6___Old rivals
flashback ends
The Chairman watched her closely, noting how shaken she was at the sight of the black card. He didn’t miss the rage that had taken over Braden’s features, making him look more like a goblin than a handsome heir. He’d made the right choice. Now, he’d see how Erin spent this money.
“I c-can’t accept it, Chairman. I—”
“Erin, it’s an order,” said the Chairman, drawing her hand forward and placing the card in her palm. “It’s your last year, little girl. I want you to at least enjoy it. Responsibly.”
Erin nodded enthusiastically, her hair bouncing up and down. “Responsibly, of course! Yes, Sir!”
Julius chuckled, patting her head. “Alright.” He glanced at Braden. “Your father has provided you with a card of your own, has he not?”
Braden forced a smile. “Yes, grandpa. But it wasn’t… a black card.”
Julius nodded. “Yes, I’m aware. Right, you two go out front now, your driver should be here.”
Erin nodded, grasping the black card tightly with both hands.
She couldn’t believe it. How could the Chairman trust her with such an invaluable thing? What if she lost it? Or damaged it?
She threw her bag over her shoulder and hurried out of the mansion, the card still clutched in both hands.
The black Cadillac pulled up to the front steps of the mansion just as Erin made it outside.
She drew in a huge breath, staring at the card in her hand as the driver came out and opened the door.
“Mornin’, Erin!”
Erin smiled at the friendly driver, hurrying toward the car. “Good morning, Jame—”
A sudden sharp tug on her backpack stopped Erin from getting into the car, jerking her back.
Startled, she looked over her shoulder, frowning when she saw Braden, his hand curled into her backpack.
Shoving her away from the open car door, he gave her a bitter look. “You think I’m going to let you ride next to me just because it’s our last year in high school? Get in the front, next to the driver. Where you belong.”
Ignoring her annoyed expression, Braden headed for the backseat.
“Good morning, Sir,” greeted James with a short bow. Braden ignored him, relaxing into the seat as James shut the door.
Swallowing her anger, Erin forced herself to calmly walk to the passenger side and get in beside James. It was okay. Better this way. James was a much better companion anyway.
Getting in and closing his own door, James sent her a wink and Erin smiled, shaking her head. It was okay, Braden Stone was a jerk at ten years of age, and he was still a jerk at eighteen.
The glorious buildings of McClinton Senior Academy loomed about her and Erin gazed up at them, her eyes filled with everything but love and awe.
She hated this place.
Within the corridors of the academy, within its music halls, lecture rooms and luxurious cafeteria were all the memories of Erin’s horrid years in high school.
She crossed her arms, scowling up at the foreboding main building entrance. The building was polished and stylish, glass and steel glinting in the morning sunlight. A place perfect for the children of the elite.
And hell for those like her.
“Erin Moore!!”
The shout crashed through Erin’s thoughts, smacking her attention away from the buildings and Erin smiled, welcoming the loud voice.
Who else could it be?
Calmly, she turned towards the football field and grinned.
Running at a speed insanely fast for his big muscled body, came Jackson Pierce, Erin’s childhood best friend.
“Whooooo!” he cheered, dropping his football helmet on the ground as he ran for her, his sea-green eyes full of joy.
She scoffed, shaking her head. He was loud as hell, but she loved him. If Erin hadn’t insisted that the Chairman bring Jackson with her to her new school in middle school, she probably wouldn’t have survived all of Braden’s friends’ cruelty.
Seeing the glint in Jackson’s eye, Erin took a cautious step back, one hand held up to stop him. “Jackson, don’t! No tackling! It’s the first day, you idiot!”
With another loud cheer, he dived for her and Erin yelped as Jackson lifted her clean off her feet and into his arms, turning around in circles.
“It’s my little chestnut!” he cried. “I missed you!”
Erin groaned in embarrassment, looking around at the eyes that stared. “Put me down before I kick your ass!”
Ignoring the orders, Jackson hugged her to him, making fake weeping noises. “Did those bastards hurt you?” he asked pitifully. “Those damn Stones make you ride ponies and hit golf balls all damn summer? You poor thi—”
“Get off my woman,” said an edgy female voice followed by a sharp slap to the back of Jackson’s head.
Hissing in pain, he put Erin down to turn around and glare at the person who’d hit him.
Erin grinned wide. “Phoebe! You’re late!”
Her second best friend grinned, hugging her back. “Tsuh! When was I ever early for this hell-hole?”
Jackson gave Phoebe a sharp look, rubbing the back of his head. “No violence this year, Phoebe,” he told her before faking a trembling lip and a tearful voice. “Hit me again… one more time… and I swear, I’m gonna start fighting back.”
Erin sighed at Jackson. “You’re an athlete, not a Theatre major. Stop with the shitty acting.”
Phoebe shook her head in disgust, her short, black hair swaying with the movement. “Ugh, it’s so cringey.”
Jackson smiled at her. “Your face is cringey.”
Phoebe raised an arched brow. “That’s not what you said when you nearly fell for me in tenth grade.”
Erin sighed. “Can you guys not—”
“Huh! Nearly. Fell. It didn’t actually happen and it’s past tense. I came to my senses quickly enough to see you for the psycho you are!”
Phoebe stepped forward with narrowed grey eyes. “Say that again, Jackson.”
Jumping away, Jackson covered his groin and chest. “Stay back, Chewbacca!”
Phoebe’s teeth grinded at the nickname she despised. “I’m gonna bury my fist in your face, Jackson Pierce, you call me that one more time!”
Jackson smiled that smile that was the reason why most of the girls left Erin alone, hoping to get her to give them his number. He winked at Phoebe. “Ch…ew… ba…cca!”
“Let me break your legs and see if you score more touchdowns, you yeti!” Phoebe snarled, kicking out one heeled foot and narrowly missing Jackson’s leg as he ducked out of the way.
Erin hooked an arm around Phoebe’s elbow holding her back, allowing enough space for the two to bicker but not close enough for Phoebe to sock Jackson in the eye. He needed both to score touchdowns.
Erin smiled at them. She’d come here with Jackson, but Phoebe they’d both met at the Academy.
That day in the cafeteria when Jackson went to the bathroom and Phoebe had walked up to Erin, all glossy black hair and cat-like grey eyes, Erin had been expecting some spiteful, nasty words to be spat out of the girl’s mouth. Surprisingly, she’d just wanted to ask what the big guy with the green eyes’ name was.
Granted, Phoebe had first become friends with Erin because of Jackson, but very quickly she got over her crush and turned her sights onto the next boy, just one of her many love interests. Her friendship with Erin, however, stuck, while her feelings for Jackson dissipated into their current enmity. Still, the three had stuck together through high school, which made the years bearable enough for Erin to still smile.
The most influential girl at the school and the cutest player on the football team were her best friends. Nobody was about to give her grief.
Nobody, except…
Erin’s heart sunk as she watched them walk towards her.
Braden’s army of rich boys.
Noah Santinez, Jace Clinton and Chris Michaels. Also known as: Coward, Jerk and Ice block. The first barely smiled at Erin, wanting to be friendly, but not wanting to get on Braden’s bad side like the coward he was. The second scowled at her, probably preparing all the insults he’d hurl at her to impress Braden. The third was expressionless as usual. Erin didn’t think she’d ever seen Chris smile, frown or anything. Hence, her nickname for him. Ice block.
Erin sighed as they reached her, Jace’s eyes already glittering from excitement at the thought of giving her grief.
She squared her shoulders, lowering her arms to her sides.
“Well, hello,” said Jace with a malicious grin. “Erin Whore.”