Prologue: Lexa


~ Lexa ~

It was a normal day. My mom was working downstairs, and I was upstairs in S’s room. We were playing with dolls like we did every day. S always had the best dolls. She was rich, and my mother and I, well we lived in a shack in the woods. So, needless to say, I enjoyed coming with her to work every day. And like any big moment about to happen, there was no way to know what would come next. So, when the sirens went off, I grabbed S’s hand and we ran down the stairs together. It wasn’t till we reached the bottom, did some grab me, yanking me away from S.

“She should die with her mother!” I heard someone yell, along with a chorus of agreements as they pushed me around a crowd that scared me.

“She’s just a child!” I heard my mother yell from somewhere, but there were so many people around, my eyes couldn’t find her.

“Mom?” I called out in panic as they drug me away. “Mom? What’s happening? Where are you?!”

It wasn’t until I was thrown into a cell in the deepest of basements that my mom and I were reunited.

I hugged her so tight, and I didn’t even realize it would be the last time I ever got to.

“Listen, honey, we don’t have a lot of time. But I need you to be a big girl. Don’t be afraid, okay?” There was panic in her voice, but she tried to keep it out.

“What’s happening, Mom?” I tried to be the big girl. I tried to push away the feelings.

“It’s okay, Lexa. I just need you to remember a few things. First, you need to get a message to the others. Tell them what’s happened, and that they are all in jeopardy. Pack a bag and go with them. Don’t go with a single person from here. Not even Aspen.”

“But why?” I asked, I felt like I was going to cry.

“They will take away everything you are, baby, so promise me, you will not go with anyone from here.”

“I promise.”

The next thing I knew, I was standing there in the cold as the rain poured down surrounded by the people of our country. The Averages were all standing on my side, behind me. The Royals and government officials were all on the other. And on a small platform in front of everyone, my mom was standing, looking fearless. She told me not to be afraid, but I was. She was about to die. And I was about to watch.

Trying to calm myself down, I looked to my right. There was S. My best friend. Standing under her fancy umbrella in her fancy clothes. She was with her family. The family that was killing my mother. The family that was betraying me.

I was ready to run now, and never look back, but something held me in my place. Stuck. Still, except for a single tear falling down my face as they pulled the lever.

Then I ran like hell, and tried to never look back.

Now, I was back, sneaking in the broad daylight. If anyone caught me, I was dead. But the risk was one I needed to take. As much as I hated it, I needed help. And there was only one person who I thought might be the answer. And hopefully, it wouldn’t end in my death.

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