Josie's POV(Continued)
Grayson could keep his secrets-for now. My focus lay solely on the enigma that was Vladimir Sedof, the man I was yet to meet but was already turning my life on its head. I snapped my phone out and scrolled to my 'stagram page, typing furiously. I had less than a thousand followers, but the good news was that, I had followers who had celebrities as friends, followers like my sister. Just last week, Anna was followed by Roger Simps, lead singer of direction. Not only has she caught the attention of a member of a popular boyband, this boyband have twenty million plus followers! All I needed was to get Anna to repost my 'stagram story and I will show Vladimir Sedof the power of social media.
Finger poised on the post button, my immediate obstacle made itself known. Anna was a wuss. She was probably going to go straight to mother with it and then mum and Grayson were going to yell the heavens down on me. Mum and Grayson would be mad at me, there was no way to work around that, but if Anna refused to help me, this story will simply be just another rumour roaming in cyberspace, and my brilliant plan to ruffle Vladimir Sedof where he was hiding will be dead in the water.
No! I couldn't allow that to happen.
Hitting the delete button with a vengeance, I shut off my phone and paced angrily. What was I to do now?
Making Vladimir uncomfortable enough he had to come and see me, if for nothing else but to shut off the public agitations was the only solution I could come up with, but how in God's name was I supposed to make the public agitate on my behalf?
Wait.....what if the news didn't come from me?
I opened my phone and scrolled back to my page again, this time going through my friends list. I knew of only one other person who could do what I wanted and do it well. RuPaul Carrington.
He was the third son of an actual lord but he was a veritable vagabond who smoked like a chimney, had more tattoos than sense and loved his dresses. The Lord was not only displeased with him, but he in actual fact disowned him. Penniless and broke, Jason alias RuPaul had sold himself for a while on the street when his weasling ways got him not just in bed with everyone but in their secrets too. He became an informant for every journalist in town. He has cleaned up his act now and is actually getting a degree in journalism but he has his own online blog with a huge following and that was what I needed.
My phone's screen lit up with an incoming call and my heart literally stopped when I saw my boss's name flash across the screen. Oh, shoot! I was meant to start my new job today. In the midst of all the horrors of last night, the gallery had completely slipped my mind. I swiped right and accepted the call and wondered how to explain the precarious situation to Mrs Lou.
"Josie? Are you alright?"
"Yes ma'am, I'm perfectly fine." I replied immediately and wondered what she'd heard that made her worry about me.
"If you are perfectly fine, why have you chosen to skip your first day? I expected better from you."
"I'm sorry about that. It's just that I had a family emergency..."
"Really? What happened?" Her tone became concerned again and I wniced.
"Um... I... It's a bit complicated.. I can't really tell you what it is right now."
"You don't know what your emergency is or you can't tell me? Well, that excuse is new, if nothing else." She hung up on me before I could say anything else.