My Kidnapper
Am awake but my body doesn't respond, it's the most unpleasant and terrible sensation that anyone can experience. My eyes are open but I can't move. Everything around me is in darkness. Not even a sleep paralysis compares with this, because if I was asleep it would scare me, but the feelings of powerlessness and fear would gradually ease allowing me to regain mobility, I am a doctor, I know about these things; so this is totally different. I have been drugged and I am terrified of the consequences that the effect of the drug may cause on me.
What I am facing right now is too similar to what I experienced during my accident, that paralysis and this one are practically identical. I'm sweating cold and have goose bumps, I have to control my reactions if I start hyperventilating now I'm sure to die here. Closing my eyes I try to slow down my breathing. Somehow thoughts of my secret lover creep into my mind and I relax until I fall asleep again.
I have reawakened. This time my movements are not limited, I sigh in relief.
Where the hell am I?
I sit up and look around. I was lying on the bed in which I am now sitting. My mind runs in a thousand directions at once.
I have been kidnapped. Have someone brought me to a hotel room? I start to break out in a cold sweat. Have I been raped? An iron knot forms in my stomach. I reach between my legs and my underwear is in its place. It's a relief. I get out of bed. I don't see my shoes anywhere but that won't stop my flight. I walk a few steps on shaky legs, go to the bedroom door and turn the knob.
There is a huge hallway outside, lit by sunlight, I look it up and down, squinting. I have lost my glasses somewhere. Am pleased to see that the corridor is deserted. I leave the room silently, walking on tiptoe. I sure look like a cartoon, I pout. I sharpen my hearing as I get to the end of the hall, sticking to the wall, i take a deep breath and peek around the corner. I observe another much wider corridor which is luckily also empty, I walk slowly sticking my back to the wall until I reach the next corner. After spying again I observe some huge stairs which descend to God knows where.
Sneakily, I approach the stairs and go down the steps one by one taking special care not to make the slightest noise. A spacious living room opens up before me, which is separated into side corridors. The door that is right in front of me seems to call me with a heavenly song. I raise a quick prayer hoping that that one is the exit from this place. Without thinking too much, I blindly run up to it, open it and throw myself outside, closing it behind me.
I let out a disappointed grunt. I have not gone outside. Now I am standing in what looks like a kind of dark studio or office, I don't know, I've only seen these places in movies or novels, and nothing good ever happens in those scenes. I turn to grab for the doorknob again, and then it happens...
I get goose bumps, the fine hairs of my arms stand up, and a chill runs through me. I turn and scan with narrowed eyes in the shadows, someone is watching me ... I just know it.
I perceive a movement coming from the darkest corner of the studio, and before I can ask who is there, in three great strides the target of my most lustful fantasies appears in front of me.
I stand there stunned and open-mouthed.
The girl is more delicious than I remembered. Every inch of her attracts me powerfully ... her incredible tangle of long black hair, her slanted chocolate-colored eyes, her fleshy and succulent lips, her delicate neck, her immersed breasts, her broad hips ... A growl rises from my throat, I strongly inhale her mouthwatering scent while she stares at me wide- eyed, her jaw hangs in amazement. Yes, little one, I am really beautiful, I know.
—Who are you? Where I am? What the hell have you done to me?! - She yells at me in English, enraged.
Her astonishment has disappeared in the blink of an eye, giving way to immense anger.
Well, well ... I look at her with interest ... Who would have thought that such a tiny, harmless-looking doll would be capable of such fury.
—You know very well who I am. I warned you that I would come for you, little one.
My secret lover looks at me with an amused expression. He wears a white cotton shirt, leaving the first two buttons open, he also wears matching four-door trousers and over the collar of his shirt I spy the beads of what appears to be an antique silver rosary.
But no, it can't be him, because "he" doesn't exists. The man who makes my heart jump with joy, the man who melts me with caresses ... just doesn't exists.
Yet here he is, in front of me, right now. Am instantly afraid. Finally my trauma and the work overload have managed to render me completely psychotic. There is no other explanation.
I start to hyperventilate. A panic attack threatens to take over. My throat treacherously closes and my lungs seem to receive less and less oxygen. In minutes I am dizzy and on the verge of fainting.
