Angel and Demon
I kiss him back with all the passion of which I’m capable. Sucking his fat and luscious lips between mine. His tongue brushes mine and I moan again. Oh, my God.
My hands move on their own volition, reaching for the hem of his shirt, lifting it up and putting both of them inside it. My fingers play with the warm and smooth skin of his abdomen, caressing him with my palms and finally scratching him with my tiny nails.
He brakes the kiss, laughing out loud.
—This is something new. - He murmurs, looking at me while he bites his lower lip. - I knew you would be quite the hellcat, but I never really expected you to dare to scratch me.
He takes my hands out of his shirt, lifting them above my head and holding them in one of his fists.
—Don't touch me right now. Your hands on my skin distract me too much and I've been waiting too long for this moment. - He whispers, offering me his mouth several times and pulling away when I try to kiss him. - Having you like this, defenseless and at my mercy has been one of my most coveted fantasies.
—Kiss Me. Please, kiss me. - I beg.
He smiles maliciously and reconnects his mouth with mine, licking and sucking my lips, I bite his bottom one in response. With his free hand he holds my neck in a way that keeps me immobile. I let out a groan and break off our kiss.
—That's not fair. I want to touch you, let me move. - I demand frowning.
Undaunted, he licks the left corner of my mouth.
—You're too impatient, little one. - He sits up a little. Separating his body from mine and I fear that because of my impertinence, he may no longer want to continue kissing me.
—No, don’t go. - I beg scared.
He looks at me. Staring at me with a strange expression, as if he wants to read my thoughts.
— I'm not going anywhere and neither are you. - He mutters, releasing my wrists from his tight grip.
He sits on the couch and slowly begins to unbutton his shirt, one button at the time,very slowly. He takes it off and lets it fall to the ground between his feet, with all the calm in the world, he pulls the silver crucifix above his head and places it on a nearby table.
Then turns to me and I try not to swallow my own tongue. He has the kind of body a magazine male model would. Muscular arms, defined chest, six pack abs ... God! And at least a dozen tiny moles sit on his chest and abdomen, I find them so sexy that I salivate with the urge to kiss them all. For a moment I wonder if he shaves, because he doesn’t have that characteristic trail of fine hairs that descend from the navel going to the intimate parts.
Admiring such a handsome guy makes me instantly feel ugly. What does an ugly duckling like me with a guy as beautiful as him?
While he was kissing me my mind had gone for a long walk, but now the rational part of my brain returns with a vengeance. I quickly get up from the couch and walk as far away from him as I can. I know I'm being a fool, it’s obvious that he wants me but a lifetime of insecurities and complexes can’t be erased by a couple of hot kisses.
—What's wrong? - He asks, practically glued to my back.
—Why am I here? - I sob and roll my eyes at my obvious vulnerability.
—Isn't it obvious? - He asks quietly, stroking my loose and tousled hair. - You're here because I need you.
—You need me? What for? - I ask turning to face him, taking the precaution of moving a step back and being out of his reach. His touch is hypnotic, if he puts a hand on me again or kisses me I know I will end up melted at his feet.
Seeing my obvious caution at his closeness, he silently weighs the answers he might give me and apparently decides that none are good because he keeps quiet, stareing at me impassively.
—You must give me some answers, Alex. Where am I? What do you want from me? - I demand adopting a defiant posture, bringing my hands to my hips and resting the weight of my body on one foot.
—I have a life and a job. I was coming home a few hours ago when that guy forced me into a van. This is kidnap, you know? It is illegal to hold people against their will, so...
—You're in Greece, in my villa on the island of Spiros.- He blurts out and I stare at him with a puckered face and crossed eyed in surprise.
— Greece? But, but ...- I can't seem to coordinate my ideas. He’s got be kidding me!
He raise his left hand imperiously.
— You were brought to my Villa by my order. You will be here for as long as I deem appropriate. Do not worry about your job. My people are in charge of requesting a license for you to take an unpaid leave indefinitely.
Am gripped by such fury, that for the first time in my life I want to gouge out a person's eyes with my own fingernails.
— How dare you do this to me? Who the hell do you think you are?!
His face becomes an aggressive mask, his body tenses and his fists clench and unclench compulsively. He grabs my face with one of his huge hands digging his fingers into my cheeks, all trace of goodness in him has disappeared. He tugs on my face, forcing me to step closer. Our bodies collide. I am puzzled and scared out of my skin.
—Who do I think I am? - He roars through clenched teeth. - I am nothing more and nothing less than the person to whom you owe your little and miserable life. I am the man you have been screwing in your dreams with for three years, I am the man you want even now, even when you are scared to death. Do not play with me, little one and do not fool yourself, you cannot escape from me. You're on my island and you'll leave here whenever and only if I want. You're mine now and I can do whatever I want to you, you'd better get used to the damn idea!
His kiss this time is punishing, he tight my waist with his immobile arms. He bites my lips furiously as if he wants to devour me whole. I can feel the skin on my lips swell under his aggressive attack. I push him with all my might and even hit his shoulders with my fists, to no avail. He breaks the kiss abruptly, pushing me away from him.
— Don't provoke me. - He hisses threateningly. - If I lose my temper with you, I could do you more damage than you think. - He walks away taking steps backwards,but keeping me in his line of vision and watching my slightest movements.
—You are allowed to roam the entire Villa at will, but I forbid you to go out to the beach or walk around the island alone. You may retire now. - He orders.
And before he changes his mind, I bolt for the door and flee upstairs like a soul chased by the devil .I don't stop running until I get to the room where I woke up an hour ago. I stay inside the room all night, nervously twist my fingers and walking back and forth. I sense that I’m in greater trouble than I suspected, Alex's expression frightened me to death a few minutes ago, because not only did it denote that he is capable of unimaginable violence, his eyes had turned cold and bloodshot, his beautiful face, always so loving in my dreams had transformed into a hideous mask of wickedness and cruelty.
I fall to the ground in despair. Hiding my face in my hands and crying uncontrollably, because I’m convinced that the man who has me in his power is a monster.