After handing me my clothes and turning around so I could dress, with some privacy, he takes me back to the Villa. During the brief minutes of the journey I think about what just happened.
Damn Eleni! I'll strangle her when I see her. Although, now that I think about it, having her gone was the best thing that could happen. In the mood Alex was in, it's very likely that we would have done the exact same thing with the girl right there, watching us.
I pale.
What the hell is this all about? What the hell is happening to me? I have lived twenty-six years during which no man ever aroused my interest, I came to believe I could be frigid ... and now it turns out I can't take my hands off this one? Pfff.
I am uncomfortable and sticky. I’m a mass of sweat, sand and hair. I need a bath and to wash my hair. I have sand stuck between my thighs and I’m afraid to get burned.
We enter the Villa and I hasten my pace in search of the stairs.
—We need to talk. - Alex's voice stops me cold. - Go, freshen up and rest for a while. Tonight I want us to have dinner together. I will answer your questions to the best of my ability.
I glance at him and nod my head in agreement, heading for the stairs again.
— Yolie. -he calls me. I turn around exasperated. - Diner is at nine. Don't make me come looking for you.
It's eight thirty and I'm scared shitless. After getting under the hot shower for twenty minutes I washed my hair and scrubbed myself with a sponge. I had sand even in my butt crack!
I prim myself a bit, gathering my hair in a high bun, applying a little gloss to my lips and putting on a dress that reaches my ankles, wearing my always reliable shoes.
At forty past eight I go down to the dining room. Kostas and Cosima stop murmuring between them and look at me with an unfriendly face. I sit at the table and observe that it is served with food for about fifteen people.
Alex comes in with an authoritative air, he smiles pleased to see me already sitting in my place and falls nonchalantly into his, right in front of me.
—I'm flattered you’ve been punctual. - He murmurs but I grimace back at him.
Cosima comes over and addresses him in a few words, he shakes his head and replies in what must be Greek. Then she and Kostas leave the dining room.
—Something’s wrong? Why are your servants in a bad mood? - I ask.
Alex compresses his lips and looks at me, a hard expression on his face.
—They are upset because I have decided to send them to take care of another of my properties. Eleni's behavior towards you these last few days has been disrespectful to say the least. I know it was your idea to go out to the beach a few hours ago, but she deliberately left you there. I have fired her and her grandparents are not happy with my decision.
My jaw drops. What?
—Don't you think you've been too severe? After all, we were right there, a few meters from the Villa.
—No. - He answers sharply. - You're safe in here. Out there, on that very stretch of beach, you would have been more than easy prey.
—I don't get it. What...?
He raises his hand imperiously, silencing me.
— Let's not talk about this now, I don't want to ruin your appetite. I will answer your questions later. Now eat. - He orders signaling to the impressive banquet I have in front of me.
I have no idea where to start. Everything looks delicious. I dedicate myself to filling my plate with a little of everything. Cabbage, tomato and cucumber salad; sweet corn, chicken breast, and French fries are some of the things I try. I hadn't realized how hungry I was. I suck my fingers and my gaze collides with Alex's.
He looks at me amused. His plate is empty, he is only drinks wine from a crystal goblet.
My appetite is immediately gone. I must have looked like a pig swallowing as much as I have in front of him while he watched me.
—Aren't you hungry? - I asks in a thin voice, dropping the fork on my half-empty plate.
—Not of food. - He responds looking at me with that expression that takes my breath away.
— Please don't look at me like that. - I beg, swallowing hard and looking away from him.
—Why do you always do that? Why does your mood change so easily? A second ago you were so happy. What have I done that offends you so much?
You wouldn't understand.
—Don't look at me like you want to eat me! - I yell getting up from my chair, in a sudden and unexplainable rage.
Alex stares at me impassively, swirling the wine in his hand a couple of times untill he drains it in one gulp.
— I look at you like I want to eat you. - He repeats amusedly. - You're absolutely right, little witch. I want to devour you and not only in a sexual way.
I step back in fear shaking my head.
—Are you some kind of cannibal or something?
