I mumbled but he chuckled.
“Did you think maybe the Pale Lady kept you like this, so you wouldn’t feel so lonely while you waited?” He said with a raised brow. “They might not be born yet, or they could be so far away and searching that they haven’t gotten to this country.” He said with a small smile.
“I never thought of it like that.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being different. What wrong is if you let your differences become your own self-imposed shackles pulling you down. Trust me… the world will do that enough.”