Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5


Xaxas held me under the setting moonlight, our hands interlaced. The sparks of his touch tingled on my fingertips, and they became more intense when he sat me in his lap. The cold of the night could be seen on your breath, but the heat from his body made me press my back into his chest… This is what I missed, and now that I had it, I didn’t think there would be a time when I would let this feeling go. Not willingly.

My wolf purred in contentment, while still getting over the initial shock. He said nothing, holding me gently. There was a calm stillness in the deserted garden, as it seemed word had spread like wildfire. Warriors soon were placed as an enforcement to keep others from interrupting, yet I didn’t see any of them. Though being a werewolf meant I heard all the hushed panic, commotion and rustling in the bushes a few yards away. We sat in the grass watching the early dawn, thinking of what all this meant.

I looked at the moon, it was still out though the sun was threatening to rise at any moment. She made this bond; and in her I would trust. The soulmate connection was the strongest and most powerful of all unions… we shared half our souls unless he would reject me… something entirely possible since we hadn’t solidified it yet. He played with my curls, twirling them in his fingers, letting them bounce back into place. He too seemed to be deep in thought, debating something.

“I’m taking you in the morning.” He said breaking the silence. It was without any room for negotiation… something I would expect from a man with the title of High King.

“Where do you live?” I asked, feeling him envelope me in strong arms, caging me in his warmth. I would go with my mate, but I still secretly hoped he didn’t live far.

“At the moment, Bison that you’re near your people.” He said twirling a curl. “It would be asking too much to take you to the palace without any adjustment. It’s already enough that you accept me.”

“I would never reject my true mate, and I thank you for your consideration, your grace.” I said honestly…. I was offering no resistance, not that I would want to.

“The sentiment is the same.” He said happily, but suddenly he turned me around to face him. He seemed to be slightly confused. “Why do I have a feeling that there’s something I’m missing?” The night sky lightened ever so slightly, and soon many of the wolves that flooded the pack would leave. I would too this time….

“I always wanted to visit a human town… you must sense it through our bond…” I said getting excited, but I shouldn’t have said anything! No one wants to be around humans… it wasn’t necessarily breaking the rules to know them… but if it ever got out that I was a werewolf, everyone involved would be in serious trouble.

“What’s stopping you?” He said running his fingers through my hair.

“You know how it is…” I said looking at the ground, thinking that he wouldn’t approve like most others, but I was surprised by his reaction. He chuckled and pulled me closer.

“You sound as if you wish for more.” He said like he knew I did…. I didn’t expect him to be so understanding about it… but this would never happen in reality. It was just a dream, and nothing more.

We will not be in the pack anymore. Our mate would let you do it. Huffed Lummi.

“No, I’m ok with never actually trying. It’s too dangerous for the pack.” I said submissively, though he made me gasp.

He kissed me on the base of my neck. It was close to the spot where he would mark me… and I outwardly moaned …. That area was much too sensitive to touch…and my wolf wanted him to take me now, not caring that the pack would see…. He lightly grazed my shoulder with his fangs, knowing what he’d done, probably hearing Lummi… but I bit my lip…. He nipped my neck.

I didn’t know what to do with the sensations I had erupting all over my body. His touch, at first, brought tingles… but now he set me on fire. I became aware of his heartrate and breathing… though I swear none of that could be really sensed until now…Everything became unimportant. All my focus was on what he was doing… he had me malleable as clay, and weak from just his touch….

“Your village has nothing to do with your choices. Tell me.” He commanded softly, and I found myself telling my innermost secret.

“….. I … I…don’t judge.” I said shyly. Everyone was against this idea my entire life, and it was a very small number of pack members that knew. Headhunters, humans who kill supernatural creatures unconditionally, the Church, enemy creatures like vampires, and most of all, the fact that I could accidently give the location away of my family…. My people, and unleash hell on them was all possible with one mistake.

“I will never judge my bride.” He held me tightly, and I looked at the grass… it was well kept…

“I…. want to live among humans.” I whispered. He didn’t say anything… and I knew it was a bad idea…. “They’re not all bad… I’d never spoken to a human besides Grandpa Noah, but….” I stopped trying to defend it, and I hid myself in his chest…. It was no use…

“Shh, I don’t really understand, but I will grant you this. Your request is simple enough.” He said holding me closer to him, and I had never had anyone ever agree with me on this… no one…. I felt like there was a weight off my chest, but I still had doubts.

“There will be humans around me all the time…. And I intend on working with them doing charity work… would you really be okay with that?” I asked, and he lowered his head to put it against my forehead…

“You are my mate. I don’t have to understand it to support you. I will do anything in my power if it’ll make you happy. I will protect you, my small songbird. It wouldn’t be right to make you feel imprisoned. It would be wrong of me to take you, and force you to abandon your desires, no matter how small.” He said sweetly, kissing me softly.

“I don’t feel imprisoned. We’ve only just met… but I understand what you mean.” I said hugging his chest, and he wrapped an arm around me… my instincts of danger turned off with this man… it was actually a little addicting to feel so much love and nonjudgment. He also was nothing I’d imagined for the ruler of this realm.

He was gentle with everything he did, which made the tingles dance on my skin. He smelled so strange…. Like the fresh earth… but also smoke and fresh chopped wood. There was a spice to it now I couldn’t put my fingers on… and something else, but I couldn’t describe it. Like Alpha. He just smelled like a leader.

“It is the will of the Goddess that you are this sweet… when I do take you to the castle, we will give her an offering.” He mumbled.

“Where is it?” I asked, and he grinned.

“Off the northeastern shore from the Kingdoms-United in the North Sea, away from mortals, and not on any maps. He said proudly, but I looked down.

“That’s really far your highness….” I mumbled.

“Please, Xaxas is fine….” He kissed me on the forehead gently.

Why was I somehow surprised? I guess I never anticipated this to be a problem…I think because I expected a wolf… not the Tyrant King. Out of the 12 packs, the farthest one away was a 10-hour drive, but even then, I could have had a small road trip to visit them every once in a while. That sounded like a castle on an island, far away and isolated… but he was the King. If I was taken far away, it would be my duty to leave. He looked down at me sternly, as if he were debating before finally saying something.

“I won’t take you until you’re ready.” He said quietly.

“I appreciate the gesture…” I said looking at my hands. What happened to my confidence? I didn’t expect the king to be accommodating…. Not from the stories told of him.

“Think of it as a second home.” He rubbed my back a little. He behaved almost as if he thought I would be scared off by his dominance, but I wasn’t.

“This won’t interfere with your duties, will it?” I asked, but he rested his chin on the top of my head.

“No, it won’t. Up until this moment, my only mission was preparing for you. I didn’t want to ruin the surprise of who you would be, nor come too soon.” He smiled. “But maybe I should’ve waited a little longer so you could grow.” He put a clawed hand on top of my head.

I growled at him.

He genuinely laughed at me.

“I can’t help it!” I complained.

“I didn’t say it was a bad thing.”. In one swift motion, he took me off his lap so he could get up. He stood, towering over me for a moment, holding his hand out to help me stand.

I realized how cold it was once the warmth of his body left me, along with the tingles that danced. He helped me up, and we both looked at the forming golden hues of the sunrise, amplified by the large fluffy clouds that rolled in the distance. I held hands with the most powerful man to have ever lived in this world, but his gentle stroking of my hair made me almost forget that…

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