chapter 3
I pushed myself to a seated position with a smile, laughing slightly as a new thought entered my mind, I could become something corrupt with power and hate like the vampires, something that craved blood. But, I could also become someone good, someone that the people and my father would be proud of, who would fight for what she believed in, for her home. To protect the innocence in the land and rid it of the evil. Could I fight as my brothers did, become someone that the army would need? Kill those who fought to destroy my father’s kingdom, our home.
Yes. – I smiled inwardly as I tucked a loose strand of my coppery hair behind my ears, pride swelling in my chest – I could become more than just another wife, I could be a warrior, go with the soldiers into battle and stand proud beside my father.
Surely while doing so I could still remain good, as pure hearted as I had began. After all, Mother Nature shunned the immortal creatures, removing them from the stars so that when they were destroyed their only place in the universe would be with the demonic beings of hell. Something black and dark with no soul, no place among the gods.
Who are you kidding? – I asked myself harshly, my smile fading – your father will never allow you to fight, you have just barely turned thirteen. I can’t fight in the war. I’m not even trained.
My head snapped towards the door as a soft knock echoed through my chamber, someone calling for my attention from beyond the safety of my solitude. “Sanctus?” a soft voice called, “May we enter?”
My smile returned at the voice, knowing that it was my eldest sister Marcella. I replied slowly, shuffling towards the edge of my bed as I kept my voice soothing and low. “Of course, sister, please come in.”
The door clicked open at a hesitant pace, my smile remaining as I moved to wrap a silk black night gown around my shoulders, the night dress seeming almost inappropriate in the presence of my sister. I turned to glance towards Marcella, her crystal blue eyes scanning the chamber before landing on me, her extravagant plum dress almost taking my breath away. Marcella was always gifted with new gowns, both by our father and her suitors. I stepped towards her, moving to stand on my tiptoes as I planted a gentle kiss on her rosy pink cheek, a greeting that showed both affection and maturity. Marcella returned the kiss, though her affection was not the same, her distaste for the manner I had presented myself in clear. Taking a step back, I examined my sister with the same scrutiny that she did me, only I found no fault in her appearance; her vibrant yellow hair piled in curls on the top of her head while my copper mass stretched in waves down to the bottom of my back; frizzy and knotted.
My father’s eldest daughter was someone of beauty and extravagance, her hourglass frame just the right height as the plum gown produced her every curve expertly; her breasts only just modest as they pushed through the top of the gown. I turned my head away from her, not surprised when my eyes landed on the second eldest sister, Flo; her eyes as vibrant and wild as the sky, the blue almost rising from her eyes and brightening the room. Just like Marcella, Flo wore a new gown, the colour a deep red as it clung to her petite frame, her beauty something I could only dream of. Her strawberry curls pinned back into a tight bun, her face painted as all the others; her cheeks appearing almost red from the powder.
“Marcella, Flo; how sweet it is for you to visit my chamber.” I greeted after a moment of silence, lightly kissing Flo on her cheek before taking another step back; my movements that of a graceful dance.
I suppose the lessons do pay off – I sighed inwardly, neatly folding my hands before me – though why would my sisterscome here? They never pay visits to my chamber, at least not as far as I can remember. What with Marcella’s suitors requiring her constant attention and Flo never leaving her side.
Flo smiled, brightening my bed chamber with her gleaming white teeth as she spoke; her voice like freshly made silk. “Why little sister, you missed breakfast, we were most concerned for your wellbeing.”
I nodded as Flo spoke, pleased by her concern; though still confused. Flo had never visited my chamber on whim, neither has Marcella. Their schedules much too hectic to entertain their youngest sibling, especially when most believed me to be a curse on our bloodline; what with our mother’s death and my unnatural abilities.
“And besides, father asked us to check in on you; most inconvenient really, I did have an appointment with Chancellor Graham.” Marcella added, her tone appearing bitter as she spoke; answering my silent questions.
Ignoring her clear scrutiny, I forced my tone to once again remain soft and sweet; my voice mimicking that of a cats purr. “Dear sister I did not mean to inconvenience you, nor take you away from your busy schedule; though as you can see I am quite well.”
Flo’s smile only grew as I spoke, her eyes darkening as she turned towards Marcella; scorning her in the best way that a princess could. With words dipped in delicate tones. “Sister, do not upset Sanctus in such a manner, it is our duty to care for her. Have you forgotten your duty in the midst of your suitors?”
I smiled as Marcella turned towards Flo, shocked by her abrupt scorning as her eyes widened. “No sister, I know my duties as you know yours, I am displeased with my manner towards our dear Sanctus and apologize immediately.”
Of course my sister did not expect her to take my side, not with all of their whisperings that I was a demon, which I found out from those loyal to my father, who also disagreed with their relentless gossiping. I bobbed my head as Marcella turned towards me, showing her that I forgave her untoward behaviour. After all, everyone had a slip of the tongue every once in a while; even princesses with all of our training.
“You are forgiven sister, I also apologize for taking away your time, though I wished to remain in my chamber for the morning, I am afraid I was indeed filled with the need to sleep for a while longer.” I explained, carefully tucking my knotted hair behind my ears.
Flo’s smile only grew with my words, her fondness for me lightening my mood; if only slightly. “Well then, it appears you are now ready to take the day, I assume your need to watch the day pass in your bed has passed?”
I chuckled, shaking my head as I grasped my robe tighter; pushing my long coppery hair over my shoulders. “Yes sister, the feeling has indeed passed.”
Marcella nodded, moving towards the door as she spoke; her tone soft and yet commanding, resembling that of her own guardian. “You should really dress, father wishes to speak with you.”
I nodded silently towards Marcella before turning towards Flo, my smile returning as I once again lifted onto my tiptoes to plant a soft kiss on her cheek; bidding her farewell. Flo smiled, gently returning the kiss as she patted the top of my head; elegantly following our sister towards the door.
Once they left I turned to glance around my vast chamber, still believing that it was far too much space for just one person, even if I was a princess. I shook my head at how unnecessary it all seemed and took a deep breath, carefully stepping towards the dark oak wardrobe. I reached in, gently grasping the first dress that I came across; a slim fitting emerald green gown, the sweet heart neckline one of my favourites. Quickly moving into my large en-suite bathroom, I locked the door behind me; ensuring that no one could enter unless I allowed them access; which I would not.