Chapter 3 ~ Samantha contd

“I just wanted to thank you for the drink Mr. Douglass. It was not necessary.” Trying to make sure my voice did not betray me and show how mesmerized I was by his presence.

With a deep rugged accent that I could yet find he said. “Lachlan, please call me Lachlan. Would ye like to join me…?” He motioned towards the booth.

“Sam…Samantha Thornsdale.” Unbuttoning his vest, he let me scoot to the middle of the booth and followed after. He sat close to me and though his leg barely touched mine I could feel his body heat scorching my thigh.

“How’s yer drink, Samantha?” Placing his arms over the back of the chair he asked.

“Perfect, thank you.” I took a sip and sighed at the feeling of the amber liquid slightly burned my throat as it went down. I closed my eyes and let all my worries leave me with just that one sip. Opening my eyes, I found him looking at me.

He smiled with an intensity still lingering in his eyes. “Hard day?”

“If you only knew.” My phone rang again, I quickly look at the caller id and immediately send it to voice mail.

“Try me?” Lachlan took a sip of his own drink.

“I would not want to bore you and it would likely ruin the moment.”

He took a sip of his own drink before he said in a deep husky almost whisper, “Ye do nae bore me, Samantha. Quite the opposite. Ye fascinate me. I’ve watched ye sitting at, what I believe is yer usual spot, always drinking the same sparkling lemon water. Never something stronger than that except… tonight. Why the change?”

My heart started beating in a frenzy. I’m not one to back down, not to anyone, but this man expressed some kind power and sexiness that I have never seen before. Yet my phone interrupts again my train of thoughts. Without hesitation I send it yet again to voicemail.

I can see he wants to ask me about why I don’t answer my phone. After a few moments of silence, he said, “Ye doubt me?”

“How can I doubt you when I don’t know you? We have just met and though you kindly bought me a drink, it doesn’t mean that I will willingly tell you everything about my life.”

He leaned in closer and in a deep husky accented voice said, “We can fix that. What do ye want to know?”

Before I was able to answer my stomach betrayed me and growled. Seeing him arch an eyebrow I blushed. Me? Blush? Never! And yet here I was sitting next to a complete stranger and I was blushing like a 13 year old school girl. This man made me a complete idiot. His masculinity was so fucking sexy.

“Sorry, I skipped lunch today. Had a tough never ending day.” I quickly replied to his questionable look underneath a raised eyebrow.

“No need to apologize. So that means that ye have yet to dine tonight, am I right?” I nodded. “I was about to have my own meal, but I am willing, if ye agree, to share my table. We can take the opportunity to get to know one another some more.”

With some of my confidence back I accepted his suggestion. “Why not? We both do need to eat.”

“Perfect. Shall we go?” I nodded. He moved out of the both, buttoned his vest and hand out his hand for me to take.

My phone rang yet again. I quickly look at my phone and once again for the 4th time that night I decline the call. You would think by this time he would get the meaning that I am not willing nor wanting to talk to him?

I noticed as we walk out the bar, that he hadn’t paid, but said nothing for he must have a running tab. We walked out together and I saw Mary give me a big smile and two thumbs up. I could not help to chuckle at her and roll my eyes. Lachlan game me a questionable look and I just shrugged it off. During our walk towards the restaurant he had his hand placed on my lower back gently guiding me forward. As the hostess greeted us he brought me closer to him sliding his hand over my waist. I tried to hide the effect his touch had on me. A mere touch gave me shivers and I was enjoying the feelings it gave me.

We were seated and handed our menus. “Would ye care for some wine with the meal Samantha?” Lachlan asked.

“Depends on what I’m having, but a St-Estephe would be just perfect.” I said as I placed my phone inside my vest pocket.

He smiled and ordered a bottle. “While we wait our bottle tell me, Samantha, what is it that ye do that has made ye skip your lunch? Does it have something to do with the numerous calls ye have declined throughout the evening?”

I leaned back and crossed my legs and try very hard to avoid the topic of my persistent caller. “I’m a cardio-thoracic surgeon, specialized in pediatrics.” I take a long sip of the cold water glass the waiter poured before walking away with our order. “I had a long day, actually I’ve had 11 long months. Tonight is my first night off since I came back to this town and I can finally breathe and enjoy myself. First real drink since my arrival.”

“This Is very impressive, bòidhchead (beauty). Yet ye did nae answer my second question. I can only imagine that it’s a sensitive topic and very private.”

“Both and to be honest I rather not talk about it. As for my career it is nothing a few years of hitting the books will do for you.”

“Modest too.” I smiled at his words. “And how would ye like to enjoy the rest of our evening?”

My phone rings and I decline after making sure it is the same caller. “Truthfully I would like to go dancing. I haven’t had a good night of dancing in years. Are you game?” I stared back at his eyes that slightly hooded.

He leaned closer and in my ear he said, “I am and what about afterwards, what would you like to do?”

“Let us see how things go for now.” I gave him a small smile.

“As yer heart shall desire, mo bòidhchead (my beauty).”

With his words a strong shiver passed my body and settled at my core. “And what about you Lachlan, what is it that you do?” I tightly pressed my legs together.

A devilishly grin appeared on his lips before he responded, “I’m a businessman.”

“That is vast.”

“My job is vast.” He took a sip of his drink. “My family owns a couple of clubs, restaurants, and even some hotels. Not to mention other venues. Here in the states, England and Scotland.” So that’s where that accent comes from. The rugged Scottish accent, grrr. I looked around the room and he nodded leaning in towards me. “Aye we own this hotel, but the staff does nae know of it. As the CEO, I often like to stay at one of our hotels and see how the staff is doing. How they react…to certain situations.”

It was my turn to lean into the conversation. “So you are spying on your employees?”

“In a way…aye.”

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