Chapter 9
“Is there nothing we can do My Liege?” Derrick questioned, briefly glancing towards me as his eyes darkened; the promise of battle looming in the air.
“We can fight Derrick. Until the last man has fallen.” The king growled, slamming his fist into his other hand with determination as he continued to pace. My father only came to a halt when I approached him, causing his eyes to soften as he spoke. “Rid your mind of worry daughter, I will ensure that no harm will come to you or your sisters to the best of my ability. We have never lost a battle, and I doubt that we ever will. But precautions must be taken now that our allies have abandoned us, do you understand?”
I bobbed my head, my eyes filled with sorrow as I moved to hug my father, entwining my hands with his. “Yes father, I understand; though I cannot help but to fear for your safety as I always do.”
My father smiled, gently lifting my chin as he spoke; planting a light kiss onto my forehead. “I will be fine daughter; do not worry for me but for the enemy. I do not take kindly to beingattacked on my own doorstep.”
I giggled, remembering what had happened to the last army who dared to strike the city, my tone light. “Yes father I do believe you are right, anyone who attacks our home must be prepared to be struck down. Especially with you at the head of the army.”
He nodded in agreement, affectionately pulling me into his arms. “Exactly, we simply cannot lose.”
I stood just outside the walls of the castle, waiting to hear news of my father. Only hours after our conversation Mortem had sent a vast amount of his army barrelling towards the city, eight of my brothers and my father riding out to meet them on the battlefield. Yet, hours had passed and no more news had reached my ears. Derrick had stood with me for hours before venturing off into the city, leaving me to stand on my own; without the company of anyone to comfort my racing heart. Hoping that they would return soon, I turned, strolling back into the castle and moving towards the grand hall, praying that the council members could tell me some information on how the fighting was going. Father took what was left of his army through the city, holding his head up and striding past the people with pride; though I knew he feared for all of our safety. Feared for his life and the life of his children.
I attempted to push my mind away from the raging battle that persisted just beyond the great walls of my home, though it seemed to be an impossible task. What would become of our people if my father lost? If he died in battle and the vampires took over? Shaking my head, I stepped into the vast hall, ignoring everyone other than my eldest brother John who stood by the throne, our father ordering him to stay behind.
John stood over a foot taller than me, his eyes grassy green as he turned to gaze down at me; his broad shoulders plated in armour. Ignoring the fact that he was clearly dressed for battle, I hugged my brother; pouring all of my love into the simple gesture. This year he would be almost twenty six, though thus far he had shown no interest in marrying or taking our fathers throne; his only interest fighting in the endless wars.
John returned the hug, his shoulder length blonde hair clinging to his metal armour as he spoke; his tone soft and welcoming. “Sister. I did not expect to see you in here.”
I shook my head, smiling up at my brother as I took a step back; attempting to ignore the long sword that he held by his side, as though he also waited for news. “Nor did I brother, though I came to see if you have heard anything of father.”
My brother shook his head, briefly glancing towards the scowling council members before he replied; his tone short and rough. “I’m afraid not, though the hour is moving swiftly on sister, why not get some rest? I will send Derrick for you when I hear anything.”
“Very well brother, please inform me the moment you hear something. I do worry.” I nodded, knowing not to argue with my brother whilst the council members were in ear shot, their blackened hearts only waiting for a moment when they could betray my father’s trust; neither one of my brothers ever trusting their empty loyalty.
“Of course, now please, get some rest Sanctus.” John smiled, dismissing me with his hand as he moved to stand by the council; his shoulders stiffening when I began to stroll back towards the door.
I had expected more of a conversation with my brother, though that was a lot to ask from him when his mind also wandered to the makeshift battlefield that lay just beyond the safety of the city. I walked slowly towards my chamber, my eyes shifting towards the family portraits, each of them filled with masked smiles. Paintings were something of elegance that only people with a vast income could be supplied with, though taking hours to complete as I and my siblings had to stay in one place; a scolding reaching our ears whenever we moved. Yet, I could also see the sadness deep in the eyes of my family and I, the pictures creating a false reality of happiness
. Though really, who could be that happy, without their smile faltering even once.
My brothers stood proud beside my father in armour, though their eyes spoke of a deep sadness, something that I did not understand. Perhaps it rang of all they had seen on the battlefield, of all the lives that they had taken to protect their people, their home. But if that was the cause, then why? Why must men always fight to gain honour and power? Could they not be happy with the lives that they had without having to kill another man to gain something else.
My father held the same eyes in every portrait, the artist giving of the impression that his smile had been forced, and anyone who knew my father for who he was would believe it to be so.
I turned away from the portraits with a sigh, once again walking down the lonely halls as my mind continued to wander. I did not want to know what would happen if my father lost, if our armies were destroyed, but the reality of the situation continued to strike at my heart. Warning me that perhaps my hope may be misplaced and I should prepare for the worst. Prepare for death. After all, it seemed selfish of me to ignore it, as though my ignorance could be to blame for all of this. For all the death that was to come. No, I could not ignore the battles, nor the war. I had to worry and fret with all the other women in our city, praying that our loved ones would return alive. Though as most battles go, most will not; their lives lost in the midst of war. Each soul sent to the afterlife in brutality and hatred.
I slowly lowered myself down onto the large canopy bed in my chamber, closing my eyes in an attempt to sleep. Though time dragged on, no one coming to inform me of my father’s return as the night drew on; the sun appearing over the horizon.
Another noght without sleep, and another day i must face on the brink of war.