Dammit! The last thing I need now is to fall unconscious at His feet!
My whole body shakes with terrible tremors, my heart beats at three thousand a minute, I am sweaty, pale and cold. I am in great danger, because my vision has already started to blur.
The beautiful and dangerous blonde man lifts me in his arms ... I try to scream but I don't have the strength to. In seconds he gently deposits me on a gigantic brown sofa. He accommodates me in the position that I always acquire when I am lost in fear. With my head between my knees I breathe raggedly.
—It is not my intention to hurt you. - My angelic captor whispers. - You are safe, here, with me. Shhh, shhh, it’s alright.
He caresses the messy ostrich nest that I have for hair. His hand is huge but his touch is soft, affectionate even. I focus on doing the breathing exercises. Inhale, 1,2. Exhale, 1234. Inhale, 1,2. Exhale, 1234.
Soon I stop shaking, my heart returns to its normal rhythm, and the feeling of fainting leaves me.
—I ask again. Who the hell are you? - I demand between clenched teeth.
Even though I am paralyzed with fear, I won’t let my abductor believe that I am defeated and that I will be easy prey.
—You're so stubborn. - He comments in my ear with a jocular tone. As if the situation caused him a lot of amusement.
I lift my face from between my knees and look at him. His face is inches from mine allowing me to study his features more closely.
God! In my dreams he was beautiful, but now, here, having him so close ... Wow!
I wet my dry lips and try to swallow.
He continues stroking my hair for a few seconds and then he takes one of my hands in his. He caresses my knuckles with his long fingers and then turns my wrist, exposing my palm. He slowly begins to trace the lines there with his fingertips.
I watch what he does with a frown, the brush of his fingers against my palm gives me a very strange feeling, like dejavú. I look at his face again. His eyes are much more dazzling than I thought they were. They are two different colors, the left one brown and the right one gray, his nose is turned up and aquiline, his cheeks are flushed, his lips are full and pink. I feel compelled to get nearer and kiss him, all kinds of sexual memories or fantasies run through my mind, I'm not sure. I want to kiss him, bite him, and lick him. My mouth is open and I breathe through it loudly.
He looks me in the eye and smirks. He comes closer to me, slowly, I feel his breath on my lips. I watch his pupils dilate to the point that I am able to see myself reflected in his eyes. The black has almost completely conquered his gaze, am unable to take my eyes off him.
—You know me, little one- He whispers against my lips.
I shake my head. No
—Yes. You know me very well. And I know you, there is no part of your body that I have not already explored.
No! I scream inside my head.
He frowns and squints. Disgusted by my silent refusal, pulling closer to me and I lean back, more and more until I end up lying on the couch.
With a mocking giggle he covers my chest with his, he has me imprisoned against the cushions.
—Yolie. - He murmurs against my ear - Don't resist this little one, it's useless. - I got goose bumps when I heard him say my name. His tongue brushes my earlobe. He sniffs my neck and I moan. I pull my face away from his in mock rejection but I am aware that I'm actually offering him more space to play with my collarbone.
— Mhm- I hear him sigh. - You always smell so good, little one.
He brushes the tip of his nose against my clavicle then runs his lips down my neck. My heart threatens to leap out of my chest.
—Say my name. - He orders me between licking my ear and kissing my chin.
—No. - I reply in a groan.
He laughs, placing small kisses on my cheek searching for my lips. Oh no. Oh no.
—Say. My. Name. - He kisses the tip of my nose and rises above me, moving his mouth away from mine, leaving me open-mouthed and panting. I'm rigid on the couch, my arms on either side of my body and my fists clenched.
I want to kiss him. I want to sink my fingers into those impossibly frizzy golden curls. I want to touch his face with my hands. I want to caress his skin ... I want everything.
He watches me expectantly. His face has that expression I’ve seen thousands of times in my dreams. He wants me, here and now. My body recognizes the signals his body sends'. The attraction between us is so strong that the atmosphere becomes intoxicating and sensual. My body temperature has skyrocketed to outrageous levels. My internal muscles are contracted in anticipation and I understand that I can’t take it anymore. My sex is wet and hot. I've resisted as much as I could, I give up.
—Alex. — I say in a barely audible whisper.
He smiles triumphantly. And then kisses me.