Unrequited Love
Josie's POV (Continued)
"Josie?" Someone tapped my cheek over and over, calling my name urgently.
When I couldn't take the tapping anymore, I held their hand and grumbled "I'll live if you stop hitting me."
A soft exhalation displaced wisps of my hair before my head was lifted gently. I opened my eyes to see wide blue eyes an exact replica of my own gazing back at me. Anna.
My sister won the jackpot in the gene lottery. She had skin so fair and pale, it was milky white. Delicate features and pretty blue eyes reminiscent of the blue sky. I was the washed out version of her.
I got nothing of mother's features but everything from dad and let me tell you, my father is no looker. But today, Anna's pretty features were marred by anguish, her eyes wide as saucers and filled to the brim with unshed tears.
"What's wrong A..." I started to say before it all came back to me. The men. Dad! I rushed to my feet, pausing to let the room stop moving before surveying the almost undisturbed room. If my mother wasn't on the sofa crying, I'd believe the last hour or so hadn't happened. "Where's dad?"
"They took him." Anna's breath hitched as she forced the words out. "We need to call the police." I announced as I searched for my phone. 'Dang.' I muttered when I found no phone after patting my pockets. It must be in my room. I will just go and....
"No." Her furious roar froze me in place. Anna and I whirled to face our mum who was out and out shaking.
We rushed over as a unit and surrounded her. It took several minutes before we were able to make sense of her words.
"No you can't. You don't understand. Vladimir." She hiccuped loudly. "He'll kill him. I know he will. The police won't do anything." She went on and on but after that, I couldn't make heads or tails of what she was saying.
Vladimir. The heavily accented man had mentioned that name earlier, just before he clocked father in the face. Who was he and why did he kidnap my father?
Anna was barely consoling mother now since she was already bawling her own eyes out as well. Making an instant decision, I ran back to my room.
My phone was right where I'd left it on the nightstand. Opening it, I tapped the only number on speed dial. It took three rings before he picked up.
"Shouldn't you be in bed right now?" He drawled in a husky voice.
It was past two in the morning but I could hear loud music blaring in the background. Of course he wasn't home, the man was a night owl.
"My dad's been kidnapped. Can you come to our house? Please?"
"What? When did this happen? Are you okay?" I could hear him moving even as asked questions.
"They just came and bundled him away. Mum is out of her mind with worry and Anna isn't fairing much better. Please get here quick." I was ashamed to feel tears rolling down my face.
"I will be with you in half an hour." He hung up without another word.
I crashed into my bed and worried my teeth. What was going on? Was dad safe? What was I saying? Of course he wasn't safe with those dangerous men! I doubted they took him because they wanted to have a tea party.
When I trudged back into the living room once again, Anna and mum were exactly as I'd left them. The doorbell rang and they both jumped simultaneously. He was here.
"I'll get it." I announced before either of them could move.
"What if it's them again?" Anna mumbled into mum's shoulder.
"I truly doubt that Anna." I replied dryly. If it was them, why would they ring the doorbell when they hadn't bothered to knock the last time? "Besides I'm expecting someone." On the other side of the door was a tall man clad in black leather pants and a white polo. He was a lithe man with a runner's build and brown shaggy locks. Mysterious brown eyes that I wanted to get lost in completed the handsome package that was Grayson Callahan. The man I've been in love with since I was fourteen.
"Hey." His expressive face shot me a worried smile as he hurried past me into the house.
"Grayson!" Anna yelled as she ran into his waiting arms.
He enveloped her in his snug, thick arms and murmured comforting words into her hair. He patted her back and crushed her even harder to him. I glanced away as my heart clenched painfully. I should be used to this already, but somehow, seeing them together hurt a lot worse than the previous day.
Anna was a beautiful girl and she was delicate both in build and emotions. Of course it made sense that Grayson was always hovering around her instead of a wallflower like me. Knowing that doesn't lessen the pain though, not at all. All it did was twist the knife in my heart harder.
"Josie? I told you not to tell anyone." Mother whispered accusingly. I nearly jumped out of my skin to find mother standing next to me.
"You didn't. You only told me not to call the police." And technically speaking, I hadn't called the police.
"He's in the army!"
"Yes and he's a family friend. We need help and he can help." I whisper shouted back.
"Thanks for coming Grayson. We've been at our wit's end." I hollered, breaking apart the hug that blazed past decent five minutes ago.
Anna flushed before batting her eyelashes at him. Shameless, that's what she was. How was he to ever notice me if she was always throwing herself at him?
Grayson stared at me sheepishly. I bet he already forgot about why he was here the second he saw Anna. Oh, to have the power to make him lose his focus like that.
"How did this happen? Do you know who could have done something like this?" Grayson asked after clearing his throat for a few seconds.
Right. We were supposed to be seaeching for my kidnapped father, not thinking unkind words about my sister.
Anna launched into the sordid take before I could say a word. He listened to her, his eyes rapt on her face. The same eyes that always looked over me, no matter what I did to make them notice me.
"Who is Vladimir?" Grayson voiced the same question that had been running through my mind all night.
Mother continued staring into space on her sofa, effectively ignoring the three of us. That was not happening. Marching into her line of sight determinedly, I crouched to be eye level with her and proclaimed inmy steadiest voice,
"You know who did this mother. If you don't tell us and something happened to him, his blood will be on your hands, do you understand?" She blanched but I was unmoved. She could be a drama queen when she wanted and I was too upset to take the time out to soothe her pride. I needed answers and I needed them now.
A small eternity later, she stated haltingly. "The man who sent those men to kidnap your father, his name is Vladimir Sedof, and he did it because your father stole from him."