Shamelessly Clever
“You must have had quite a day yourself,” she said modestly.
“You have no idea,” he grinned evilly, she was lost.
“I think, it would be best that you go to your own room, Alex, I have no doubt you’ll have no trouble getting some sleep.”
“Okay, right after we discuss some very important things with you about my evenings proceedings.” he gazed intensely at her shiny green eyes. “We can do so tomorrow,” she persisted.
“No, we do it right now, it’s still early and I’m sufficiently sober,” he snatched the key card out of her hand and pushed passed her opening the door to enter the suite. “What do think you’re doing? You ask before barging into a lady’s room like that!” She shouted in rage at his boorish behavior, first getting drunk then this stunt.
“Lady,” he smirked at the word, while removing a water bottle from the mini fridge.
“Tell me, by any chance, did you and Ryan Somos occupy this very room, you know when both of you were here in July?” Her eyes widened in surprise.
“How…that is none of your business, whatsoever,” she spat, folding her hands across her chest. Alex could hardly wait to reveal everything he knew, humiliate and uncover the slut she really was. He drank the water quickly then continued.
“What about Alan Winters or David Ross, maybe, Danny Vinsini?”
“That’s enough, Forester,” she hissed, getting angrier and angrier but she managed to keep herself calm.
“You don’t discriminate when it comes to bedmates, I’ll give you that much,” he chuckled, finishing the water.
“I’m confused yet curious at the same time, though, yesterday you gave me mixed signals then turned me down, why? I am of a higher caliber than most of these men, don’t you think?”
She began to laugh at him. “So, you shove those names in my face, because you want to know why you can’t be on the list.” His mouth twisted into a sour scowl. How in the world did she manage to switch things around making him look like the fool, worst, a pathetic-desperate fool?
“Shameless woman,” he remarked moving his head from side to side.
“Shamelessly clever, Mr. Forester,” she grinned putting hands on her waist making her way to the bed where she sat.
“So let me guess, you hired one of your dogs to look into me. Impressive, but my personal records are a thing of privacy.”
Alex drew closer to her he noticed her cool behavior. She didn’t appear jilted or guilty in the least at what he had uncovered about her. Why wasn’t she? Any completely sane woman would be humiliated if they had this much dirty laundry thrown in their face. “Perhaps, you haven’t quite grasped the situation you are presently in, Ms. Castello.” She clearly needed some reawakening to crush that spunky boldness of hers.
“What is it you want from me, Alexander? My personal life has nothing to do with our arrangement here and I already told you, it’s none of your concern.” She crossed her bare legs. How dear she behave so sassy, so…SHAMELESS? That’s it I had it, time to bring you down from whatever pedestal you’re on.
He calmly sat beside her and trailed his index finger over her lips. “And if it wasn’t so secretive any longer? Something as scandalous as this could surely tarnish everything for you, wouldn’t you agree?” He whispered slowly into her left ear. She ran her index finger on his chest. “What exactly are you saying?” She muttered in a sheepish tone.
“You’re fully aware my desire, Gina. It’s clear. I want you in my bed.” He continued whispering while circling the finger along the soft fabric covering her breast. “I’m a very powerful man. Everything I found out today can be publicised with the snap of a finger. If you’ll accept my invitation you can worry about nothing being leaked.” He kissed her mouth, hot and possessive, reaching into the slit of the robe. She held the sides of his head and deepened the kiss tasting a mixture of whiskey and peppermint. She swirled her tongue over his making both of them moan. Her hands ran through his smooth hair he pushed her back to the bed weighing over her. “Wait. I need protection, first,” she breathed out hedging for him to release her as he reluctantly did so. Alex must have hit his forehead. Shit! How could he let himself get so out of control to forget about sexual responsibility?
“You’re not on the pill?”
“Of course I am, but that’s not the type of protection I meant,” she said moving to the corner of the room where she appeared to be putting the combination to the hotel safe that was hooked on the wall. Okay. In all fairness he should be the one taking extra precaution. But he held his tongue worried it would kill the good mood, especially while barely enduring the stemming hardness between his legs.
“You know normal people keep their condoms box.” He jested but she didn’t laugh or chuckle. “Protection means more than just rubber, Alexander.”
“I’ll show you, this is a must for me,” she unlocked the safe and pulled out a long envelope and handed him it. He was doubly confused but went along and unsealed the wide envelope which contained four pieces of paper. “This is...” he trailed off reading the first sentence.
This Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made of ________________by and between Gina Castello (the “First party”), and Alexander Forester (“Second party”). Each party has disclosed and/or may further disclose its Confidential Information (as defined below) to the other in connection with the Relationship (as defined below) pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. As used herein, the term “Discloser” shall refer to Gina Castello whenever the context refers to the first party´s Confidential Information being disclosed to second party, which is referred to as “Recipient” in that context. Conversely, the term “Discloser” shall refer to Alexander Forester whenever the context refers to the second party’s Confidential Information being disclosed to the first party, which is referred to as “Recipient” in that context.
Purpose. The parties wish to explore a possible personal opportunity of mutual interest [regarding matters of an intimate nature] (the “Relationship”) in connection with which Discloser has disclosed and/or may further disclose its Confidential Information (as defined below) to Recipient. This Agreement is intended to allow the parties to continue to discuss and evaluate the Relationship while protecting Discloser’s Confidential Information (including Confidential Information previously disclosed to Recipient) against unauthorized use or disclosure.
Definition of Confidential Information. “Confidential Information” means any oral, written, graphic or machine-readable information, technical data including, but not limited to, that which relates to private records, business plans, discloser´s company financial/confidential information agreements with third parties, employees, friends and family which Confidential Information is designated in writing to be confidential or proprietary, or if given orally, is confirmed in writing as having been disclosed as confidential or proprietary. [Notwithstanding any failure to so identify it, however, all of the private information of each discloser shall be Confidential Information]
[Regulation FD. Recipient understands that Discloser’s Confidential Information as well as the existence of the discussions concerning the Relationship and the terms of the Relationship being contemplated by the parties may be deemed material non-public information and that it is unlawful for Recipient to, and Recipient has no intention to disclose while Recipient is in possession of such material non-public information.]
[Non-Acceptance of Confidential Information; No Compensation. Recipient shall have the right to refuse to accept any Confidential Information tendered by Discloser, and nothing in this Agreement shall obligate Recipient to accept any such Confidential Information. Recipient shall not compensate Discloser for receiving any Confidential Information under this Agreement.]
Nondisclosure of Confidential Information.
Recipient agrees not to use any Confidential Information disclosed to it by Discloser for its own use or for any purpose other than to carry out discussions concerning, and the undertaking of, the Relationship. Recipient shall not disclose or permit disclosure of any Confidential Information of Discloser to third parties or to employees of Recipient, other than persons who are required to have the information in order to carry out the discussions regarding the Relationship. Recipient agrees that it shall take reasonable measures to protect the secrecy of and avoid disclosure or use of Confidential Information of Discloser in order to prevent it from falling into the public domain or the possession of persons other than those persons authorized under this Agreement to have any such information. Such measures shall include the degree of care that Recipient utilizes to protect its own Confidential Information of a similar nature. Recipient agrees to notify Discloser of any misuse, misappropriation or unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information of Discloser which may come to Recipient’s attention.
Exceptions: Notwithstanding the above, Recipient shall not have liability to Discloser with regard to any Confidential Information that the [Recipient] can prove:
a) was in the public domain at the time it was disclosed or has entered the public domain through no fault of Recipient;
b) was known to Recipient, without restriction, at the time of disclosure, as demonstrated by files in existence at the time of disclosure;
c) [was independently developed by Recipient without any use of the Confidential Information, as demonstrated by files created at the time of such independent development;]
d) [is disclosed generally to third parties by Discloser without restrictions similar to those contained in this Agreement;]
e) becomes known to Recipient, without restriction, from a source other than Discloser without breach of this Agreement by Recipient and otherwise not in violation of Discloser’s rights;
f) is disclosed with the prior written approval of Discloser; or
g) is disclosed pursuant to the order or requirement of a court, administrative agency, or other governmental body; provided, however, that Recipient shall provide prompt notice of such court order or requirement to Discloser to enable Discloser to seek a protective order or otherwise prevent or restrict such disclosure.
- Return of Materials. [Recipient agrees, except as otherwise expressly authorized by Discloser, not to make any copies or duplicates of any Confidential Information.] Any materials or documents that have been furnished by Discloser to Recipient in connection with the Relationship shall be promptly returned by Recipient, accompanied by all copies of such documentation, within ten (10) days after (a) the Relationship has been rejected or concluded or (b) the written request of Discloser[; provided, however, that Recipient may at its option retain one (1) copy of such materials or documents for archival purposes only].
“A NDA, I take privacy very seriously, as does my lawyer,” she supplied.
Takes it seriously, more like to the maximum. He swallowed nervously, drying his perspiring forehead. “Gina, darling,” she held up an index in opposition to whatever he was planning on saying to her. “Continue reading,” she said in a commanding tone. He did as she requested.