
Stretching her tired arms in the air while soaking in a warm bubble bath. After unplugging the tub to let the water drained slowly, Gina reluctantly stepped out damping her wet skin with a fresh linen towel. She purred in satisfaction after being refreshed throwing on a silk violet nightgown and proceeded to crawl into bed and pulled over her relaxing into a long awaited sound sleep. Sadly, wicked darkness engulfed everything down the line, bit by bit. As usual fear taunted her mind firm hands clammed on her spine rubbing simultaneously it felt rough and harsh like sand paper peeling off her skin.

Darkness suddenly formed into a human figure. The vague image of the perpetrator vanished quick as dust. Her breath was getting short, too short. She felt a sudden touch against her skin again making her shudder. Who are you? The veiled figure started to unmasked itself clearing the air. A conspicuous voice, chiseled sculpted temples, dimples at the corner jaws, ocean- irises beaming conspicuously. She was numb. Alexander? Her limbs were rendered immobile all she could do was arch and grunt.

The bell sound from the alarm like a trumpet frightening Gina’s out of her dream. She jammed her fist hard on the alarm button. “You're the most awful device ever invented!” She cursed upset at the machine on the side table. Today, she and Alex were supposed meet with the contractor to discuss the arrangements for the company site. She jumped out of bed and called room service for some breakfast. After finishing a room order of buttermilk waffles and coffee, she readied to meet her boss in twenty minutes. While standing in front the mirror combing her hair she wondered her why he invaded her dreams/nightmare.

“You mean aside from him possibly being a half man half monster?” Her intrusive subconscious spoke. The endless episodes of horrible nightmares casted a tough, ill-minded phase in her life and a straining grapple her thankfully eventually got over in one piece.

It was funny how after dreaming such petrifying image of him, she still had the non-relinquishing urge to fuck him. Whenever she got such impulses they were always eventually satisfied. She packed her Chanel bag with her necessities and left her suite walking down the hall. She remembered how she blew him off last night. She was one hell of a tease for certain playing with the fresh meat before going in for the kill. He must have felt wholly rejected and embarrassed. He was use to women throwing themselves at his feet not to complain, though, that was the type of arrogance in men she enjoyed squashing. He wasn’t going to call it quits after just one turn down. When a man was denied something it made him want it even more.

She strolled into the shining lobby where she sighted her boss on a swivel chair busy on his iPhone, she took a seat next to him waiting for him to complete his conversation over the phone and acknowledge her presence.

“I must be leaving now, my limousine is waiting for me outside,” he said without looking at her putting the smartphone in his jacket pocket.

“Good morning, to you too, Mr. Forester, don’t you mean, we must leaving?” She retorted, mad at his rudeness.

“No, if I did, I would have said so. Ms. Castello.”

He drew the words coldly making her raise her eyebrows at him.

“I will not be requiring your services, today, I’ve been informed that the contractor speaks perfect English and I would prefer to meet him alone, thank you.” He went on, still cold as ice.

“I see, well in the future, I would rather to have to be given an earlier notice of any alterations made to our schedule, it’s only professional to do so.” She said calmly.

“As you wish, Ms. Castello, my apologies for misleading you, I’m sure you wouldn’t have done the same. Feel free to entertain yourself since you’re not needed today.” He said dryly, heading towards the exit.

Ouch! So that’s his idea of getting even? He was acting like a baby vexed he couldn't have a pretty toy. Anyhow, she would definitely have no trouble entertaining herself, as he had suggested.

The drive back to the hotel wasn’t long enough for Alex to completely process the discoveries presented to him this evening. Josh was a real professional, that’s for sure, probably one of the very best. He could find dirt on someone even in a snow storm, anyone at all down to the president of the United States or Mother Theresa. He could find a little on even the cleanest person, still, what he dug up for Alex this time could not had been anymore more unbelievable. “She’s one piece of work alright, a big time seductress,” he laughed hysterically to himself pouring a fourth glass of Jack Daniels and loosening his tie.

He drank out the utter amazement and surprise. He had guessed she had some dirty little secrets hidden in her closet but nothing like this. Miss Hot Vixen had gone through at least thirty highly ranked corporate executives.

According to Josh the names he emailed him were the only ones he could scurry up on short notice, meaning he guessed there were even more and these were just the tip of the iceberg. “That Gina is like a modern day courtesan,” he smirked remembering he simulated his libido then left him so callously alone in the bar. That will be the last time she walks away from him, given what he has on her now. He opened his briefcase and took another look at the names on the photocopied files, some were past associates of his, others, he knew through elite contacts or friends. “She’s going to be shocked out of her mind,” he chuckled vengefully. “And imagine she was stringing him along like a fool when he should have been her next conquest? Or was it apart of her manipulative game?” Didn’t matter, tonight he’ll have her under his hook and get a fair turn with her in between the sheets, one way or the other.

Alex arrived at the hotel almost tottering his way to his room floor; he had clearly overdone it with the Jack Daniels. Strange, he wasn’t usually careless with liquor. Before inserting his key card he glanced across to the opposite door and wondered if Gina was sleeping already. Perhaps it would be better to wait until morning, after two cups of coffee to get rid of the promising hangover.

“Mr. Forester?” He spun around and found the woman he was thinking on minutes ago. He scrutinized her from top to bottom thoroughly making no effort to appear the slightest bit discreet with his observation. Gina was standing there in the hall covered in only a pink robe with the Ritz’s spa label. “I thought I insisted against such formalities,” he reverted. The scent of jasmine invaded his nostrils. He noticed her hair was expertly done along with an immaculate French manicure and pedicure.

“I wasn’t aware if it still applied, Alex.” she smiled sweetly.

“Of course it does, Gina, forgive me this morning was I tad grumpy. You see, I simply had a terrible night couldn’t get any sleep at all.” Before she could say anything he moved closer.

“Did you have a nice day at the spa?” He pointed out the pampering she had gotten.

“You’re forgiven, and yes I did, in fact,” she replied, going to unlock her door.

“Why don’t I come in so you can me tell all about it, maybe recommend something to give me a good night’s rest?”

“Excuse me.”

“Did you get a full body massage? I hope a bikini wax?” He leaned into her anchoring his arm on the door making her smell the strong, scent of alcohol coming off his breathe.

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