His eyes sweep over me from head to toe, he lays the glass down on the table and stands up. With slow and measured movements he surrounds the table, coming closer to me.
—Oh no, baby. What I am is worse, much worse than that.
He approaches, stalking me, I take several cautionary steps back, in shock.
—What are you? -I whisper, my throat threatening to close in panic.
He stops a few inches from me, his evil gaze making my legs shake. Seeing how frightened I am, he decides to back up, without taking his eyes off me, giving me enough space so that I can breathe more easily. I lean against the table and watch him suspiciously.
—I said I would answer your questions but I don't think you're ready to know what I would answer to that one.
I grunt. And he smiles, a huge grin from ear to ear. The atmosphere between us, which suffocated me with an intense sense of danger a few minutes ago, is now more relaxed, playful even.
—Well, if you're not going to answer that one, I have a few others to ask you. You were there, right? You and Patrick. The night I had the accident, three years ago.
—Yes. We were there.
—A few days ago you said that I owed you my life. Does that mean you guys took me to the hospital and not the Canadian couple who allegedly reported the accident?
—No. Patrick and I didn't take you to the hospital but I did stop you from dying. The other day I lost my patience,
I shouldn't have yelled at you. I am deeply sorry for my behavior.
His expression is apologetic. I really think he's sorry. Taking advantage of this streak of sincerity on his part, I ask what I have wanted to know for days.
—Why am I here? Why can't I go home?
He looks me in the eye and his shoulders sag.
—You're here because you're in danger. I managed to keep hidden the fact that you were still alive for as long as possible, but the person who tried to murder you the first time found out and I was afraid it would be tried again.
Murder... what?!
My head is spinning, what I have eaten threatens to paralyze in my stomach.
It wasn't it an accident? Someone wants to see me dead? Who?! And more importantly ... Why?
I look at Alex with a petrified expression on my face, he, with that strange ability he possesses, guesses what I am trying to express and answers me.
—Maybe after this you may come to hate me, but I am convinced that they tried to murder you because of me.
They tried to murder you because of me.
His words echo in my head. I have spent two days thinking abou nothing else. It doesn’t make any sense. Alex and I didn't know each other before... well, before that night. It is impossible that someone wanted to kill me because of him.
And also ... How the hell am I going to be safe only inside the Villa? Does this place have a d killers- repelling force field? Couldn't anyone easily get in through the window? As I already said, Alex has to be like as crazy as an old goat, or something else is happening here. Something I can't understand.
I have locked myself in my room. Meals are left for me on a tray at the door, but every day I find myself with less and less appetite. Alex must have hired new servants, because I’ve seen a man in his sixties mowing the lawn and yesterday a woman in her mid-forties knocked on my door and in a barely understandable English asked me if I wanted tea or something else.
Two nights ago I heard a plane take off near here, I imagine that the previous servants of the Villa left on it.
Truth is, I feel guilty. I hope wherever Kostas and his family are they aren't cursing me. I sigh. I never thought that my whim of wanting to go to the beach would cost them their job.
Anyway, I know that my self-confinement can't last long. There are still many questions Alex hasn’t answered yet.
–Kyrios Philipides, I'm concerned about your guest. She has been locked in her room and has hardly eaten for two days.
Mrs. Kiriakis twists her apron in her hands, nervously. Rumors of the dismissal and Kostas and his people have spread among the island's few inhabitants. These rumors paint Yolie as an impertinent and spoiled girl, who dissatisfied with her previous servants ‘work, demanded they be fired. What a bunch of nonsense. But this last couple of days the servants I hired, being islanders, have obviously been uneasy.
They have not even had time to get to know her and have already tagged her as capricious and problematic. My little witch is anything but. I can hear her... she's depressed and sad, that's why she doesn’t eat much. She blames herself for what happened to Eleni and longs for her country more and more.
She has many doubts. With respect to me, with respect to what I am, with respect to what I revealed to her the last time we were face to face and for my immense surprise she doesn't hate me. She thinks I'm crazy and she's curious to find out more about how I managed to save her life.
Well...Maybe this evening my little witch will eat some, if I bring her dinner to bed.