Chapter 2:
“I will deal with my son; there shall be no doubt about that,” he told Centos; not fully grasping the effect this was going to have. “I would think you will also deal with the human,” Centos paused before giving the final blow to the story, “the gifted woman your son lays with.” Yiorgos’ eyes crushed shut as his head made loud banging noises from the blood that was racing angrily to his head. “You can be assured it will be dealt with, now go! Leave my kingdom, and make no mistake, I will deal with all involved!”.
As Centos turned to leave he gave a slight devilish grin to Nigier as he entered, unsure of what was happening. “You called for me my Lord?”, Nigier had no idea what was happening but there was no mistaking Yiorgos’ fury. “How long has this been going on? My son and that witch??”. Nigier was speechless, his eyes dropped to the ground as he knew he could not lie. “Look at me!!!” Yiorgos’ voice had bellowed so loudly Nigier swore he felt the floor shake. His eyes slowly lifted as he met the shards of glass that exhumed Yiorgos’ eyes. “I cannot lie, I have known almost since the beginning,” this was not going to be good, not for anyone involved and he was scared. You did not break the rules like this without serious repercussions and he was terrified of what was going to happen next.
“You are hereby stripped of your Orbital duties and all the powers that go with it. You will be taken immediately to the grounds where you will be held until further notice. I will not have you warning my son or that witch!” Yiorgos yelled as he snapped his fingers that indicated the guards at the door to come in, “take him to the grounds now and do not leave him until you hear from me, I am going to find my son”.
A loud “pop” from a tree branch brought Nigier out of his memories of that fateful day and back to reality as he heard Gaylen laughing, “the only hideous thing here is that thing above your upper lip! My sister actually likes that thing?” Nigier touched the smooth line of hair above his lip and grinned from ear to ear “she doesn’t like it…she LOVES it! She says it tickles her,” he had a devious look on his face as he raised his eyebrows up and down, ensuring Gaylen knew exactly what he was talking about. “Ugh you disgust me! I do not need to hear about you and my sister’s love play,” Gaylen absolutely loved the idea of his sister marrying his best friend as he knew there was no greater man, aside from himself of course, in all of the kingdom. They suited each other perfectly.
They both began to laugh as Nigier slapped Gaylen on the back saying, “come on now we must go. You know your sister’s temper and she hates when we are late!”. “Yes I know all too well, soon enough she will be all your problem”. They both turned and began the mile journey back to the estates where they resided.
It had been a long day and Gaylen was eager to get home. He really did love this place; the beauty and peace here was like no other. One day he hoped to bring Angelica here but he knew that would be a battle he may never win; although he was willing to try.
The estates was a measure of land with lush green grass and grand oak trees that lined the borders. One large castle style mansion stood in the middle; every stone was even and square as if built by someone bent on perfection. There were smaller cottages surrounding it; one of which belonged to him; his own serenity. The main castle which housed his mother, father and sister sat up on the hill overlooking the gorgeous man made lake that he had hoped one day his children would be seen splashing and playing. Oftentimes he would sit beside the water and reminisce; what would life for him be like if the tragedy of the past never took place? As a Spiritual Orb his destiny had been written long before and like the others his mortality differed from the rest.
As the Orbs lifespan went their immortality age began at the age their mortal souls left the earth. This meant that in his previous life Gaylen had crossed over at the age of twenty-seven and therefore would officially begin his immortality at the same age; he would eternally be twenty-seven. Angelica; however, was in fact mortal and therefore he was pained by the reality that she would continue to age and eventually he would have to see her cross over again. A thought he could not bare yet had no idea how to change but had his mind set that somehow he would.
He was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of his sister; Christina calling for Nigier. Although they disagreed on many things and sometimes had the occasional spat they were close as ever and he could not imagine his life without her. She looked just like their mother with a tiny stature, fiery eyes and perfectly tanned skin. Her heart greatly out measured her size and she was fiercely protective of her family. Loyal to a fault; there was nothing she would not do to keep those she loved close and safe.
She stood on the stone steps at the front of the castle; hands on hips with her head tilted slightly to the right. He could clearly see her agitation as her right foot was tapping the stone; they were late. “Nigier do you see the position of the sun?” She pointed upwardly hinting at the time of day it was and reminding them that they were in fact late for dinner; something they tended to do. “Let me start by saying this is not my fault! Your brother was busy with his human,” he cut his eyes towards Gaylen as if to say I told you so.
“I apologize sister, I just had to tie up a few loose ends. It was not at all Nigier’s fault as he did try to get me to hurry.” She turned her gaze upon Gaylen with a knowing look, “If that’s your story we will stick with it; but know this brother, your shenanigans are your own but as far as he goes,” she flicked her finger pointing at Nigier who stood there like a lost puppy, “his shenanigans are mine along with everything else pertaining to him. It would bode both of you well to remember that.”
“I’m going to pay for this,” Nigier growled at Gaylen as they followed Christina into the house.