Chapter 1- Wicked Forest
Falling leaves drifted from the treetops. Its golden foliage only allowed insignificant amounts of light to pass through the twisted branches. The streams of light gave off an enchanting effect, making the forest look and feel magical. To Crystal, it was the most stunning place in the world, a place where she felt at peace. In spring and summer, it was filled with the colours of the rainbow. In the winter it became a winter wonderland, but it was autumn that she loved the most and the gold, brown and yellows. The contrast of colours took her breath away.
Crystal watched the leaves fall, breathtakingly beautiful, swirling as they slowly floated to the ground. She loved autumn and the sound of the leaves crunching under her feet. The way that nature changed and prepared for winter amazed her. Even the animals and wildlife had their own routine and tasks to carryout in preparation for winter. It was all part of the cycle of life. To Crystal it just proved that what one did made an impact on others. If the bees didn’t collect pollen to make honey, then the flowers wouldn’t be pollinated. Everyone and animals, insects, they all had a place in the world, a destiny to follow. It was all part of the grand design of living. She often thought about what her destiny would be. But she knew where her life would lead her and all she felt was disappointment. She felt an emptiness inside, which seemed to grow with each passing day. She feared that one day soon she would be swallowed up into that very emptiness and forget the girl she was and wanted to be.
Out in the woods that lay behind Crystal’s coven, she could be who she wanted to be. Not what her people expected her to be. She was free. Crystal walked further into the forest. The earth which she stepped upon came alive with pink flowers. She giggled as she observed them spurting from the earth. Magic was a part of her. In the solstice of nature, she could use what had been given to her without fear. She could make the wildlife grow and give the precious gift of life. It was her power that was the problem. She had been sworn to keep it to herself. Not to even let the coven know what she could do. It made her feel ashamed of herself for possessing such abilities. She was an outcast, within her family and among her peers. Secrets, they set you apart from others. Take away part of you. But there was nothing she could do but hide her powers. Letting the coven see what she could do would only make her more of an outcast. That was something she could do without. She was already treated like the bad apple and just with one look she managed to upset the apple cart. Her mother was right. Keeping her powers in check was for the best.
The tree roots twisted and entwined and made the ground uneven. The deeper she went the darker it became. Some parts bathed in the sunlight, while others shrank back within the shadows.
She reached the slow flowing river and sat on the grass banking. Glancing at the sliver shimmering water, Crystal saw her reflection. She sighed at the girl looking at her with her green eyes and blond curls.
She could see the sadness and loneliness in her eyes and wondered how others didn’t notice. Perhaps they did but choose to ignore her inner turmoil. It was her feelings and emotions. Perhaps others thought she needed to deal with them on her own. However, Crystal’s thought was that they just didn’t care. Dipping her hand in the freezing water, Crystal watched as the water sparkled. Smiling she stood up, watching the wildlife drinking from the now purified river that ran clear.
Despite the rumours, and warnings, Crystal couldn’t see anything wrong with the beauty of nature. She wasn’t afraid. She was more at home than she was around people. The birds chirped and flew from branch to branch, their sweet melody warmed her heart and she found herself humming along with their song. At times she imagined that their song was just for her, Crystal’s own private band, which gathered in her special place, to solely sing their tune to her.
Still, her mother’s words haunted her. “Do not enter the Wicked Forest, evil lies deep within the roots.” Crystal laughed out loud and spun around, letting the leaves brush against her summer dress. Although autumn had just begun, the weather was still warm and gave her a sense of comfort.
A slight breeze brushed her blond trestles out of her face. She stood frozen, her heart hammering against her chest. In the shadows, peeking from behind a tree someone was watching her. The whites of the person’s eyes flashed in the shimmer of light. Their face was pale against the bark of the tree. Panic grew like clusters of sparks in her stomach, making her heart drop and pound.
Quickly, Crystal came back to her senses and ran back through the woods, following the path that led to her back garden. She jumped and stumbled over tree roots, occasionally falling, and scrapping her knees and shins. All the rumours ran through her mind. She didn’t turn around, nor look back. The fear running through her veins pumping fast and hard while her adrenaline pushed her forward.
When she entered the back gate to her garden she was panting.
Calming herself she brushed leaves from her hair and ran her hands over her dress to smooth it out. There wasn’t anything she could do about her scraped knees and legs but hope her mother was not yet awake. Her mother’s angry glare and heated words were something she would avoid at all costs. Mainly because they were more often than not aimed at her, she couldn’t help herself and trouble followed her.
With a glance towards the forest, she sighed. Okay maybe someone was in there. But they didn’t make any moved to hurt her. She shook her head. It wasn’t like she had given them time; she had run away. No one ever went into the forest. It was a place that entered witches’ nightmares. With a one last sigh she dragged her feet across her backyard.
Crystal slipped in the back door. The coast was clear. She had escaped a lecture from her mother. Crystal made it to the bottom of the spiralling staircase, feeling relieved. She climbed the steps, taking them two at a time in her rush to get to her room and out of sight.
Within the community, the Hudson family home was the biggest, being a three-story mansion. To her people she was considered a princess. However, Crystal didn’t want that title. It wasn’t an honour. Nothing like movies or the books she had read. There would be no prince to sweep her off her feet, where they then would live happily ever after. Being a princess was lonely. All it did was bring along stupid and insane responsibility and a reputation she had to maintain. However, Crystal found it hard to play by the rules and wanted nothing to do with the coven, yet like every teenager she had no choice. Her parents were the boss while she was nothing but a child.
Crystal scoffed at her thoughts.