Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5 (Deonna) – Lust

It seemed to me that he was coming to me for a favor, and I didn’t see any proper reason to be obliging to his favor. He hasn’t done anything to deserve such favorable treatment and I wasn’t a commoner. I was a slave. I wasn’t put there to make his life easier and work under him, I was put there to be a slave. I was to work under the commoners and do the gutterwork until I die.

Before another word was exchanged his grip was holding onto my neck, cutting off my air supply. He shoved his body against mine and pushed me against the cold and hard concrete walls. Wincing in pain as my frail body practically snapped in half.

I could feel his erection poking through his pants and shoving into my leg.

“Because if you don’t, I will keep having my way with you as I please. I will fuck you until there is nothing left,” he hissed in a low tone in my ear.

I gave him a shaky nod as he released me, allowing me to take in a mouthful of air. He watched as I knelt over and coughed. I rubbed my throat and grimaced at the pain he had caused. My body was shaking as tears ran down my face; I tried so hard to keep them tame, but I was failing miserably.

“Do we have a deal?” He asked as if he didn’t already know that answer.

“Yes,” I said, hoarsely.

“Good. Come with me,” he ordered as he grabbed onto my chains and pulled me along with him.

Walking through the gardens, we made our way to the back entrance of the manor. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I knew if Marlon Roessler finds me in his home, I wouldn’t live long enough to help Bob anyways.

The entrance lead into a dark hallway, lit by only candlelight and decorated by a maroon carpet with a golden symbol stitched throughout. A symbol I recognized on the clothing of Roessler men including Marlon. The walls were filled with portraits of former Masters and Mistresses of the Roessler family. Including the beautiful Ashley Roessler with her golden hair and fair yet bright features.

We rounded the perimeter of the hallway and entered a more open room. I was instantly hit with the sweet smell of freshly baked bread and something that smelled like a pig roast. It was a mouth-watering scent that nearly made my stomach cave in from hunger.

We must have been near the kitchen.

Pushing open a door at the far end of the room, was a smaller room. It was a plain room with no windows; there wasn’t much for decorations. The floors were made of rustic hardwood and the walls were painted a beige color. There was a small bed on one side of the room with a nightstand that held a candlewick lamp. There was a couple of wooden dressers and a vanity.

I couldn’t help but wonder who the room had belonged to. It obviously wasn’t a room that was currently being used, or Bob wouldn’t have taken me here. I remembered Bob muttering something about a grocery room on our walk here. This confused me because there wasn’t any groceries insight. Then again, maybe it was called a grocery room because it was the room closest to the kitchen.

The smell of the food through the vents indicated that my theory was close in theory.

“You’re going to sleep in here for tonight. You won’t make a sound. If they knew you were here, they’d have both of our heads,” Bob told me.

“They won’t find me here?” I asked, hesitantly.

“They don’t typically come into this room,” he answered. “My tutor will be here tomorrow for my lessons. We will go over the details in the morning, but you are going to help me cheat through it until my final exam.” I nodded slowly in agreement. “Get some rest; I need your brain to be sharp for tomorrow.”

Bob turned away from me and began walking out the doorway.

“Oh, and slave?” he said, as I made my way to the bed. “Don’t try anything stupid.” His warning lay thick in the air as he left me to sit here with my thoughts.

I wouldn’t dare and try anything stupid, knowing my fate was in his hands. My fate was in all their hands. One wrong move and it could end my entire life.

However, Bob needs my brain to be sharp for the morning, but he couldn’t have bothered to feed me. What kind of help would I be if I starved to death?

The only thing I’ve eaten the last few days was the rotting animal corpse the slave farm provided. I could feel my stomach caving in on itself and my wolf senses were illuminated.

but I wasn’t hearing any voices coming through the vents that lead into the kitchen, so it was probably empty. I had to be close if I was staying in the grocery room. I also noticed that he didn’t lock the door, which meant he most likely didn’t have any keys to do so.

Pushing open the door that led into the wide-ranged hallway, I decided to follow the scent of the food. Growing up in the commoner community, I had to teach myself to be stealthy and quiet to survive, so sneaking around wasn’t anything new to me. I wasn’t expecting to be gone long; I’d be able to grab a bit to eat and be back in the chamber before anyone even noticed.

I found the kitchen with ease and was relieved to see that I was right, and no one was in there. I quietly made my way over to the counter and saw that there was a plate of the half-eaten pig roast, along with some mixed vegetables. It didn’t look like it’s been sitting there that long, and I silently cursed the fact the Roessler family can waste such delicious-looking food.

Or any food.

Next to the plate was a half cup of milk that looked to be freshly produced. I slowly nibbled on the pork, allowing the sweetness to wash over my tongue. I sipped the milk generously and then continued to eat from the plate. Munching on the vegetables, I began to get full. It didn’t take long for me to fill up considering my stomach wasn’t that big.

Not too long afterward though, I began to feel warm. Taking another sip of the milk, my cheeks began to flush, and I thought I might pass out. I held onto the countertop to keep my balance; I realized soon enough that it wasn’t faint I was feeling. My entire body felt as though I was on a heatwave; I could feel the heat rushing to my head.

I felt lustful.

Before I could make my way back to the grocery room, I ran into a familiar strong-built man. The same chest I ran into not even a few hours before that.

Marlon Roessler.

But this time I didn’t fall over; he caught me before I could hit the ground. He was holding me in a tender embrace. He didn’t appear angry or disgusted as he did when I first ran into him. His body was also heated, and his eyes showed something that I didn’t recognize.


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