3__A problem's solution

Erin leaped for Braden’s throat, furious at how he’d treated her mother, but before she could even reach him, a loud crash echoed through the mansion, making her jump back in alarm.

“What in the world?!” said her mother, startled.

Erin tucked her hands against her chest, staring wide-eyed at her mom. “Mommy, what was that?”

Alicia shook her head at the children’s bewildered expressions. “I have no clue, love.” Slowly, she made her way out of the kitchen, through the dining hall and towards the entrance hall.

“You fool!” the Chairman’s roar suddenly shook the walls. “What have I not done for you, Michael?! What have I not done?!”

Frightened by the angry shouting, Erin hid behind her mother, peeking out as they silently approached the entrance of the home.

The sight was one that made Erin blink in surprise. Sitting against the front door with blood trickling from his nose was Michael Stone, Braden’s father. Around him were the scattered pieces of the antique vase that the Chairman, in his anger, had flung to the floor.

Braden stood, watching them with wide eyes, confused as to what was going on.

The Chairman stood over his son, his grey eyes dark with fury. “When will you grow up, Michael? When?! Do you think I’ll be alive forever?! When will you become responsible?! Partying, drinking, drugs! Is that all you know?!”

The shouting got louder and louder, frightening Erin even more. Her mom laid a hand on her shoulder. “Come on, Erin honey,” she whispered. “We need to go. The Chairman and Mr. Stone are discussing grown up stuff.”

“Ms. Moore?”

Erin’s mom turned around to face the person who’d called her. At the foot of the stairs stood a very sleepy, grumpy looking blonde.

“What’s going on?”

“Oh, Stephanie!” said Erin’s mom. “Woke you up, didn’t they?”

Stephanie Stone tightened the belt of her robe as she approached to peak into the entrance hall and analyse the situation. “Dad and Michael at it again?”

Alicia cringed. “The Chairman’s furious. Michael came home late again. And I think he’s drunk.”

Stephanie rolled her green eyes to the ceiling. “That irresponsible cow.” She sighed heavily. “Let’s talk in the kitchen, Ms. Moore. I’ll make us tea since, clearly, nobody’s going to bed any time soon.”

Alicia nodded. “Come, Erin.”

Erin stood, captivated by the spectacle in the entrance hall, unaware that her mom had left for the kitchen.

“Get off my case, dad,” grumbled Michael Stone in a deep, gruff voice as he wiped at his nose.

“I will when you grow up! You’re thirty-five-years-old, for goodness sake!” barked the Chairman. He looked down at his son with mixed feelings of pity, anger, regret and sorrow. “Single-handedly,” said the Chairman. “Single-handedly, I built my empire up to what it is today and yet, with a fool like you as a son I have no one to leave my fortune to! No one I can trust to be wise enough, smart enough and responsible enough to take the Stone Empire to even greater heights!”

Michael leaned his head back against the front doors, his head spinning from all the Cognac in his veins. “Stephanie—”

“Your sister has no interest in the family business, you know that!” yelled the Chairman. Stepping back, he laid a hand against his chest as a coughing fit suddenly rocked through his chest.

“Grandpa!” exclaimed Braden, rushing forward to grip his grandfather’s elbow, afraid he'd collapse.

“Hey, son!” greeted Michael cheerfully, raising a hand to wave at Braden. Gasping loudly and dramatically, he slapped both hands against his cheeks and looked at his father who was finally breathing well again. “Oh, my God, daddy! I just remembered something!” Raising a hand, Michael pointed at his son. “You’ve got an heir! Right there! Braden! Ha-ha! Okay? So, please…” Pushing against the door, he pulled himself to his feet and stood, swaying, before his father. “Please… take all your damn expectations and all your shitty responsibilities and give them to him! Okay?”

Staring at his son with a tightly clenched jaw, Julius Stone found himself cursing the day he’d had this boy. He’d been nothing… nothing at all but trouble since he was born.

He turned his gaze to Braden’s and the boy looked up at him, eyes full of confidence. He knew it. He knew he was heir and took far too much pride in it.

Julius scoffed. “The son… is just like the father.”

Michael narrowed his eyes at his father. “I’m nothing like you.”

Julius sneered at him. “Damn right, you’re not! You’re the replica of your mother’s father. I meant that this boy…” He looked sadly at Braden. His last hope for an heir. “…is just like you!”

Michael snorted. “Well… tough. Take him or leave him, dad. You’ve got no choice anyway.”

The Chairman felt rage course through him at his son’s careless words. True, Braden was his only choice for an heir, but Julius would be damned if he left his empire in the hands of someone so much like Michael just because he had no choice!

“No choice?” he asked, his voice trembling with fury. “No choice?! I am Julius Stone! I will create a damn choice!”

Looking around him in a frenzy, the Chairman grew more and more frantic until his gaze landed on her.

Erin. The maid’s daughter.

Shrugging his grandson’s hand off his elbow, Julius took a step toward Erin whose eyes grew large.

“You,” said Julius pointing at her.

Erin blinked. “M-me?”

“Yes, you, little girl. Come here.”

So frightened, she looked tiny and mouse-like, Erin looked at Braden who frowned at her, wondering why his grandpa suddenly called her into their private family affairs.

“Come over here, Erin Moore!” commanded the Chairman. “Do not be afraid.”

Swallowing, Erin cautiously walked over to the Chairman and looked up at him.

Nodding in satisfaction with his own idea, Julius Stone looked at his son. Michael looked back at him in puzzlement.

“Okay?” said Michael. “The maid’s kid. And?”

Julius let a smile curve his mouth. This was genius. He should have thought of this before. His son was a fool, but he was a fool who loved the luxury of wealth.

“You, Michael,” began the Chairman, his tone heavy and serious. “Are to, from this day onward, do your utmost… to train your son well so that when he becomes a man… he will be nothing like you.”

Michael Stone narrowed his eyes. “Or what?”

Julius scoffed. “Oh, Michael, boy. You will do as I say.” He looked at Braden, whose face was full of confusion. “Both you and Braden will do exactly as I say, or else… my everything… my all… my empire, every goddamn penny… goes to Erin Moore. The maid’s daughter.”

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