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Chapter 3 (Marlon) – Dirtball

Marlon could feel his wolf tugging at him. A feeling in his chest he couldn’t shake. The little slave on the ground looked incredibly thin and naked. She had run straight into Marlon’s chest, and he typically would have found her to be appalling. She had a strange scent, and her hair was black and mangled.

His eyes found hers and for a moment he couldn’t bring himself to look away. Her eyes were golden-brown and shaped like a chestnut. He could feel his wolf-self pulling him towards her, though he maintained his stance. She seemed to be nothing but a mere child; no older than 17 and yet she was affecting his wolf in only a way a mate would.

She was nothing more than a dirtball, laying nakedly in front of him.

She stared back at him with her breath growing even shakier. Her fingers trembled as she tried to pull herself to her feet, but her limbs proved to be too weak to support her weight.

The twins stood shamefully behind her, staring at Marlon with shock and guilt plain on their faces. He should have known that his sons would take interest in the new black slave. As soon as he caught wind that she would be arriving at the castle soon, he knew he had to return home to see for himself the dirtball.

Dark-furred wolves were known to be uncleansed, uneducated, and uninteresting creatures. He’d be damned if he allowed his sons to involve themselves in any sexual activities with this slave. A lot of noblemen were known to keep these wolves as sexual slaves, but the Roessler’s were not that kind of family. He wouldn’t allow his sons to become those kinds of noblemen.

A lesson would surely have to be taught.

Pulling his eyes from the young slave, he addressed his sons. They were both staring at him as though they had just seen a ghost.

Marlon knew he had to pull himself together. She was a slave. A dirtball. A dark-furred werewolf creature and there was no place for her in his manor.

“Alex… Bob…” Marlon’s voice was low. “Please come to the study in 15 minutes. We need to talk.” As if he was trying to shoo away a fly he adds. “Put her in the garden and don’t let her into the castle.”

“Yes, father!” They both said in unison.

Marlon remained in the study as the boys approached. Both were breathless from running to make it on time. They knew better than to be late to a meeting with their father.

Marlon couldn’t help the disgust on his face. He was disgusted at his sons’ audacity in trying to have sex with a black-furred slave. Dirtballs. The lowest of the low. Those types of slaves were nothing but dirty creatures and having sex with one would do nothing but pollute the noble line.

The Roessler’s weren’t the type of noble family that typically kept slaves for long. They would much rather destroy the slaves, hunting them for their own game, rather than enslaving them. The thought of keeping a slave in the house brought Marlon discomfort.

“We have spoken about this in the past. Not to touch the slaves,” Marlon began, eyeing his sons. Both their identical faces stared back in dismay. Marlon tried to keep his voice even, but anger was leaking through. “With the new palaces in the making, we cannot afford any mishaps.”

The new palaces meant there will be competitors. He won’t allow his sons to risk polluting the noble line by getting mixed up with a dirtball.

He grimaced at the thought.

“We are sorry, father,” Alex spoke for both.

Looking over at Bob, Marlon spoke directly to him. “And you… your tutor says you are failing several languages. What kind of example will you lead if you can’t pass your languages? You think your dumbass can be a leader if you can’t even pass something as simple as Latin?”

Bob’s eyes drifted down to the ground as his father continued. “You need to study harder if you want to be any kind of heir in this family.”

“Yes, sir,” Bob said softly as Alex let out an outburst of laughs.

“You both disgust me,” Marlon barked, silencing Alex’s laughter.

Marlon began rummaging through his desk without another word until he came across a couple of arm-cufflinks. Both cufflinks had small golden designs that Marlon knew to be their family symbol. He also knew that with his sons wearing these cufflinks, they wouldn’t be able to turn into their werewolf forms until they are removed.

Usually, the manor workers, such as the butler, the maids, the landscaper, the gardener, etc., would wear the cufflinks. Marlon would be damned if any of his help were able to turn into their wolf selves.

Only Marlon would be able to remove these cufflinks. He found it to be the perfect punishment for their wrongdoings. Showing them what it’s like to be imprisoned in their human forms; maybe they will gain more respect for their heritage.

Alex’s eyes widened as the cufflinks were revealed to them. They’ve had them on a few times, and the restraint nearly drove them mad. They grew weak and tired from not being able to transform. Werewolves need to transform to keep up their strength; if they don’t, then they become weak like slaves and eventually rot away.

“Tonight’s the full moon,” Alex huffed as his father approached him with a cufflink.

“Maybe this will teach you both respect,” Marlon hissed at them as he locked the cufflinks around their wrist. “Now, get out of my face,” he ordered them.

Without saying anything else, they both left.

Pleased with himself, Marlon decided that he was hungry and wanted to grab a snack from the kitchen.

He noticed a glass of milk on the table. He drank it, not realizing what it would bring him.

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